Who would you meet?

Started by BeatleMania2004, Mar 10, 2004, 02:34 AM

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I just wondered if you could have met any one of the Beatles, who would it have been and why? Also, what would you say to them???


Only one Cause I'd like to meet them all! But if it has to be one I'd choose George. He was such a great guitarist and I'd like to his view of Paul and John. about there relationship through anothers eyes. How he dealt with not being a main Beatle, but more of a side man.
Adam Priestle


That's a hard question for me.  I'd like to meet them all.  If I had to choose one, it would be John.  I'd discuss my two passions:  Cars and Music, and maybe women as well.....

A working class hero is something to be...

John Lennon

Crazy Diamond

I'd discuss music. :D

I always figured John, for many reasons.


I would like to meet John.

Then I would like to meet Paul in his younger days and drool all over him.
Beatle Ssarah on the forum,
Everyday she posts some more on.
Sometimes triv and sometimes questions,
Chooses tracks and lists the best uns!


I'd talk about anything and everything with him.



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i would like to meet all four of them because the four together form the beatles , a magnific group but one of them alone is much interesting, though they all made some good songs when they separated...but maybe i would meet John, he was a god man, but i would like to meet George too, he was an excellent guitarist...anyway...the one i would less like to see would be ringo

hmmmmmm....thats tough, of the living beatles I'd like to meet Paul cause he wrote so much.  And if I could meet either John or George..........man thats tough, John was so influential in his time but he was also pretty abstract, and I really like George because he's such an awesome musician but I'd probably have to go with Lennon.

Beatle Ed

I'd love to Meet John.


Ringo.He seems easier to talk to and less opinionated than the others.
I think he saw a lot of rivalry between the others and he could tell me all about it.


I'd love to meet John and talk with him about stuff... life philosophy in general... also i'd love to jam with all of them


i would rather meet a fan.colleen