Paul sings a duet with John via "Get Back" footage

Started by Normandie, Apr 29, 2022, 03:30 PM

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I thought this was moving. The actual "duet" begins around 3:46:


Sorry, mods; I thought I'd posted that in the "Paul" section.


I saw that as well, can't wait, less than 6 weeks away



I'm jealous! Please report on it after you've seen the show.

Euan Buchan


Loco Mo

Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend.


It's a sweet gesture. Well put together too. Unfortunately that footage seems to confirm that the Covid  break hasn't done anything to help Paul's voice.  :'(


Quote from: Moogmodule on May 04, 2022, 01:20 AM
It's a sweet gesture. Well put together too. Unfortunately that footage seems to confirm that the Covid  break hasn't done anything to help Paul's voice.  :'(
Whew; I thought I was the only one. I thought his voice sounded weaker, but I'm not one to guess.


I wonder if Paul ever considered the potential effects on his voice of smoking marijuana. I suppose that, if he did, he didn't care, or at least, he didn't care enough to give it up.   

Hello Goodbye


Cigarette smoking also affected his voice.
I can stay till it's time to go


Quote from: Hello Goodbye on Aug 01, 2022, 06:14 PM
Cigarette smoking also affected his voice.

I've read that some singers prefer the quality that cigarette smoking lends to their voice (e.g., rougher/raspier).

Hello Goodbye

I can stay till it's time to go

Hello Goodbye

I can stay till it's time to go


I'm hoping he does this in November. It'd be great if he adopted the old video of John singing the middle 8 of We Can Work It Out. But I'd be more than happy with I've Got A Feeling.

All You Need Is Love