DM's Beatles forums

Solo forums => Paul McCartney => Topic started by: Wayne L. on May 25, 2004, 04:42:46 PM

Title: Paul McCartney : solo artist
Post by: Wayne L. on May 25, 2004, 04:42:46 PM
I think Sir Paul McCartney is one of the greatest singers, songwriters, musicians & performers of all time with few equals who has kept himself in the spotlight since the breakup of the Beatles over 30 years ago because he has never strayed away from the mainstream as a solo artist along with his band Wings which is why as a former Beatle & rock legend of the highest degree his art for making music & getting publicity after all these years is amazing.  I think Paul had his ups & downs as a solo artist as well as with his band Wings even though they're not discussed too much since he has recorded & released some of the greatest pop, rock & schlock ever made with his first solo album McCartney signalling his direction after the Beatles with a few great tracks like Every Night, Teddy Boy & Maybe I'm Amazed but mosty mediocre.  I haven't heard all of McCartney's albums but I have heard most of them which is why I think Wild Life is one of his most underrated masterpieces while Band On The Run is creatively, musically & artistically Paul at his finest which he never surpassed but At The Speed Of Sound & London Town are mediocre albums with only a few great tracks like Beware My Love & Cafe On The Left Bank.  When it comes to Paul's hit singles as a solo artist & with his band Wings I think most of them have been pop schlock of the lowest common denominator as in Another Day, Silly Love Songs, Listen To What The Man Said, With A Little Luck, Ebony & Ivory, No More Lonely Nights(excluding Dave Gilmour's guitar solo) & Press with only a few exceptions like Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, Hi Hi Hi, My Love, Junior's Farm, Band On The Run, Mull Of Kintyre, Goodnight Tonight & Coming Up(live version).  I'm looking forward to listening to Venus & Mars, Flowers In The Dirt, Off The Ground, Run Devil Run & Driving Rain when I get the chance along with his live albums Paul Is Live & Back In the USA but I had Wings Over America which I got for Christmas back in 76 which rocked my world at the time showcasing Paul at his finest which is why he was the king of pop during the 70's before the other guy except he knew how to rock with the best of'em as in the live version of Hi Hi Hi.