DM's Beatles forums

Solo forums => Paul McCartney => Topic started by: Loco Mo on September 25, 2020, 02:59:53 PM

Title: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Loco Mo on September 25, 2020, 02:59:53 PM
I wish Paul and Julian would record some music together.  I know there's been a taboo against this for many years.  But I think they should let go of it.  It's too late in life now for that.  It would be great to hear whatever they'd sing together.  Paul, if you're reading this, please consider it.  Hopefully, Julian would be on board with it.  If you say "no," I say "why not?"

If anything, it could be a wonderful tribute to both John and to the amazing miracle that was the Beatles.

An abridgement from Shakespeare's 18th Sonnet:
And summer's lease hath all too short a date;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor shall Death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see.
So long lives this (Beatles), and this gives life to thee."
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on September 25, 2020, 10:22:40 PM
How about Paul, Julian, Dhani and Ringo?
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Loco Mo on September 25, 2020, 11:37:01 PM
Hello:  I didn't want to push my luck so I just asked for Paul and Julian.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Moogmodule on September 25, 2020, 11:44:07 PM
Wasn’t there a rumour around Live Aid time that the remaining Beatles would play with Julian. I think Paul’s talked about it. I don’t think it got beyond scuttlebutt though. It was never really considered.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on September 26, 2020, 12:23:21 AM
Julian likes to scoot around the stage... ( (

But give him a guitar and maybe he'll stay still.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Loco Mo on September 26, 2020, 01:27:23 PM
Thank God for Julian.  I didn't care much for his Day Tripper version here but It Won't Be Long was pretty decent.

Julian is really talented.  No doubt about it.  That's why I think he and Paul should compose a few songs together.  I'm pretty sure that I'm engaging in big time wishful thinking because I don't think Paul and Julian will ever perform together musically.

And there's no way to communicate with them about it, and even if I could, why would they even bother to listen to me?

I'm a nobody in the infinite universe.  My opinions or beliefs count for nothing.  Once I'm gone, it'll be as though I never existed at all.  Who could possibly care about the absence of one out of countless billions of human beings who've briefly existed during the course of human history?  But the Beatles - they'll be remembered as long as archives can be maintained by an intact civilization that doesn't destroy itself anytime soon by its own means - primarily technological.

We've evolved with our scientific and intellectual advancements and we'll also die by our own hands due to the countless Frankensteins we've created in the process.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on September 26, 2020, 09:49:59 PM
I'm a nobody in the infinite universe.  My opinions or beliefs count for nothing.  Once I'm gone, it'll be as though I never existed at all.

No, Loco.  Remember, we are stardust...4 billion year-old carbon.  And we'll pass that carbon along and exist long into the future.

Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Loco Mo on September 30, 2020, 01:37:00 PM
Hello:  Do you think maybe we existed before the Big Bang, too??  Supposedly, nothing existed then.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on September 30, 2020, 06:25:39 PM
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.  And God said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light.  And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.  And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

Based on large quantities of experimental observation and theoretical work, the scientific consensus is that space itself is expanding, and that it expanded very rapidly within the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. This kind of expansion is known as "metric expansion." (

Before the Big Bang, all the matter in the universe was about the size of a proton of an atom.  So, something existed then.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Loco Mo on October 03, 2020, 09:30:31 PM
Hello Goodbye:  Yes, there probably was something before the Big Bang.  But I don't think we'll ever know what that process was all about.  It's quite a mysterious universe.  We don't even know why or how we came to be much less how lucky we were to listen to the Beatles amazing musical output.  I don't know which greater:  The Big Bang or The Magical Mystery Tour that we went on with the Beatles!
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 03, 2020, 11:05:53 PM
It's quite a mysterious universe.

Loco, yes the Big Bang creation of the universe is a difficult thing to wrap one's brain around.  There is the hypothesis of a "Multiverse" where there are separate universes, or "parallel universes," which can be infinite in number... (

Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Loco Mo on October 05, 2020, 12:09:43 AM
Hello:  I'll have to watch that ST episode sometime.

Yes, I've always wondered if there's a parallel universe with a different sort of Beatles in it, mainly one that never broke up.  If we ever develop teleportation, maybe that will be one of the risks which would be to end up in a different universe than the one you actually teleported from.  There probably would be no way back.  I think that could be a problem with a time machine as well.  Go to the past, return to the future, but it's a different future in terms of time and date.  So if you left in 2020, maybe you'd return to 2019 or maybe even 2023.  I wonder what advanced civilizations would have to say about all this.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 05, 2020, 01:20:21 AM
Hello:  I'll have to watch that ST episode sometime.

If we ever develop teleportation, maybe that will be one of the risks which would be to end up in a different universe than the one you actually teleported from.  There probably would be no way back.

Try to watch that episode of Star Trek, Loco.  It's named "Mirror, Mirror."  You'll see that what happened was more complicated than you guess.  The "parallel" Kirk, McCoy, Scott and Uhura were beamed aboard the Enterprise in exchange.  And there was a way back.

Gene Roddenberry was brilliant!
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 05, 2020, 11:01:57 PM
But let's get back to this universe, galaxy and planet.  At least we have Paul, Ringo and Dhani on stage together (with some others)... (
Concert For George   
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Moogmodule on October 06, 2020, 08:39:37 PM
But let's get back to this universe, galaxy and planet.  At least we have Paul, Ringo and Dhani on stage together (with some others)...

[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Concert For George

Watched this on the weekend for the first time in years. It really is a great concert.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: nimrod on October 06, 2020, 11:47:03 PM
Where was Georges mate Bob Dylan ?
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Moogmodule on October 07, 2020, 12:05:58 AM
Where was Georges mate Bob Dylan ?

I was thinking the same thing as I watched.  I imagine he was off contemplating his fundament or something.  I haven’t ever heard an iron clad reason that he couldn’t have made it. Bob being inscrutable Bob I expect.
Title: Re: Paul and Julian (I wish)
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 07, 2020, 01:09:04 AM
He should have been there.