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Happy Thanksgiving!

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I just want to wish all the members and their families the happiest and safest Thankgiving. I know our neighbors to the north in Canada celebrate, but I am not sure if any other countries reconized this special holiday for us here in the states. So, If you do, HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND BE SAFE! If you dont, TAKE A MOMENT TO BE THANKFUL FOR ALL THE BLESSINGS IN YOUR LIFE AND BE SAFE! Remember it's not about turkey, football or parades, it's about family , friends and looking at all you have been blessed with. It may not be money, but can be the smallest of things in your life. I know I have many blessing I sometimes forget, but I am grateful for.....How about you? :)

Hello Goodbye:
Those are nice thoughts, Larry.  That is what Thanksgiving is all about.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Happy late Thanksgivng everyone! I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving! I had a lot of company at my house for Thanksgiving and ended up driving out of town till Monday. Overall, I had a great Thanksgiving! It is great to be back on the forum, I missed all of you!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! This is my favorite holiday and I'm extra thankful this year, due to some good news on the health front.  :)

Happy Thanksgiving all! We do have a lot to be thankful for. Our families, freinds and even our challenges as they make us better for meeting them! I'm making a point to count them more often.


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