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Other forums => Different Conversations => Topic started by: Joost on November 01, 2004, 09:09:11 PM

Title: My dear Americans,
Post by: Joost on November 01, 2004, 09:09:11 PM
I hope you will all make the right decision tomorrow and save the entire world from four more years of complete disaster.

Thank you for your attention.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Herecomesyoursun on November 01, 2004, 09:11:44 PM
Thank you for your advice on the President, but I like my meat the way it is.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: hobbity_walrus9 on November 01, 2004, 09:14:43 PM
I hate November so much, and I completely forgot tomorrow is the 2nd. Whoever ye all vote for, I hope whoever wins makes good decisions for the country. I'm not American but I still care about what goes on.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Wayne L. on November 01, 2004, 09:39:41 PM
If Jon Bon Jovi is supporting John Kerry for president you know he's going to lose against President Bush while Bruce Springsteen is having his one last hurrah as an artist & political activist with his support for Kerry but the Vote For Change tour will backfire on the Boss.    John Kerry doesn't know what he believes in or what he stands for as a politician except that he's not George W. Bush to his naive supporters along with being a former Vietnam veteran who became an anti-war activist & a wanna be rock star in the Electras.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Herecomesyoursun on November 01, 2004, 10:43:48 PM
are you honestly mocking him because he was in some garage band??
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: RICKENBACKER325 on November 01, 2004, 11:42:44 PM
[quote by=Wayne_L.,m=1099343351,s=3 date=1099345181]If Jon Bon Jovi is supporting John Kerry for president you know he's going to lose against President Bush while Bruce Springsteen is having his one last hurrah as an artist & political activist with his support for Kerry but the Vote For Change tour will backfire on the Boss.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Wayne L. on November 01, 2004, 11:43:05 PM
Are you mocking me because Kerry was in a garage band & a wanne be rock star?
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: tkitna on November 02, 2004, 12:33:11 AM
Lets leave the politics to the politicians in my opinion. After tomorrow, we're going to still logon to this forum no matter who's in office. I have my favorite as does everyone, but its been my experience that politics, religion, and forums dont mix very well.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 02, 2004, 01:33:29 AM
This is gonna be a close one. I'll be up all night watching the returns!! Now who are the states to watch again? I always forget.  We took a schoolwide vote and Kerry won by a landslide. But then I teach in the valley so that was no big surprise. CAN'T WAIT!!
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 02, 2004, 01:35:04 AM
[quote by=Biscuit_Power,m=1099343351,s=0 date=1099343351]I hope you will all make the right decision tomorrow and save the entire world from four more years of complete disaster.

Thank you for your attention.[/quote]

Uh, thank's for the concern. I didn't know the fate of the entire world was depending on tomorrow though. Gee that's an aweful lot of pressure don't ya think? ;D

Anyway, on a side note, what do you guys think of your Prime Minister? How's he doing? When's he up for reelection?
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Herecomesyoursun on November 02, 2004, 02:37:59 AM
[quote by=Wayne_L.,m=1099343351,s=6 date=1099352585]Are you mocking me because Kerry was in a garage band & a wanne be rock star?[/quote]

damn you turned that around on me you clever dick.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Bruno on November 02, 2004, 03:37:11 AM
Wayne is back huh? Great.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 02, 2004, 04:33:00 AM
Yeah. Great. 

Personally I cannot believe this election is even close.  Where in the hell have Bush's supporters been living the last 4 years?

The whole world is watching, hoping Bush and Cheney are flushed out that office as they deserve.  I can only hope it happens.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 02, 2004, 06:05:46 AM
Yeah, but you know what the polls say Charlie. There's a lot of idiots, excuse me, people out there who believe every word Bush says. Or is told to say. I hate to admit it, but there's even a few in my family that'll vote for him no matter how much I argued for Kerry. What do you do with the brainwashed? Let's just hope Bush doesn't steal the election this time. Someone better be watching those people down in Florida!
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 02, 2004, 06:32:36 AM
[quote by=Wayne_L.,m=1099343351,s=3 date=1099345181]If Jon Bon Jovi is supporting John Kerry for president you know he's going to lose against President Bush. [/quote]

Is that why Kerry's gonna lose?? Damn that Jon Bon Jovi!!!
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 02, 2004, 07:24:24 AM
I'm going for Kerry. But I'm not into politics that much.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Wayne L. on November 02, 2004, 11:42:28 AM
I'm not one of those idiots who believes every word of political rhetoric from Bush or Kerry unlike their hardcore supporters Maccalvr.  The world isn't going to end tomorrow if President Bush is re-elected or John Kerry becomes the next president.  This presidential election isn't the most important election since I've heard that millions of times before since I became aware of politics back in 76 & voted for the first & only time in 84.  I do predict if Kerry is elected he will be only be a one term president like Bush possibly with more scandals & more trash thrown at him by his political opponents than President Bush which was over the top.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 02, 2004, 11:44:48 AM
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please
Vote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry pleaseVote For Kerry please

Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Wayne L. on November 02, 2004, 11:53:06 AM
If you're voting for John Kerry because he's in a picture with John then you're more naive than I thought. 
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 02, 2004, 12:26:45 PM
In the reason it is not me sh*ts all the same both is suited nothing, both changes anything

I am not to have to be proud, an American.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 02, 2004, 02:21:28 PM
[quote by=Wayne_L.,m=1099343351,s=16 date=1099395748]I'm not one of those idiots who believes every word of political rhetoric from Bush or Kerry unlike their hardcore supporters Maccalvr.  The world isn't going to end tomorrow if President Bush is re-elected or John Kerry becomes the next president.  This presidential election isn't the most important election since I've heard that millions of times before since I became aware of politics back in 76 . [/quote]

I didn't imply that you were Wayne. I was speaking of people I've debated with. Mainly some people in my family who DO believe everything Bush says and it's ridiculous. And I know there are more out there. (yeah, and kerry has diehard supporters too) I don't think either candidate is perfect, but sorry, I'm leaning more towards Kerry.
About the world ending tomorrow thing, I was being sarcastic as it was sort of implied in the first post about how this election could cause disaster in the world. I don't think it's THAT critical, but yeah, I do think it's an important one. And it's nice that people outside the U.S are concerned. As long as they don't start putting us down again for our choices.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 02, 2004, 03:15:41 PM
[quote by=Wayne_L.,m=1099343351,s=16 date=1099395748]I'm not one of those idiots who believes every word of political rhetoric from Bush or Kerry unlike their hardcore supporters Maccalvr.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 02, 2004, 03:17:10 PM
[quote by=Maccalvr,m=1099343351,s=20 date=1099405288]

I didn't imply that you were Wayne. I was speaking of people I've debated with. Mainly some people in my family who DO believe everything Bush says and it's ridiculous. And I know there are more out there. (yeah, and kerry has diehard supporters too) I don't think either candidate is perfect, but sorry, I'm leaning more towards Kerry.
About the world ending tomorrow thing, I was being sarcastic as it was sort of implied in the first post about how this election could cause disaster in the world. I don't think it's THAT critical, but yeah, I do think it's an important one. And it's nice that people outside the U.S are concerned. As long as they don't start putting us down again for our choices. [/quote]

When you're given a choice: broccoli or brussel sprouts, with a gun to your's tough.

Kerry is a wuss, and I think he'll be a big yawn.

But he's better than the evil Bush-Cheney.

So the choice, if one can call it that, is clear.

Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Joost on November 02, 2004, 04:48:22 PM
[quote by=misterchaz,m=1099343351,s=12 date=1099369980]Yeah. Great.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Joost on November 02, 2004, 04:49:41 PM
[quote by=RICKENBACKER325,m=1099343351,s=5 date=1099352564]
Oh yeah, I forgot he was on that top secret mission in the French Quarter testing the effects that cocaine, Jack Daniels and New Orleans prostitutes had on AWOL National Guard pilots.[/quote]

LOL.  :)
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: An Apple Beatle on November 02, 2004, 07:27:41 PM
Don't like to get involved with politics but it's pretty sad when the old rockers are wheeled out to gather 'support' but then show the rest of the world how farcical the whole thing is anyway. Arnie should stop using his movie lines too. It's agonising to watch and breeds more fear to the rest of the world to know that our lives are in these kinda peoples hands. Not much of a choice either way.
The way I see it, this IS an important election but the outcome will be the same either way. More oil franchising, more pollution, unsafer world. Thanks Bush. Thanks for making me not want to have children!!!!!!!!!!
Lets leave the problems and debt for the next generation eh Georgie JR?
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: LisaL on November 02, 2004, 09:48:24 PM
[quote by=Biscuit_Power,m=1099343351,s=23 date=1099414102]

That's exactly what 90% of Europeans think (believe me, Europe f***ing hates Bush). That's gotta say something...

If you seriously think that things have been going pretty good for the USA the last few years you must've been living on another planet or something.[/quote]

We know what's going on in our country. That's why this election is so talked about. If you're saying that our country is in bad shape because Europe hates us that's not because of Bush. It's been that way for a LONG time.  Mainly due to the superior attitude you people have which really stems from a huge inferiority complex.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Joost on November 02, 2004, 09:56:03 PM
[quote by=LisaL,m=1099343351,s=26 date=1099432104]
If you're saying that our country is in bad shape because Europe hates us [/quote]

No, that's not what I'm saying at all! What I meant was: can you really look back on everything that happened in and to the USA the last four years and come to the conclusing that those years have been pretty good?

