How Did YOU Discover The Beatles?

Started by The End, Apr 08, 2004, 12:14 PM

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My mum sent for Rubber Soul on CD cos she had got rid of all her vinyl and it just got played here and there. I was about 10 or something and it remains my favourite album!

Oh the person i should be thankful to is my fathers brother-in-law.
One summer when i was 12 i stayed with him and my fathers sister for three weeks while my parents were in Denmark.
He is the massivest Beatle fan i know (apart from me :P)
I of course had heard them before but never wondered who they were...

And he was listening to the song Strawberry Fields Forever, i asked him: What is this? And he said: The Beatles!
I went just WOOOOWWWWWW are there any other good songs made by them?
And then he showed me his collection!!

Since than, i listen to The Beatles every single day!!


How can you "discover" the Beatles??

You can discover less well known artists like Elliott Smith (and you should, dammit!), but the Beatles are everywhere, it's almost impossible to not have known them ever since your early childhood (unless you're 50+ of course).


So anyway, I've known the Beatles for as long as I can think back... But I'll tell you how I went from just liking the Beatles to becoming a real fan...

For some reason I have this thing for outtakes, demos, unreleased live tracks and stuff like that, so when I found a cheap second hand copy of "Anthology 2" somewhere I got it and then listened to it almost non-stop for at least a week. Because I didn't know half of the songs on it I of course wanted to check out then how the final versions of all these songs sounded, so I checked out the regular albums and became a fan.



Adam Priestle


The Beatles were always there. From birth. I always knew of them and loved them. Maybe The Yellow Submarine was the first time I saw them. Who knows. They used to play it every 4th of July.  I just cannot remember a time when I didn't know about them. I used to torture my friends talking about them endlessly! Well, Paul is WAY cuter than Andy Gibb! (My friends 70's heart throb)

Beatle Ed

1995 beatles anthology, my parents forced me to tape it for them. I didn't want to cus I didn't want anything to to with that friggin "old" band. Now I love them more than My parents do!!


I first discovered them on all the news coverage on the day John got killed. I remember watching TV and thinking , when I saw footage of them, that I would like to do that. Totally changed my life forever.


It's a long story, and a lot of you don't actually READ the stories anyhoo, but please stick with me:

At first I was a casual fan.  Heck, I liked the Beach Boys way better than the Beatles.  I also did not know what they were about -- I only knew of Ticket to Ride, Hello Goodbye, Penny Line, Come Together, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, She Loves You, Your Gonna Lose that Girl, Twist and Shout, A Hard Day's Night, and Yellow Submarine, their most popular ones or ones I just heard.  I didn't even know Mr. Postman, I Shoulda Known Better, and Eight Days a Week were sung by the Beatles!

That said, I watched a Beatles commercial advertising a CD they were selling.  I listened to a portion of Let It Be being played, and I had also heard my friend playing it on piano weeks prior.  I thought it sounded nice, so I found a recording of it and played it.  My God, it was beautiful.  I let it repeat about 10 times until I fell in love with that song and, more importantly, Macca.

Eventually, I came across that 60IF Paul is Dead site with "Undeniable Proof that Paul McCartney was really replaced by a lookalike", and got really freaked out: Could Let It Be be sung by an imposter?!?!?! Nooo! *ahem* Anyhoo, I eventually downloaded Beatles videos off KaZaa (including Let It Be), and became interested in the songs, so I found CDs of those songs and fell in love with them.  Then I had this dumb idea that all songs on Let It Be would be great ballads like the aforementioned song, so I looked for songs off that album.  The country thing took me a month to get over (I now love songs like Get Back), but I did listen to The Long and Winding Road and thought it was incredible.  I searched for PID clues in the songs and came across more and more songs, and now I am a fanatic with 2 Beatles shirts, an Abbey Road frame in my room, and a sketch of one of their photo shoots.

The Beatles rule :)


My uncle played them at a party. Loved em ever since.


I was aware of the Beatles for quite some time, but I didn't really get into them until a few years ago when my parents bought the White Album on CD, since they used to listen to it on LP all the time, but they didn't have it anymore.  Anyway, listening to that, as well as my cousin's Abbey Road CD and "1" compilation got me into them.


i bought some bubble gum cards..........


Well, my mom became a Beatles fan god knows when, but since before I was born. So I grew up with the Beatles. Since I could talk I've been singing Beatles songs, and I grew up being told that Paul McCartney was god's gift to the world (lol, my mom REALLY likes Paul)-I now disagree with that, but we wont go there! But anyway, my friend's sister from youth group went to London and got her this Beatle's purse, and my friend was talking about it and was like "I don't even like the beatles so i'll probably give it back to her" and I was like "I'll buy it off you!" I ended up getting it for free, but then I was at the library looking at movies and I ran across Help! so I rented it. That really made me become a huge Beatles fan.  ;D

I guess Beatles had been in my life years before I became interested. One day I was browsing for a CD and there is was, Beatles 1. I must have listened to it 5 times that day.  I was hooked, especially after I got a hold of Rubber Soul.