How Did YOU Discover The Beatles?

Started by The End, Apr 08, 2004, 12:14 PM

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Back in 80 when i was 12 or so,john lennon was shot.I knew who the beatles were because my brothers and sister would listen to them ,so i had been exposed to them at an early age but wasn't yet listening to music.But once lennon was shot it woke me up musically and i became aware and went out and bought all the beatle albums that i could.I would come home from school and shut the door and listen to them over and over.the first album I ever bought was  67-70 with blue vinyl.


I was around 8 when I first saw "Help". It immediately made me a Beatles fan.


My oldest brother was a huge beatles fan. He was able to turn a few of us siblings on to this beatle thing.  My mother actually loves them as well-which is odd if you ever knew my mother.  So, all my life I've known quite a bit about the beatles, being that my oldest brother was my idol.  I listened to everything he had to say about them and listened to the lps continuously.  I really didn't become a "fan" until i was around 16 (the rebellious years of my youth).  The "hair band" music of that time period didn't satisfy my rebel attitude. The Poisons and Def Leppards were too fake and cookie-cutter.  The beatles were REAL.  I would get lost in "Sgt. Pepper" and "the white album".  I actually first learned about hallucinogenic drugs through the beatles.  Didn't know what LSD was until reading about the misconception of "Lucy in the Sky..."  Anyway, I could ramble on forever about the beatles.  That's my story!


I had heard bits and pieces from the day, I decided to purchase Abbey Road....unfortunately, it led to an addiction that I'm sure the rest of you all suffer as well.

"Only people know just how to talk to people. Only people know just how to change the world."


Strangely, I've always been familiar with 60s music from my mother, who felt the music died not long after - but still, she very, very seldom listened to the Beatles, therefore I wasn't very familiar with them neither. I knew the odd solo-McCartney singel and a few Beatles standards, but nothing big.

When I was about 9 years old we had this silly music teacher who was also a big Beatles fan - he taught us about the Paul is Dead hoax, and you can believe me when I tell you that is a great way to scare the wits out of 9 year olds! :o

Speaking of teachers, I remember fondly a teacher I had a few years down the line who cared passionately about music, Beatles included. He played us Blackbird and told us to feel and love each chord, each syllable... It quite opened my eyes to how great and influential music can really be. I'm very grateful to that teacher learning me to really recognise wonderful music.
You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don't need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly.
George Harrison[/righ

Vintage Wine

Hi, I'm a newbie.!  So glad to find a good Beatles site!

I'm a child of the late 60's, so the Beatles were still active and recording when I was born.  I vividly remember their breakup in 1970.  Some family friends had teenagers at the time who were in love with The Beatles and had their entire rooms covered in Beatles posters and played "The White Album" all the time.


I had always known about thier music, but starngely enough, it was Beatles cartoon reruns in the late 70's when I was in junior high that really got me turned onto them.  I bought a copy of "Yesterday and Today" and haven't looked back since...


when i was eleven or twelve, but obviously on december 8th, i heard a special about them on the radio in memoriam johns dying day. and when magical mystery tour came aloud i wasn't able to close my mouth. so i decided to become a beatles fan! this is my first love, still burning!


I went to an impersenator of the Beatles and i loved the music so i went and bought cd's and listened to them over and over again. good thing i went to the impersenator concert, i probably wouldve never liked the beatles. before that i didnt like them at all.

Paul McCartney :)


I can't remember a specific time or thing that got me into the Beatles. I just always rememer loving them. Maybe I saw the Yellow Submarine or Help when I was little and got hooked. They used to actually play those movies on t.v. But who knows. They are so EVERYWHERE it's hard not to get exposed to them at a very early age. I know six year olds that can tell you the history of the Beatles. I think I was one of them. How I came to be that way I cannot remember! I think Paul's face had a lot to do with it though. ;)


There is an radio transmitter (is this word right? I found it in a dictionary!?) which my parents listend to since I was born. Some day they made a competion between the fans of the Beatles and the fans of the Rolling Stones. It went on some weeks. I got curious and began to enjoy the fact, that they played much music of these two bands. Of couse I noticed that I like the Beatles music best and decided to buy "No. 1" (it was new this time). How you can image: after some times I listend to this music I couldn't stop doing that. ;D
Later I realised that there were songs I loved before I became a fan - there was a cover version of "michelle", the melodie if "Hey Jude" and "Yesterday" on our keyboard and some other things like that that made me a Beatles fan before I was indeed.
Sometimes I think it was destiny that I bought this record. ;)
[face=Book Antiqua]"And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make..."[/face]


I was standing on the stage in Junior High School and all these girls were screaming and squealing behind me on the gym floor about "beatles," ha ha (?)  I listened to their songs and saw that first album cover.  I was hooked too.


Like many have said here, I can't remember a specific occasion that got me into the Beatles, I've liked them since my childhood. My mother was a big Beatles fan in her youth, so I guess I've inherited my interest in the band from her.


I was 8 and a friend of my sister's was playing Love Me Do.  The next week, I saw them on the tv show Entertainment Tonight and thought they were cute.  I asked my mom about them and from then on, they have been my obsession. 

Billy Shears

i saw them on Ed when i was older cousins were having fits, i coulda cared less....the first time i really noticed beatle music was around 1968, i was 9, my friends older sister baby sat us, and we always heard rubber soul, and a stack of 45's....we " stole" these treasures and began wearing them out birthday came up and i asked for the "new" beatles album, abbey road.....then i bought them backwards, and was amazed at every album...i don't know how many times i said " wow, i didn't know they did that"....through out the 70's, i was a "beatlefreak".....collected stuff ever since
" You can't have a party without Beatles"