Where Were You?

Started by somedude210, Feb 08, 2006, 02:48 PM

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I remembering hearing about it on the news.  I was a Beatle fan at the time, although not quite as much as I am now.  I just remember thinking how sad because he wasn't even really that old and should have had alot more time on this earth.  I went to work and talked about it with some co-workers who had lived through beatlemania and they were all pretty sad.  For them it was someone who they grew up with, he and the group were a part of their lives growing up and now a peice of it is gone.

I like to believe George is somewhere resting and at peace.  As we all know he was a very spiritual man, and I feel that since he knew he was sick and that the end was coming, he was able to leave his body the way he would have wanted to. I think he was at peace with it.

<br />


Quote from: 1204I like to believe George is somewhere resting and at peace.  As we all know he was a very spiritual man, and I feel that since he knew he was sick and that the end was coming, he was able to leave his body the way he would have wanted to. I think he was at peace with it.

I completely agree with you HeatherBoo.

~the guiding light in all your love shines on~


Quote from: 1204I just remember thinking how sad because he wasn't even really that old and should have had alot more time on this earth.  
So very true.

All you've got to do is choose love.  That's how I live it now.  I learned a long time ago, I can feed the birds in my garden.  I can't feed them all. -- Ringo Starr, Rolling Stone magazine, May 2007<br />


Well for some background information, I had just started to like The Beatles in the fall of 2000 with all those Beatles' 1 commercials being aired and all.  So within the next few months I fell in love with them and borrowed and listened to whatever I could get my hands on.  I remember a few months before he died my dad told me while were on the way to school that George wasn't doing too well and had cancer. At that time (I was still 9) I didn't think much of it thinking he'd pull through it.  When he actually died my mom got the Abbey Road CD and played in on our home stereo to wake us up that morning rather than waking us up by alarm clock or whatever. It was really beautiful, I still remember hearing "Something" while waking up for school. I wasn't sure what happened: I thought my mom was just playing it just to excite about the middle school dance that evening.  Then my mom came to my bed and broke the news and told me that the newsman said to play "Something" in rememberence of George's passing.  At that point you're way to numb to cry or anything it just went over my head. I had breakfast and went to school like any other day.  My mom subbed at school that day and told everyone in my class that he died and everyone knew I was such a huge fan.  I put on my brave face and acted like I was cool and everything.  That night on CNN before I got picked up to go the dance, I watched a George Harrison tribute and then I just collapsed and started to cry before the television set.  My mom tried comforting me and getting my grandfather to talk to me on the telephone (that part I don't understand) but it wasn't enough.  I pulled myself together once carpool arrived for the dance and some how I remained stoic but told everyone that today was a rough day for me since George died.  The next day, I went to a Georgia Bulldogs American football game (for you non-Americans) and they were talking about George and playing "Hey Bulldog" and "I've Got My Mind Set on You" I just quietly cried to myself on the way there. I know this is so long but it's kind of kathartic for me to talk about it. I've never really recalled that day in such a long time.  God Bless George!


On a Saturday morning, later, like around 10 or 11, turned the TV on in the kitchen to CNN and there it was!!!  I knew George was very sick.  This I have seen on some news/entertainment shows.  So really it wasn't that huge of a shock to me.  I think the time he got stabbed in the back by that intruder at his home may have brought on more complications with his health.  But still, I was thinking, "Two Beatles gone", and cried softly.........

Andy Smith

the worst day of my life when George went, it was like a part of you had been taken.
very strange feeling. i think it was by then i realised how much the Beatles and George
meant so much to me as they have always helped me!

          Turn off your mind, Relax and float downstream. It is not dying


Quote from: 614the worst day of my life when George went, it was like a part of you had been taken.
very strange feeling. i think it was by then i realised how much the Beatles and George
meant so much to me as they have always helped me!

I agree with you Andy.  

I was just in so much shock, because my Dad didn't tell me he had cancer, even though he knew. Probably because I would have went crazy if I knew there was a chance he wouldn't be here anymore. Because he was The Beatle I singled out since I knew who The Beatles were.  

But now that I'm older, I still get sad because I miss him. And I know I say this a lot but I honestly can't put into words how I feel about him and how i feel about him not being here anymore. I tell myself he's better off now, and one day I'll ( and the rest of you) will passover and coexist again in the spiritual world and be on the same plain sort of.

So, I miss him, but there is no way I would want him back in this crazy world!

~the guiding light in all your love shines on~


I wasn't a beatles fan at that time but when i became a beatles fan my uncle told me that George was dead, i was so sad i alomost cried.


I was a bit too young to fully comprehend the situation but I did cry a little. I wasn't a huge Beatles fan, only being five I think, but I was very sad when he died. My father was glum for awhile; I think George was his favorite Beatle. But then again, I cried for anyone who died, whether it was the ant I accidentally stepped on or George Harrison. I was a sensitive little kid.
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons
Ringo Starr


i didn't know about george was death alreadly when i was 9 years old):
<br />                  [size=14] I l0ve BeaTles Forever(:[/size]

fan numero uno

since i wasnt a big fan till recently, and i was only a little kid when he died, im ashamed to say i was clueless about his death. no one actually told me he was dead, and i think i just kind of figured out over the years that they couldnt ALL be alive, so it was more of finding out who was still alive rather than who was dead......but now i regret being too young and ignorant to mourn him when it happened.
Love the Beatles, and all shall be right.                avatar created by freakchic


I don't really remember it, I was too caought up in my own melodrama/being a self absorbed 12 year old.

RAIN-ed on: July 17, 2010; STARR-strucked: July 23, 2010; PAUL-inated: August 8, 2010


I was a junior at college and I was asleep in my dorm room when my mom called and I answered the phone and she was crying. She asked if I had heard and I said no and she told me to turn on my TV. This was frightening to me since two months earlier I had gotten a similar call from my boyfriend and it ended up being 9/11. I turned on the TV and it was the Today show and picture of George were going by with "Something" playing. I knew he was gone and I started crying. I was barely conceived when John died, but I imagine that would have destroyed me....George's death was more of a blessing, to put him out of his pain. John's was a tragedy.


I was in a computer lab at my college when I found out...it was really sad because I hadn't even known he had cancer!
I felt sad, but I didn't cry...I guess I was just shocked or something.

Still makes me sad :(.


George's death was a very differnt experience compared to John's murder. We knew he was ill but obviously the world wasn't told the full story. It was sort of like an uncle dying, I guess, but no less sad. It was a Saturday morning here in Australia when I heard the news. I went to the garage and did my weights as normal, but i was upset. When John died, I was 18 and it affected me a lot more.
I remember the papers had the Abbey Road photo on the front page. Also remember George Bush's reaction to the news. 'so there's only two Beatles left? That is sad',,,or something like that.  I suppose we sort of forget it was only a couple of months after 9/11.