Pete Best

Started by pc31, Mar 16, 2004, 07:49 PM

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So, according to this news Paul and Pete did meet recently:

QuoteSir Paul backs the Casbah in new promo film
[Press release] -- "I think it's a good idea to let people know about the Casbah. They know about the Cavern, they know about some of those things, but the Casbah was the place where all that started," said Sir Paul McCartney.

The Casbah Coffee Club was not just the starting block for popular cultures greatest music phenomenon, The Beatles, but it was the place where Liverpool's sound was nurtured, and encouraged to grow. Liverpool's first BEAT CLUB launched practically every group that became synonymous with Mersey Beat, and put Liverpool on the musical world map.

A new five-minute film featuring Sir Paul McCartney, Rory and Pete Best, Neil Aspinall, and Cynthia Lennon is to be released on Friday the 11th of May 2007. The film can only be viewed at the following Liverpool locations:

The Casbah Coffee Club, West Derby Village, recently awarded English Heritage status.
The Beatle Story, Albert Dock.
The 08 Place, Whitechapel.

More information:


I'm excited! But... I can see they're in a film together, but did they actually meet? I would expect it's a collection of separate interviews.
All you've got to do is choose love.  That's how I live it now.  I learned a long time ago, I can feed the birds in my garden.  I can't feed them all. -- Ringo Starr, Rolling Stone magazine, May 2007<br />


Quote from: 551I'm excited! But... I can see they're in a film together, but did they actually meet? I would expect it's a collection of separate interviews.

That's true. I'm quite sure someone will post it on youtube.

Andy Smith

Be interesting to hear what they had to say. ::)

          Turn off your mind, Relax and float downstream. It is not dying


No, I think he'll come clean at last!

PAUL: The real reason why we wanted Pete Best out of the group was... [answer interrupted by static that looks suspiciously like the kind that interrupted Brian Epstein's apology to the Manillan people about why the Beatles never made it to the Royal Palace...]

PAUL: ...and that is the complete and total truth. Now, at last, it's clear!
All you've got to do is choose love.  That's how I live it now.  I learned a long time ago, I can feed the birds in my garden.  I can't feed them all. -- Ringo Starr, Rolling Stone magazine, May 2007<br />


clever girl what!!!


Quote from: 297Pete Best on TV ... long time ago ... funny ... in the mid-1960s as a guest on a TV show ...

Here you are:

I've reuploaded this clip here:

I was not aware until a short while ago that Pete Best BBC recordings still existed. They do. Use some fukking symbols Pete.



Interview with Pete and Mona Best:



Bless him. His mum's speaking up for him!! :)


It looks like Pete can hardly speak for himself!

Bill Harry

 Here is an excerpt of a piece I wrote about Pete:

    On Wednesday 15 August 1962, following their lunchtime gig at the Cavern, Pete asked John what time he and Neil Aspinall would collect him for the customary lift in the van the next day. John said:


Quote from: 63Interview with Pete and Mona Best:


"I haven't seen him for Donkey's Years"?

Is that what he said? Is that a Liverpudlian thing? If so, I LOVE it!!

Also, I'd never heard the expression about being "a bit niggled" before, that's great too!

I love John,
I love Paul,
And George and Ringo,
I love them all!



Quote from: 1062Here is an excerpt of a piece I wrote about Pete:

    On Wednesday 15 August 1962, following their lunchtime gig at the Cavern, Pete asked John what time he and Neil Aspinall would collect him for the customary lift in the van the next day. John said:
I love John,
I love Paul,
And George and Ringo,
I love them all!
