DM's Beatles forums

Solo forums => Paul McCartney => Topic started by: NotTheWalrus on September 08, 2018, 10:48:59 PM

Title: Egypt Station
Post by: NotTheWalrus on September 08, 2018, 10:48:59 PM
Well, I for one think it's a really good album. Not his best, but an enjoyable album all the way through.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 09, 2018, 04:52:09 PM
I couldn't help but feel that George Harrison's cover art for Gone Troppo and the cover art for Paul's Egypt Station are very similar.  I posted a side-by-side view below.  Paul's cover was painted by him in 1988.  George's cover was done in 1982 by artist "Legs" Larry Smith of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band (not really an important detail but I've referenced it anyway).

I somewhat doubt that this was a conscious choice by Paul to do a similar album cover, but who knows?

Nonetheless, I find it intriguing to ponder.  Note that I had to shrink the pic in order to post it.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Euan Buchan on September 09, 2018, 05:46:24 PM
I like it I think it's one if his bests I wasn't mad keen on New a few years ago.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: nimrod on September 10, 2018, 12:20:20 AM
Yes I see what you mean Loco, I believe this title of George's refers to when he had a house in tropical north Queensland on Hamilton Island


Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 10, 2018, 03:00:07 AM
nimrod:  Gone Troppo also means "gone crazy from the heat."

However, I think it's a "happy crazy" because that's how the song sounds, just like a happy guy enjoying the sunshine on a tropical island.  It's kind of infectious because you'll start singing or dancing to it if you listen to it.  George had a knack for pleasant melodic little ditties, I think.

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 10, 2018, 03:02:57 AM
There's something very interesting I've noticed about Egypt Station.  I am wondering if anyone else has made the same observation.  I'm going to wait a day or two before I post about it.  Someone somewhere is going to make the comment sooner or later.  So, we'll see ....
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on September 10, 2018, 04:40:36 AM
I’m still listening to it. I thought I’d let it soak in before posting a detailed review. I’m probably preferring the more acoustic/ ballad numbers at the moment. I will say that Come on to You fits better as an album track than it did as a promo- single. It breezes past as a harmless,  up tempo tune. But it doesn’t bear the scrutiny it got by being part of the early release. I really wish he’d left Fuh You as a stand alone single (if he had to have it at all).
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on September 10, 2018, 10:00:15 PM
So this is out now?  Guess i'll have to listen to it.  Going in with low expectations.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on September 10, 2018, 10:34:11 PM
I may have schlepped this record way to soon.  I was just browsing through it and I like a bunch of them on initial listens.  I really liked Dominoes and loved Despite Repeated Warnings (that middle 8 is sick).  I'm going to get it and do the serious listen asap.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: zipp on September 10, 2018, 11:30:44 PM
There's something very interesting I've noticed about Egypt Station.  I am wondering if anyone else has made the same observation.  I'm going to wait a day or two before I post about it.  Someone somewhere is going to make the comment sooner or later.  So, we'll see ....

The Egyptians pretty much worshipped beetles. Maybe that's why you can see one on the cover.

They had a god called Khepri who had the head of a beetle. Khepri represents the rising sun and is Egyptian for "renewal".

You can see the rising sun on the cover too.

Paul's Grand Central Station promotional concert was 90% Beatle tunes so maybe Paul is suggesting subliminally that his new album is creatively on a par with his work with the Beatles.

And maybe Paul is trying to get back in touch with those ancient beetle gods and the Spirits of Ancient Egypt ...
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: blmeanie on September 11, 2018, 12:02:04 AM
I may have schlepped this record way to soon.  I was just browsing through it and I like a bunch of them on initial listens.  I really liked Dominoes and loved Despite Repeated Warnings (that middle 8 is sick).  I'm going to get it and do the serious listen asap.

Best news yet, I put it on a playlist in spotify but haven't had a chance yet to listen, soon.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 12, 2018, 12:54:04 AM
zipp: Thanks for the interesting comment and possible interpretations.  I didn't notice the beetle on the cover.

I'm still listening to the album.  I ran through all the songs last week and now I'm trying to re-listen to them to see if there's anything I like  roll:).  A way to know if you like a song is if you find yourself singing it after you've heard it.  So far ---- no  :(.

It's challenging.  I hope to write a review soon.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: blmeanie on September 12, 2018, 09:49:42 PM
Getting through 2nd listen right now, much improved over first.
Somehow I have grown to like I Don't Know and Come On To Me.
Happy With You is ok, kind of filler to me
I like Who Cares- need to listen again soon
Even Fuh You sounded better with it blasting in the car
Confidante- meh
People want Peace- he seems to hit this theme most albums
Hand in Hand-seems ok
Dominoes- seems ok
Back in Brazil- throw away for me
Do It Now- ok, doesn't stand out though
Caesar Rock- I like it, usually fall for songs he will do live,
Despite Repeated Warnings- long song, first 2:30 never takes off , next section is interesting, last section I like
Station II- filler
Hunt You Down/naked/c-link -first part - I like the beat and melody, lyrics off a little for me (what's with all the medleys?), 2nd part, it's ok, 3rd part - I'm a sucker for this kind of solo lead bluesy rif, sudden ending not my fav

There are no all-timers though, plenty of in ok cool songs, just nothing that is outstanding, for me at least
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on September 13, 2018, 01:04:29 AM
This album has certainly shaped up better than I expected from the singles. I’ve listened to it several times now. It holds together quite well as an album to listen all the way through, perhaps because of the one producer for all but Fuh You. I wonder if his two suite style songs at the end is an attempt to give it an Abbey Road feel.

Like BLmeanie, I haven’t found any all time great songs on it yet, but the overall standard is pretty high. With the more modern sounding tracks, and the heavy promotion (the Carpool, Karaoke thing, the surprise concerts, attention-getting Fuh You single and now his rather personal revelation about joint activities with John) I wonder if this could be one of his better selling latter day albums. Time will tell.

On first couple of listens the more acoustic/ballad songs tended to stick out more to me. Happy With You, Confidante, Dominoes, Do it Now. They all have a nice feel and easy to like melodies.

I Don’t Know still sounds the best of the singles. It has a good groove although still doesn’t rise to anything great. Come on To Me sounds better on the album. It gives an uptempo boost after the mid paced opener.

Fuh You I still wish he’d left off and kept it just as a single. I see he’s saying it’s a corruption of “For You”, and that the printed lyrics will be “I just want it Fuh You”, well, sure, but anyone listening isn’t going to be hearing that. He’s descended to Britney level with her If You Seek Amy stuff it seems.

Who Cares, Back in Brazil and Caesar Rock haven’t grabbed me as yet. Nothing wrong with them just not my thing.

People Want Peace i was prepared to dislike as his message songs are rarely his highpoints. But the chorus is pretty catchy and well arranged even if the verse is a bit bland. Musically it’s a nice track.

The last two tracks, being long suites, have good and less interesting parts. Despite Repeated Warnings builds up from a Wanderlust sounding ballad through to a synth heavy rocker before returning to the ballad. Not an uncommon structure but it works well. One of the standout tracks on the album. The opening bass heavy riff of Hunt You Down/Naked/C Link I have to say is pretty cool; it really jumps out of the speakers. Although his effects-laden vocals of the first section are a bit much. It’s the ending of this, and therefore the album, that seems odd. It peters out with a several minute slow jam. It’s ok but strikes me as a bit of a flat way to conclude the album.

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: KelMar on September 13, 2018, 01:17:58 AM
This album has certainly shaped up better than I expected from the singles.

I see it’s streaming on Amazon Prime Music. I figured I’d see what folks here had to say then I’d dive in.

Fuh You I still wish he’d left off and kept it just as a single. I see he’s saying it’s a corruption of “For You”, and that the printed lyrics will be “I just want it Fuh You”, well, sure, but anyone listening isn’t going to be hearing that.

I was hoping that’s what it meant but I don’t hear “want it”; I hear “wanna”.  ;D
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on September 13, 2018, 01:24:53 AM

I was hoping that’s what it meant but I don’t hear “want it”; I hear “wanna”.  ;D

You, me and everyone else with ears  ;)
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: KelMar on September 13, 2018, 03:51:04 AM
You, me and everyone else with ears  ;)

