Pet Peeves

Started by , Apr 19, 2004, 11:40 AM

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What things really get on your nerves?

I hate it when people chew their food loud. It's gross and annoying.


Me to. anyway my pet peves are people not actions. I hate Arch Liberals and there ideas about polotics.
Adam Priestle

I don't pay attention to politics.

I hate when I go to the movies and I get some loudmouth sitting anywhere near me. It seems to happen everytime I go. I'm gonna have to stop going to the movies and just rent them. That way I won't be annoyed.


[quote by=colleen,m=1082392820,s=2 date=1082402167]I don't pay attention to politics.

I hate when I go to the movies and I get some loudmouth sitting anywhere near me. It seems to happen everytime I go. I'm gonna have to stop going to the movies and just rent them. That way I won't be annoyed.[/quote]

That reminds me. On time we were going in to the movies and there was this couple and they were walking really slowly even though the movie already started. so we said excuse us were trying to gt through but they just continued on. so when there was a chance we squesed through. then the guy got pissed and he started to act all tough and he was cussing at us, using the F word, and wanting to start a fight. we didn't push anything and just sat down in a seat, but he was still cusing at us so my dad went and got one of the movie crew and he took care of it.

That reminds me of another story.

We were going to the mall and this couple was walking in the middle of the parking lot. we squessed right pass the women. when we got out the man started to pick a fight because he thought we almost hit his gal. his gal was trying to calm him and then we just walked away.

To sume it up. i hate people who think there better then everybody else.
Adam Priestle

The End

Moral of the story - stop squeezing past people!!!! LOL

Drivers who pull out in front of you when you're doing the speed limit, then go 5 mph.

I'm just glad I don't own a weapon.

Yeah, or they happen to be on their cell phone as they are doing that.  What about drivers who don't bother signalling? The signals were put there for a reason. Use them.


I hate people that chew gum when you talk to 'em, so I guess I hate a big part of the world's population

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[quote by=Bruno,m=1082392820,s=7 date=1082405979]I hate people that chew gum when you talk to 'em, so I guess I hate a big part of the world's population[/quote]

And they crack and snap their gum? I hate that.

Geez, a lot of things annoy me.

The End

This thread annoys me!!! LOL ;) Just kidding!!!


[quote by=colleen,m=1082392820,s=8 date=1082406137]

And they crack and snap their gum? I hate that.

Geez, a lot of things annoy me.


yes (scream3)

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John's TOP 10 Pet Peeves:

10) People who do not buckle their kids in the car (you see their kids moving all around as you're driving behind them)

9) People who send you chain letters via email

8) People who do not say, "Thank you."

7) People who speed up (in a car) to get in front of you then drive at a snail's pace

6) People who don't turn off their cell phone at the movies (or at least turn on vibrate)

5) People who play games, IE: ask your opinion on something then analyze it.
A working class hero is something to be...

John Lennon


oh yeah, good point John, those chain letters by email are annoying and I have like two or three ppl that send me chain mail every day

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I agree with everything on that list.

One thing that makes me really mad is when you see dogs left in cars in the parking lot of a mall on a hot summer day.


[quote by=colleen,m=1082392820,s=13 date=1082406977]I agree with everything on that list.

One thing that makes me really mad is when you see dogs left in cars in the parking lot of a mall on a hot summer day. [/quote]

I always see that when I go to the mall, what's worst is that it seems people do that only in the spring/summer and not in the winter or fall when the temperature is nicer for that kind of situation

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