Europe DOES NOT hate America. Most of Europe hates the current American government. That's a totally different thing.

[quote by=LisaL,m=1099343351,s=26 date=1099432104]
Mainly due to the superior attitude you people have which really stems from a huge inferiority complex. [/quote]

What the hell? WE have a superior attitude? Don't make me laugh... It's pretty safe to say that if there's one country in the world with a superior attitude, it's the US... You can't seriously deny that...

Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Herecomesyoursun on November 02, 2004, 11:46:32 PM
it aint bragging if you can back it up
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: pc31 on November 03, 2004, 12:27:59 AM
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: An Apple Beatle on November 03, 2004, 01:30:49 AM
Politics man!!!! We need a Sun King!!!!!!!!

Different strokes 4 different folks! How bout religion next on a lighter note? lol.

Lets just hope whatever it is, it's peaceful huh?

But The Walrus Was Paul!
Long day I'm off to bed.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 03, 2004, 05:17:41 AM
[quote by=Biscuit_Power,m=1099343351,s=27 date=1099432563]

No, that's not what I'm saying at all! What I meant was: can you really look back on everything that happened in and to the USA the last four years and come to the conclusing that those years have been pretty good?

*****I knew what you were saying and you're absolutely right.  Bush had made the whole world less safe.

Europe DOES NOT hate America. Most of Europe hates the current American government. That's a totally different thing.


What the hell? WE have a superior attitude? Don't make me laugh... It's pretty safe to say that if there's one country in the world with a superior attitude, it's the US... You can't seriously deny that...


Frankly if Bush wins I am ashamed of this country.  The majority who will have proven themselves to be total morons to the rest of the world.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Joost on November 03, 2004, 11:34:04 AM
[quote by=misterchaz,m=1099343351,s=31 date=1099459061]

Frankly if Bush wins I am ashamed of this country.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 03, 2004, 11:38:00 AM
Do you know who won yet?
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: An Apple Beatle on November 03, 2004, 06:51:36 PM
Unfortuneately I do.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Joost on November 03, 2004, 08:27:07 PM
Dear Americans,

Good luck for the coming 4 years.

I'm affraid you're gonna need it.

Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 03, 2004, 08:47:08 PM
[quote by=misterchaz,m=1099343351,s=31 date=1099459061]

Frankly if Bush wins I am ashamed of this country.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: RICKENBACKER325 on November 03, 2004, 09:14:27 PM
Everyone settle in and buckle up. If you thought the first four years were something, "You ain't seen nothing yet!".  Dubya's back for four more with control of the House and Senate, knowing he cant run again and cheney not having any futher political aspirations he will do things that will make the first four years look like an ice cream social, a trip to the amusement park and Barnaum and Bailey's circus all rolled into one. I do fear what this next term will bring.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 04, 2004, 02:04:53 AM
We'll live through it. We lived through the mess of vietnam, civil rights riots and Nixon didn't we?

Well, I didn't personally, but you know what I mean!
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Herecomesyoursun on November 04, 2004, 02:15:37 AM
[quote by=RICKENBACKER325,m=1099343351,s=37 date=1099516467]Everyone settle in and buckle up. If you thought the first four years were something, "You ain't seen nothing yet!".
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 04, 2004, 05:25:14 AM
[quote by=Maccalvr,m=1099343351,s=38 date=1099533893]We'll live through it. We lived through the mess of vietnam, civil rights riots and Nixon didn't we?

Well, I didn't personally, but you know what I mean![/quote]

Yeah, but some of us didn't want to go backwards and live thru that sh*t again.  Once in a lifetime is enough (and counting Reagan we're talking twice already).

Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 04, 2004, 05:33:26 AM
Yeah, I know Charlie. I'm just trying to be positive is all.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: on November 04, 2004, 05:38:06 AM
[quote by=Maccalvr,m=1099343351,s=41 date=1099546406]Yeah, I know Charlie. I'm just trying to be positive is all. [/quote]

Well, so far you're right.  By the late 70's we pretty well figured we'd never see 2000, it was this unattainable goal.  So yeah, for those of us who made it this far, we did ok I guess.
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: RICKENBACKER325 on November 04, 2004, 01:37:01 PM
[quote by=Herecomesyoursun,m=1099343351,s=39 date=1099534537]

Didn't you say you lived in Ohio?
Title: Re: My dear Americans,
Post by: Sondra on November 05, 2004, 02:33:26 AM
Heh, I'm trying to be like Paul. EVer the optimist!! ;D