I just finished listen #1 of the album and by golly, I liked it. And much to my amazement, with my headphones I did hear “want it”. Well, the the first fuh you it was still “wanna” but the next fuh you yielded that elusive “want it”. I actually listened to the song again, thinking Paul had pulled a fast one with the first one but somehow that had changed the second time around. I’m probably just too suggestible. I could like that song if Paul had tried harder to find a better rhyme for feel and real.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: blmeanie on September 13, 2018, 10:46:30 AM
The thing about Fuh you - it is unnecessary to have the chorus have those choice words, good song, I cringe, not because I'm a prude but because of something Paul said in the GC interview this week- about positive wholesome messages.  This song is good , I like it, but may never like the thought of Paul being associated with an implied, real or not, F-bomb in a song
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: zipp on September 13, 2018, 07:35:51 PM
I just finished listen #1 of the album and by golly, I liked it. And much to my amazement, with my headphones I did hear “want it”. Well, the the first fuh you it was still “wanna” but the next fuh you yielded that elusive “want it”. I actually listened to the song again, thinking Paul had pulled a fast one with the first one but somehow that had changed the second time around. I’m probably just too suggestible. I could like that song if Paul had tried harder to find a better rhyme for feel and real.

I'm beginning to think this is maybe Paul's best album since Flaming Pie. To be confirmed.

I really like Fuh You. And I don't need to convince myself he's not using a four letter word!

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Hello Goodbye on September 14, 2018, 04:04:54 AM
I was hoping that’s what it meant but I don’t hear “want it”; I hear “wanna”.  ;D

Listen to Paul's patter about the very conservative and quite religious lady DJ before he sings the song at Grand Central Station... (


Here we go again! (

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on September 14, 2018, 10:31:29 AM
Damn my completist attitude.  I can buy the new CD (yes, I prefer to own actual CD's) for about $10.00 but if you want it with the 2 bonus tracks its like $23.00.  WTF?  Guess i'll be waiting for this one.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: blmeanie on September 14, 2018, 10:40:16 AM
what are the names of the two bonus tracks?
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on September 14, 2018, 10:12:16 PM
what are the names of the two bonus tracks?

'Get Started' and 'Nothing For Free'
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 14, 2018, 11:43:00 PM
If I buy it, I'd prefer to buy the deluxe version but not at the added cost which seems excessive.

I don't know about this album - I've listened to it twice and a few of the early releases more than that.  But nothing really grabs me.  I'll keep listening though.  If I get enough gumption to do it, I'll write an album review.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 15, 2018, 12:03:06 AM
Should this "Egypt Station" thread go under Microscopes?  Just wondering.

I mean if people are just conversing about an album, does that not qualify for inclusion in a Microscope?
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on September 15, 2018, 01:21:08 PM
Should this "Egypt Station" thread go under Microscopes?  Just wondering.

I mean if people are just conversing about an album, does that not qualify for inclusion in a Microscope?

A microscope is picking each song apart and then maybe giving a summary on the album as a whole.  While this thread is heading in that direction, I think we may want to allow more people to actually purchase and digest the record some (me included), since its so new.  Maybe i'm just slacking and behind the curve.  What do I know. 
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 15, 2018, 01:56:44 PM
Thanks, tkitna.  I was thinking along those lines and you confirmed it. 

What do I know.
You know a lot; you've been a major poster in this forum for a long time.  I think your thoughts and opinions are very valuable and worthy of a thoughtful person's consideration.  If a person is not thoughtful, then who knows?
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on September 22, 2018, 03:28:33 AM
No 1 debut on billboard albums for Paul. His first no 1 album since Tug of War. Well done Paul!  cheer1
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on September 23, 2018, 06:18:39 PM
Moogmodule:  I'm surprised.

No 1 debut on billboard albums for Paul. His first no 1 album since Tug of War.

I haven't listened to it for a week now.  I will try again.  I should be liking it considering its billboard ranking, shouldn't I?

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on September 23, 2018, 10:31:28 PM
It’s an odd album Loco. I’d be hard pressed to name a song in it that I’d find indispensable. But the overall record I’m really enjoying. It’s very well arranged and produced. Even with the less interesting songs there’s something in it,  like a nice instrumental turn, that hooks me. I’m happy to listen to it all the way through which I don’t do with albums that much anymore.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Mr Mustard on October 03, 2018, 12:41:04 AM
I really like it. It didn't grab me in the way that "NEW" instantly did, but after several repeated plays in the car I can honestly say there isn't a song on it I dislike. The overall standard is high and the effect is very positive, even if there are no all timers, as blmeanie said.

