What's the weather like in your country or state?

Started by Wayne L., Apr 01, 2005, 08:46 AM

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Hello Goodbye

Quote from: In My Life on Oct 12, 2015, 01:55 PM
Bless my soul! I was wondering what accounted fer that! Seriously, though; I was very happy it didn't hit in your area. I was quite worried when I heard the early projected path. Sandy was my cousin's dubious birthday present in 2012!

Don't you be underestimatin' the power of a dead 'possum!  It's a might more stronger than a dead squirrel.
I can stay till it's time to go


Quote from: Hello Goodbye on Oct 12, 2015, 09:13 PM
Don't you be underestimatin' the power of a dead 'possum!  It's a might more stronger than a dead squirrel.

Oh, I won't never do that! I see what it done fer ya'll.


Almost full color, probably this week end! Neighbors had a birthday party for their son Liam.
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who really mean it!
Mark Twain


Gorgeous, Dave! I wish I could beam myself there. I miss the East so much.

Quote from: Dcazz on Oct 13, 2015, 11:08 AM
Neighbors had a birthday party for their son Liam.

I was wondering what the bouncy castle was for.  ha2ha


Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who really mean it!
Mark Twain


Very nice Dave! If I had one of those there would be passed out dogs in front of it, for sure.


My last dog Sarah D. Dogg and cat Izzy Bell used to sit side by side with their heads as far under the front of the stove as they could. I never figured out why their eyeballs didn't shrivel!
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who really mean it!
Mark Twain


Quote from: Dcazz on Oct 14, 2015, 10:35 PM
My last dog Sarah D. Dogg and cat Izzy Bell used to sit side by side with their heads as far under the front of the stove as they could. I never figured out why their eyeballs didn't shrivel!

LOL! I could use that stove tonight. The handrail for the back porch steps is all covered in ice.


We had snow squalls yesterday! did you see my post on the Black Walnut tree? I've never seen a  tree lose it's leaves so fast in my life! First frost got it!
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who really mean it!
Mark Twain


Yikes, you guys are making me nervous! Still in the mid-60s here.

Hello Goodbye

I can stay till it's time to go


Quote from: Normandie on Oct 19, 2015, 11:12 AM

Yikes, you guys are making me nervous! Still in the mid-60s here.
[/quote  Don't you get snowstorms in July or something?!
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who really mean it!
Mark Twain

Hello Goodbye

Injun Summer

John T. McCutcheon
Chicago Tribune
September 30, 1907

Yep, sonny this is sure enough Injun summer. Don't know what that is, I reckon, do you? Well, that's when all the homesick Injuns come back to play; You know, a long time ago, long afore yer granddaddy was born even, there used to be heaps of Injuns around here—thousands—millions, I reckon, far as that's concerned. Reg'lar sure 'nough Injuns—none o' yer cigar store Injuns, not much. They wuz all around here—right here where you're standin'.

Don't be skeered—hain't none around here now, leastways no live ones. They been gone this many a year.

They all went away and died, so they ain't no more left.

But every year, 'long about now, they all come back, leastways their sperrits do. They're here now. You can see 'em off across the fields. Look real hard. See that kind o' hazy misty look out yonder? Well, them's Injuns—Injun sperrits marchin' along an' dancin' in the sunlight. That's what makes that kind o' haze that's everywhere—it's jest the sperrits of the Injuns all come back. They're all around us now.

See off yonder; see them tepees? They kind o' look like corn shocks from here, but them's Injun tents, sure as you're a foot high. See 'em now? Sure, I knowed you could. Smell that smoky sort o' smell in the air? That's the campfires a-burnin' and their pipes a-goin'.

Lots o' people say it's just leaves burnin', but it ain't. It's the campfires, an' th' Injuns are hoppin' 'round 'em t'beat the old Harry.

You jest come out here tonight when the moon is hangin' over the hill off yonder an' the harvest fields is all swimmin' in the moonlight, an' you can see the Injuns and the tepees jest as plain as kin be. You can, eh? I knowed you would after a little while.

Jever notice how the leaves turn red 'bout this time o' year? That's jest another sign o' redskins. That's when an old Injun sperrit gits tired dancin' an' goes up an' squats on a leaf t'rest. Why I kin hear 'em rustlin' an' whisper in' an' creepin' 'round among the leaves all the time; an' ever' once'n a while a leaf gives way under some fat old Injun ghost and comes floatin' down to the ground. See—here's one now. See how red it is? That's the war paint rubbed off'n an Injun ghost, sure's you're born.

Purty soon all the Injuns'll go marchin' away agin, back to the happy huntin' ground, but next year you'll see 'em troopin' back—th' sky jest hazy with 'em and their campfires smolderin' away jest like they are now.

I can stay till it's time to go

Hello Goodbye

From his pipe the smoke ascending
Filled the sky with haze and vapor,
Filled the air with dreamy softness,
Gave a twinkle to the water,
Touched the rugged hills with smoothness,
Brought the tender Indian Summer
To the melancholy north-land,
In the dreary Moon of Snow-shoes.

   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
      Hiawatha 1855
I can stay till it's time to go


Quote from: Hello GoodbyeINJUN SUMMER
John T. McCutcheon
Chicago Tribune
September 30, 1907

All the people who demanded that the Chicago Tribune stop publishing this each year probably didn't know that John T. McCutcheon took this stand on segregation four years earlier: