Other forums > Different Conversations

Pet Peeves

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Drivers who pull out in front of you when you're doing the speed limit, then go 5 mph.

I'm just glad I don't own a weapon.

Yeah, or they happen to be on their cell phone as they are doing that.  What about drivers who don't bother signalling? The signals were put there for a reason. Use them.

I hate people that chew gum when you talk to 'em, so I guess I hate a big part of the world's population

[quote by=Bruno link=Blah.pl?b=conversations,m=1082392820,s=7 date=1082405979]I hate people that chew gum when you talk to 'em, so I guess I hate a big part of the world's population[/quote]

And they crack and snap their gum? I hate that.

Geez, a lot of things annoy me.

The End:
This thread annoys me!!! LOL ;) Just kidding!!!


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