Where Were You?

Started by The End, Mar 01, 2004, 07:32 AM

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J'avais 20 ans, étudiant en Histoire à Rennes, France. J'ai entendu la nouvelle à la radio et je n'y ai pas cru... Puis j'ai réalisé que plus rien ne serait comme avant, que cette fois, the dream is really over... J'avais connu la séparation des Beatles, mais demeurait l'espoir d'une reformation durant les seventies... En hommage, 30 ans après, j'ai modestement fait une reprise, via Grow old with me, le John doux, tender John....
John Lennon - Grow old with me


Bonjour droopy et merci pour vos mots. Problem is that English is the standard language in here, so that all people can read, discuss and react. Hope you don't mind and keep posting. Welcome aboard!


I have been a huge highly impressed Beatles fan(specifically a big John and Paul fan) since I was 9 and I started to collect their albums,I got my first Beatles book for 11th birthday and I had every album by age 13.

I was 15 and a half when this horrible insane,incomprehensible tragedy happened.I have never had ESP experiences before that I can recall.But the creepiest and strangest  thing happened to me the night he was tragically,cruelly,killed for no rational reason,but I didn't know it yet,I didn't find out until the next morning when I heard my parents watching Good Morning America and the DJ Murray The K who had been a big Beatles fan and friend of theirs was on talking about it almost crying with David Hartman.

I had enough problems I was going through and now I was devastated to learn this! But the actual night it happened about an hour before John was shot,I took a piece of paper and wrote the time which was around 9 somthing PM and the date Monday December 8 1980 and I placed it inside the Beatles book I got for my 11th birthday 4 and half years before,with some flowers which I had never done before in all of these years I owned it.

Also between 10:30 to 11 PM I was listening to The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour album,which wasn't unusual but for some unknown reason I kept playing John's song I Am The Walrus over and over again,John was shot during this time period! After I learned what happened I looked in my Beatles book at where I placed the paper with the time and date and the flowers,and it was right near John's face,and it was a group picture of The Beatles in India!

Somehow because I always loved them so much and still do,I was subconsciously intuned to something bad happening to John and was saying good-bye.


Like others, I heard about it from Howard Cosell on MNF.

This youtube clip was before they announced it on air (during a commercial break) trying to decide if they could/should tell their audience (sorry if it has been posted previously).

I was 15 at the time and have an older brother that would play a cassette of the blue album on our way (three brothers) to aunt and uncles house for Christmas Day every year (parents and grandparents in another car).

That was my first repeated listening to the Beatles which led to a lifetime of enjoyment since.

Howard Cosell Audio: Did not want to announce Lennon's death (VERY RARE)


Welcome to the forums blmeanie. ;D


thanks, no relation to the bluemeanie I've seen many posts from, lol

my very first aol account (first entry into the internet) was blmeanie, have held it ever since.  20 years, moving it from service provider to service provider.

First online gamer name was "Like pigs from a gun"   ; got tough explaining that one so for gaming I went with blmeanie as well.  My avatar was 1987 ish, handmade costumes for a Halloween party at a club in Boston (I was JL), we won first place (of course).  Hung out all night with a late 60's JL who's girlfriend was a believable Yoko too.  Good times.

Sorry about the ramble.


Like another person who posted in this thread, I was a senior in high school when John Lennon died. That night I was in my room, putting yarn around my boyfriend's class ring when I heard it announced on Monday Night Football. My first period class the next morning was a government class, led by a very outspoken and patriotic teacher. He always started class by going over current events but he didn't say a word about the most obvious one. Someone questioned him on this and he made some nasty comment about John "Lemon". Quite a few of us took exception and he started going on about the song Revolution. I never was one to speak up much but I raised my hand and asked him if he really knew what the song was about. He thought he did but I explained it to him and he was actually quite surprised. I doubt I really changed his mind but he did stop his rant which wasn't easy to do with this guy. He actually was a great teacher really but very singular in purpose.

7 of 13

that was a totally tragic event for me too. it ripped my soul apart over the next several days. i had just gotten home from work, turned on the tv set to monday night football, then got hit with the tragic announcement.
day tripper yeah


...I wasn't born then  ;sorry But I could tell you all about what I was doing on 9/11 :-\

7 of 13

Quote from: PaulieBear on Mar 28, 2011, 04:13 PM
...I wasn't born then  ;sorry But I could tell you all about what I was doing on 9/11 :-\
oh it was brutal, let me tell you. everyone was in shock you could see it in peoples faces.

i had never understood that John was the leader of the group until the media started spilling their guts about John Lennon, beatlemania, and the beatles, etc. up until then he was just a singer and songwriter and oh yes he played rhythm guitar in the band. don't laugh. good thing i suppose, i went out and bought in his own write and saw the  "james joyce style"  wordplay and the silliness that abounds, and the pictures too. that's when i realized he must be a very clever fellow, and there must be alot more going on in beatles songs, then i had even imagined. up until then strawberry fields was just that song to me, just like you've got to hide your love away, baby you're a rich man, i need you or yer blues.
day tripper yeah


Quote from: 7 of 13 on Mar 30, 2011, 12:01 PM
i need you

"I Need You By George Harrison"    ;D :P " 2ch"
And now you've changed your mind, I see no reason to change mine --Lennon/McCartney

7 of 13

Quote from: Gary910 on Mar 31, 2011, 12:03 AM
"I Need You By George Harrison"    ;D :P " 2ch"
don't know what you are trying to say there Gary910... i'm just saying that the beatles were one big cohesive inseperable whole for me, John Lennon and Macca were the major songwriters and sang most of the songs, Ringo Starr played drums, George Harrison sang some songs and back up vocals and played lead as opposed to rhythm guitar.. standard beatles mythology. i had no idea this group even needed, wanted, nor desired any leaders, their music was without exception *extremely* listenable, accessible and fun to listen to. even by this time i was well aware of the crap imitators, as most hard rock bands were more or less one hit wonders that probably had some music talent, though i admit i liked bands like quicksilver, led zeppelin and black sabbath. for the most part i could do without the rest, that is, mainstream pop. that's why i like soul music and R and B, it isn't or wasn't dragged down in mindless hypocrisy and sappy lyrical treatment..

hope that makes sense.  ;D
day tripper yeah


I was making a joke. It is a reference to the ending credits of the film "Help!". During the credits when the song credits come on, George's voice comes on and says, "I Need You by George Harrison".
And now you've changed your mind, I see no reason to change mine --Lennon/McCartney


I was John in my last life, and was reborn into this body a few years later.  I have no memory of the incident, but the same intentions, and I will continue what I came into this world to do.  ;yes
My YouTube Channel ~ Full Albums in High Quality!

Strawberry Field

I was a year and five months old. I had no idea of anything. It didn't really hit me HARD, real hard, until I became a big time Beatles fan 19 years later.

I can only imagine what I'd be feeling, what state I would be in if I was a teenager or adult in 1980. I can only imagine that the pain I feel now about the loss of John would be too enormous to bare. I can imagine my heart breaking every time I heard one of his songs on the radio. It's easy if you try.