Can I get "Fuh You" out of the way first? I don't get these concerns over whether the lyric is "wanna" or "want it". Either "Want to" OR "Want it" work with Fuh as "For". But if it's a cheeky abbreviation of the expletive we know we're all thinking of then I'll share the laugh with Paul. I like it when he delivers an occasional V sign to his "goody goody" image. John gets critically lauded for effing and blinding way back in 1970 yet shock! horror! it may be 2018 but not our Paulie, never! Come on, this was the cheeky fellow who was singing "She's a prick teaser, she took me half the way there" with a wink and a smile fifty odd years ago.

And in a way, it's that sassy, confident, self contented vibe which pervades this album and I love it. I'm hearing a Macca very much at ease with himself, wise, mature, back on top of his game (plenty of polished melodies) but rediscovering that endearing spark of mischief which I surely detected on "NEW" and even "Memory Almost Full" before it. He's regained some of his vocal prowess too. Gone is the rather depressing self doubt and trepidation of "Driving Rain" and the tremulous uncertainty and semi-crushed spirit of "Chaos And Creation In The Back Yard" with its rather warbly, old lady vocals.

Like tkitna I gravitate towards the tangible CD (wouldn't have a clue about these mp3 download things) and as a fellow sufferer of completitis I had to get the standard and the deluxe versions. The deluxe, with those two additional cuts, was tracked down in a branch of HMV for £12.99 - a third of the price it would have cost me on Amazon.

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Bobber on October 11, 2018, 11:07:52 AM
I bought de deluxe version after all.  ;D

Funny to see what songs Paul would pick to release as singles. Come On To Me and Fuh You are by far the weakest songs on the album as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand I do like the bonus tracks. Oh well, maybe it's me.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Kevin b on October 11, 2018, 12:53:42 PM
Howdy all. I haven't bothered much with Paul since Back To The Egg, but intrigued by the good reviews and aided by Spotify gave this a listen.
I think it's good. And not "Paul good" or "good for an old bloke good" but just good.
It's refreshing honest and I think it's one of the few times you get to have a look at the real Macca. Or the Macca he wants us to see. Maybe.
The guy who produced does /did Adele and you can hear it especially in the big piano.
That at 76 or whatever that he can still knock out a decent pop album earns him plenty of kudos from me.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on October 11, 2018, 06:57:44 PM
I bought de deluxe version after all.  ;D

Funny to see what songs Paul would pick to release as singles. Come On To Me and Fuh You are by far the weakest songs on the album as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand I do like the bonus tracks. Oh well, maybe it's me.

Seems to almost always work out that way.  I still havent bought it yet.  Waiting for a better deal.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on October 12, 2018, 07:15:50 PM
Found Limited Edition for $6.50.  Its on its way.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on October 13, 2018, 12:37:09 AM

Can I get "Fuh You" out of the way first? I don't get these concerns over whether the lyric is "wanna" or "want it". Either "Want to" OR "Want it" work with Fuh as "For". But if it's a cheeky abbreviation of the expletive we know we're all thinking of then I'll share the laugh with Paul. I like it when he delivers an occasional V sign to his "goody goody" image. John gets critically lauded for effing and blinding way back in 1970 yet shock! horror! it may be 2018 but not our Paulie, never! Come on, this was the cheeky fellow who was singing "She's a prick teaser, she took me half the way there" with a wink and a smile fifty odd years ago.

And let’s not forget The King of Fuh by Apple band Brute Force.  Although I think that was a George production.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: nimrod on October 13, 2018, 03:39:29 AM
Found Limited Edition for $6.50.  Its on its way.

Wow thats cheap.  :o
Personally Im not buying it, Ive heard a couple of tracks and it doesnt really do much for me, so Id probably never play it and it would end up as a dust collector.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on October 14, 2018, 07:32:45 AM (

Ok. After seeing this I think I like this song now.  ha2ha
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: KelMar on October 15, 2018, 05:49:22 PM
Ok. After seeing this I think I like this song now.  ha2ha

Well then...

Announcing the #COTMChallenge (

Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on October 15, 2018, 09:21:57 PM
Well then...

