How Did YOU Discover The Beatles?

Started by The End, Apr 08, 2004, 12:14 PM

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The End

When did you first hear of The Beatles? Was it through their films or maybe a track you heard on the radio? What makes their music so special to you? Can you remember what it was that suddenly made you think "wow"?

I can't remember exactly what age I was when I first heard of the Beatles. I do recall sitting watching a special on them with my parents when I was nine years old. I didn't start to listen to them until I was sixteen. My Social Studies class was doing a project on how things change over time and my friend and I chose to do music. I put together a compilation tape together of songs from the 50s to the 90s. I borrowed the Beatles "1962-1966" cassette from the library and I didn't even know what one song to put on my tape because there were so many that I liked. I finally chose "A Hard Day's Night" and "Yesterday". I got 100% on the tape :) I kept the Beatles cassette from the library for a while afterwards and made my own copy of  songs I liked. Then I was obsessed.

The End

Great story Colleen :)

I MUST remember to write on my own threads!!!! I haven't written anything about Free As A Bird/Real Love yet! Stoopid boy! :)


My dad brought me into the world of the Beatles when he bought me 1. I was a oldies fan and i knew some Beatles songs from the radio but i wasn't really into them. My dad bought me 1 because he knea i liked oldies and he liked the Beatles and He thought I would to. And What do you know I did. I was inspired by there music. It was different from the traditional oldies. so I got more and more albums to learn more about them. Know i'm a massive fan and whant to know all i can.
Adam Priestle

Wayne L.

I first became aware of the Beatles becoming a fan listening to them on the radio in the backseat of my parent's car when I was 5 years old way back in 69 even though I didn't know their history & their classic rock albums until 76 during Paul's US tour. 


i have the beatles in my blood!! my father used to listen to it since im a baby, and i never stoped listening to them after that!!!

Anderson Council

I was a teenager in the 80's and one thing I could not stand was the music.  It still drives me crazy when I hear it.  I have an older sister that I should be thankful for.  I went through her cassette tape collection one day and took some albums. Among them were some zeppelin and sabbath etc. The albums I found that changed my life in music was The Beatle's White Album and Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon.To this day these to bands remain and will remain my most favorites!!!


when I was 10 or 11 my father bought Anthology 2 as a gift for my mother and the rest is history...

I used to listen anthology 2 hours and hours.The song that got me hooked up first was Help! and then Yesterday.

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7 yrs old and my sister had the 62' to 66' double red album. I listened, I loved, I bought. post never showed up from yesterday.


Beatle Ssarah on the forum,
Everyday she posts some more on.
Sometimes triv and sometimes questions,
Chooses tracks and lists the best uns!


[quote by=misterchaz,m=1081444497,s=11 date=1081617302]In Liverpool???


I'm jelous! ??)
Adam Priestle


I first heard "Hey Jude" on my sisters box record player.  I remember watching the green apple spinning round and round.  I can't remember how many times I continued to play my sister's 45.
A working class hero is something to be...

John Lennon


[quote by=George_Fan,m=1081444497,s=14 date=1081814887]A Friend thought I'd like them because he knew I liked oldies. I had heard some of there songs but wasn't really into them. So I bought the Red and Blue collections and really liked them. I really liked the songs by George and know he's my favorite artist.[/quote]

What's your fav song.
Adam Priestle