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Beatles For Sale

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Hello Goodbye:

Well, Kev, at least you admitted it isn't a bad song.   ;D

Hello Goodbye:

--- Quote from: zipp on March 07, 2024, 10:48:02 AM ---It's a crappy song and The Beatles do a crappy version of it.

George's guitar solo idea, when fully worked out, wouldn't have saved the track but would have made it more tolerable.

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If you say so.

--- Quote from: zipp on March 07, 2024, 10:48:02 AM ---But the song obviously brings back nice memories for you which is nice.

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I guess I'm just an incurable romantic.

--- Quote from: zipp on March 07, 2024, 10:48:02 AM ---Myself I like Cry Like A Baby by the Box Tops. It's a pretty nothing song but it reminds me of my first girlfriend ...

--- End quote ---

You should have treated her better.   ;D

I don't mind Mr Moonlight as a song but the way The Beatles did it was a bit rubbish imo.
That backing reminds me of those old organs that people had in their house with Bass & drums backing, sort of like some cabaret nightclub.. My Uncle Bob had one ;D

I think BFS could've been a hundred time better if they'd worked on their own songs like World Without Love, Thinking Of Linking and heaps of others instead of the covers.

Hello Goodbye:
Paul liked the Hammond organ, Kev...

So did Rick Wakeman...


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