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Beatles forums => The Beatles => Topic started by: Lucy In The Sky on November 07, 2004, 06:14:33 AM

Title: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 07, 2004, 06:14:33 AM
Yoko shows shocking morgue photograph on latest DVD

Lennon Corpse Outrage

I was going to write out the whole article but I might as well just say what it's about. Yoko showed a photograph of Lennon's corpse lying dead on a mortuary slab. Personally I find this a sign of her having no respect for her husband. She says the public needs to realise what a big loss it is for him to have died but I think the public has already felt this loss, for over 24 years. What about the children, don't you think this would bring pain to them seeing their daddy dead. She has already put his blood staning glasses in a museum and the clothes he was wearing as well. It's as if she wants more of his money. Greedy b****.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Sondra on November 07, 2004, 07:22:54 AM
I remember that photo. If it's the one I'm thinking of. Some orderly took it in the hospital and the National Enquieror or some rag printed it right after his death. I remember being so freaked out and shocked. That's not something a kid needs to see. Or anyone else for that matter. But I think Yoko has very strong and passionate feelings about this and sometimes acts out of pure emotion. I think she still hasn't gotten over losing him and witnexsing it no less. But this is a strange thing to do.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 07, 2004, 11:07:50 AM
True, I don't know what I would do in her shoes cause I have never been there but I don't think millions of fans need to see their idol's blood stained body.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Mrs.Nicholson on November 08, 2004, 02:51:04 AM
I'm sorry, that is....just wrong!!!!  Isn't she part of the reason why the Beatles broke up? I never really liked her anyway.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Sondra on November 08, 2004, 02:57:34 AM
You don't see anything. It looks like he's asleep. And I'm pretty sure this is the only photo taken. (the one I saw) But I could be wrong. Anyway, it is very disturbing.  Yoko was always extreme in anything she did. Maybe she feels compelled to keep this tragedy in the forefront of peoples minds. Nothing has really changed since his death in terms of gun control. I think that's too bad. Could you post a link to the article?

I'm in no way condoning Yoko's actions, but I don't know where she's coming from with this so I'm not going to bash her.....yet.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Mrs.Nicholson on November 08, 2004, 03:00:10 AM
Woaw, I'm turning into a Beatles freak, but that is ugh *shudderes*. Is that the way a rock star should be treated???
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: on November 08, 2004, 05:55:16 AM
Another bloody "lets slag off Yoko" thread, I've seen the photo. Nothing interesting, if you said that it was a picture of John asleep people would belive you. If you said it wasn't a picture of John people would probably belive you. I'm sure Yoko was a little bit more annoyed than you when she saw it across every newspaper in the world don't you? She'd just witnessed her husband being shot dead a couple of days before hand, go figure.

It's just telling the story of what happened at the time, it's on the Lennon Legend DVD for about two seconds.

Oh and get your information right when your slagging someone off. A bit of advice that would hold you in good stead for the future.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Sondra on November 08, 2004, 06:34:20 AM
Uh, I think that's pretty much what I said. Only in a more polite way. I don't think this is a slagging off Yoko thread. It's an opinion on what she has chosen to do. Some people aren't comfortable with it and have every right to express their opinion. And I agree with you about the papers putting it out right after his death. Those are the people that should be questioned for having no heart. Oh, and the jerk who snapped the picture at the hospital and sold it for money.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 08, 2004, 09:20:19 AM
[quote by=TheMasterOfGoingFaster,m=1099808073,s=6 date=1099893316]Another bloody "lets slag off Yoko" thread, I've seen the photo. Nothing interesting, if you said that it was a picture of John asleep people would belive you. If you said it wasn't a picture of John people would probably belive you. I'm sure Yoko was a little bit more annoyed than you when she saw it across every newspaper in the world don't you? She'd just witnessed her husband being shot dead a couple of days before hand, go figure.

It's just telling the story of what happened at the time, it's on the Lennon Legend DVD for about two seconds.

Oh and get your information right when your slagging someone off. A bit of advice that would hold you in good stead for the future.[/quote]

God your classic. She put it on the DVD not the media. And I do have the information considering I have all these newspaper clippings infront of me.

I wasn't slagging her off, I was just saying that it's a little bit rude. I have nothing against Yoko as I don't know her I only know OF her.

But hey, thanks for that inspiring reply. It made me laugh so hard.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lenny Pane on November 08, 2004, 11:28:47 AM
i wouldnt put anything past her ... . Whats her name again ?

Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: on November 09, 2004, 01:17:03 AM
Yes I know Yoko put it on the DVD.

It's just a picture thats been seen everywhere around the world for the past 24 years, it's the truth, it's what happened, it's old news.

No respect for her husband? The past 24 years have been a mission for her to promote John and his works. She's just telling the tale as it happened and attracting attention to what he was doing in every possible way.

Anyone would think she'd released nude pictures or something.

Some people.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Bruno on November 09, 2004, 02:53:53 AM
thats just wrong
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: number14 on November 09, 2004, 03:23:25 AM
yoko is wrong
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 09, 2004, 07:01:02 AM
[quote by=TheMasterOfGoingFaster,m=1099808073,s=10 date=1099963023]Yes I know Yoko put it on the DVD.

It's just a picture thats been seen everywhere around the world for the past 24 years, it's the truth, it's what happened, it's old news.

No respect for her husband? The past 24 years have been a mission for her to promote John and his works. She's just telling the tale as it happened and attracting attention to what he was doing in every possible way.

Anyone would think she'd released nude pictures or something.

Some people.[/quote]

In my life, it's not old news. And I personally would not want my picture of me dead to be put on any DVD, but hey, you might have a fetish for those things.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Inthelife on November 13, 2004, 08:39:02 PM
Woah that is not right. I never really hated Yoko until today.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: apple sauce on November 14, 2004, 01:17:56 AM
When John was rushed to the hospital the only way that he was recognizable was his "Beatle boots" on his feet! The fact that shock and the stark reality of John's death may have pushed Yoko into thinking there's no harm in showing John this way. He will always be young as Paul and Ringo slip into old age and he will be remembered as a marter for peace! The only rock star ever to be assasinated!
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 14, 2004, 06:15:49 AM
And that's a good
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Wayne L. on November 14, 2004, 02:19:55 PM
Even though Yoko & Linda didn't breakup the Beatles I think Yoko has been using her status as a widow of a former Beatle since John's tragic death loosely more so than the widow of Elvis Priscilla Presley.  The just released posthumous album Accoustic which kind of ruins Lennon's legacy a bit just like Menlove Avenue did before & her latest adventure is the icing on the cake showing John's corpse. 
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: SieLiebtDich on November 15, 2004, 03:28:42 AM
yoko is could she do that >:<
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: sexy sadie on November 15, 2004, 07:59:49 PM
i started crying when i saw that was too traumatic for me, im only 15...:(
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: Lucy In The Sky on November 16, 2004, 06:21:29 AM
I haven't seen it and I don't want to.
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: sexy sadie on November 16, 2004, 07:34:33 PM
Title: Re: Yoko Ono Does It Again
Post by: SieLiebtDich on November 20, 2004, 03:07:18 AM