Announcing the #COTMChallenge ([url][/url])


If there’s one thing I will never do, it’s having my dancing committed to any long lasting media.  ;)
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: KelMar on October 16, 2018, 12:12:34 AM
If there’s one thing I will never do, it’s having my dancing committed to any long lasting media.  ;)

 ha2ha You and me both!
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: blmeanie on October 19, 2018, 01:22:26 PM
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Ok. After seeing this I think I like this song now.  ha2ha

there are 3 now from Paul, quite the take back to music video days circa 80's ( (
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on October 21, 2018, 03:52:58 AM
I've cycled through this about 3 times as of now and its decent.  I think its on the same level as NEW which isnt a bad thing, but its going to take awhile.  I need about 10 more listens before I can make a definite conclusion.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on October 24, 2018, 11:55:47 PM
I'm at about 6 listens now where the songs are becoming familiar and its a good album.  I will say 'Despite Repeated Warnings' is easily the best song on the disc and one of Paul's best ones he's done in years.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on November 06, 2018, 01:56:51 AM
I’m still liking it. I put it in my top 5 Paul solo albums in a post a few weeks ago and I think I’d keep it there. I do think it’s his best produced/ arranged album in a long time.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on November 07, 2018, 05:39:58 AM
Its still in my car, but I haven't listened to it since I last posted.  I'm a bit bored with it to be honest.  Probably going to be one of those Driving Rain type CD's for me.  I like it, but don't love it.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Beatle_Ed on November 11, 2018, 02:56:43 AM
I love it all. Maybe it's a nostalgic "gee I'm so proud hes still busting out some albums" more than anything. But honestly I love Fuh You.  It makes me laugh. Like the Beatles putting "tit tit tit" in a song or something like that and daring someone to notice. Hes "getting away with it" again.  Honestly nothing is going to be better then what he has done. So I'm just sitting here clapping for the old chap.  party2
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on November 13, 2018, 08:00:14 AM
Holy smokes.  How have you been Erin?  Its been years.  Hope life is treating you well.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Beatle_Ed on November 15, 2018, 01:48:18 AM
Holy smokes.  How have you been Erin?  Its been years.  Hope life is treating you well.

I'm good!  How are you? 
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on December 08, 2018, 12:39:58 AM
Well, I thought I was gonna review this album by now.

I still hope to but I think I have to make a trip to the liquor store first.  I need to wet my whistle before I start trying to whistle along to Paul's songs on this album.

I saw a video by a millennial who totally worships this album.  There's quite a few other people who do, too.

I'm an old hippie so I need to listen in a mind-altered state.  The risk of that is I might tune in and drop out.  I don't know.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on December 08, 2018, 06:06:41 AM
Well, I thought I was gonna review this album by now.

I still hope to but I think I have to make a trip to the liquor store first.  I need to wet my whistle before I start trying to whistle along to Paul's songs on this album.

I saw a video by a millennial who totally worships this album.  There's quite a few other people who do, too.

I'm an old hippie so I need to listen in a mind-altered state.  The risk of that is I might tune in and drop out.  I don't know.

If you find yourself at Station III, go back. You’ve dropped out a wee bit far.  ;)
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: tkitna on December 09, 2018, 06:21:12 AM
I put it away.  Its boring to me.  The slower stuff isn't memorable and theres to much of it.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: NotTheWalrus on December 15, 2018, 12:55:33 PM
I think it's good. It's not the best Paul has done, but it's an enjoyable album with hooks.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: NotTheWalrus on December 16, 2018, 02:26:07 PM
PS: My current overseas trip is turning into an Egypt Station fest as Spotify and Youtube are banned in Iran, and I didn't bring much music with me. But, I have Egypt Station! :D
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on December 16, 2018, 08:44:07 PM
I’m still liking it and I stand by ranking it as one of Pauls top solo albums. That said I’m not listening to it that much anymore. But I suppose I don’t put on whole albums from any artist all that often anymore. My attention span must be shrinking with age.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Bobber on December 17, 2018, 01:12:42 PM
My attention span must be shrinking with age.

Well, if that's the only thing shrinking, you're in pretty good shape then.  ;D
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Loco Mo on December 18, 2018, 12:20:09 AM
I tried to give this another listen last night.  I had to turn it off halfway through the first song, "I don't know."

I'm not giving up.  I'll try again and again and again for as long as I live.  I promise this.
Title: Re: Egypt Station
Post by: Moogmodule on December 18, 2018, 09:50:55 PM
Well, if that's the only thing shrinking, you're in pretty good shape then.  ;D

No comment  :(