DM's Beatles forums

Beatles forums => News => Topic started by: adamzero on August 08, 2005, 04:05:14 PM

Title: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: adamzero on August 08, 2005, 04:05:14 PM

Don't know if anyone else saw this.  Nice signatures.  
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: An Apple Beatle on August 09, 2005, 02:52:03 PM
Nice one. Cheers. ;)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: raxo on February 23, 2007, 04:35:49 PM
Historical document, isn't it ... thanks, adamzero! :)

The letter documenting the break-up in 1969
( (
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Kevin on February 23, 2007, 04:42:20 PM
Love is All You Need - And I Good Lawyer. (Doesn't have the same ring to it does it?)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: raxo on February 23, 2007, 04:57:33 PM
Quote from: 185
Love is All You Need - And I Good Lawyer. (Doesn't have the same ring to it does it?)
Some of them seemed that were thinking in that way, yep ... sadly!

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Revolution on February 23, 2007, 05:08:23 PM
 :'( Sad to see it.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: raxo on February 23, 2007, 05:11:03 PM
Quote from: 593
:'( Sad to see it.

I understand you ... it's so cold to see it written down in a piece of paper!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on February 23, 2007, 05:42:32 PM
Aw. Makes me sad. Thanks for posting this!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: raxo on February 23, 2007, 05:46:07 PM
Hidden interesting things ... and we're not talking about George real identity now!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 09, 2007, 09:04:05 AM
True the dream is over---

When John signed it--he vowed not to re-unite!

Many say in rumer the did play in Holland & Sweeden at private spots!

Henc the toot & snort recordings!

I feel John had stayed sted fast to ----- I don't beleave in Beatles--I beleave in me--I'm John!

Thats what he wanted to be seen as!

The Beatles  were a lable!
Much like martial arts!

Karate-tae kwon dp ect are lables!
No one can punch or kick an ethnic!  We all puch & kick the same round line-straight line--curved line!
Now how you use your body at that time--thats what makes it unquie & you! Not a style1

The Beatles became a lable--product--even in Minn. there was one policeman who gave an interveiw & stated!

The Beatles manager needed to keep his product in check!

They threw partys & had underage girls in thier rooms!

So to John & George---it was better to get a desolve & play the music as they wanted to!

John played with Jager--Elton--elephants memory--Zapa ect!

George had Ringo--Clapton--Dylan--Petty--Orbison--Lynn ect!!

Paul aslo had Ringo---Mike Jackson--Denny Lane---ect ect!

They did the 1 event that helped us see--Music no matter how hard it is or soft!

It does not hurt!

So Hit me with music!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: pc31 on March 09, 2007, 10:28:06 AM
Quote from: 611
True the dream is over---

When John signed it--he vowed not to re-unite!

Many say in rumer the did play in Holland & Sweeden at private spots!

Henc the toot & snort recordings!

toot and snore comes from johns visit to california....there is at least proof and documentation of that....
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: An Apple Beatle on March 09, 2007, 10:46:20 AM
I can't see Stevie Wonder and Harry Nillson going all the way to Sweden. Shame Toot n a Snore ended up such a bore! lol
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 09, 2007, 10:52:00 AM
I know that--i was refering to the old Beatle mags were you can get old clips of 8mill films for $15!!

they always stated--Some odd distant place like Holland ect!

They were more like the Globe or Enquire--a teen mag of the beatle groupies!

Something for them to buy & start the frenzie all over!

Much like the Elvis sightings oafter his death!

It's all daft to me!

I will try to remeber to be more percise on the comments!

If you find one of the old mags dated around 74-75--then you will see what I was talking of!

Plus they are probley collectors items now!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 11, 2007, 04:53:13 PM
Quote from: 611
I know that--i was refering to the old Beatle mags were you can get old clips of 8mill films for $15!!

they always stated--Some odd distant place like Holland ect!

OK Djinn, try not to be so condecending, just because you live in The States and think nothing else happens outside of it. Holland is not 'some distant place', as you so nicely put it. It is actually - if you bothered to look it up in an atlas (do you have one?) - 45 minutes on a plane from London. Btw, Denmark, where I live and which was also the first place to host The Beatles sans Ringo, is about the same distance. But then I guess we Europeans are a bit backward compared to your sophisticated country.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 11, 2007, 05:04:02 PM
Quote from: 483


But then I guess we Europeans are a bit backward compared to your sophisticated country.


...but I know what you mean by Djinn's comment.

Countries can be sophisticated in different ways. America is always advanced in many ways, but the mediterranean lifestyle is sooo much more sophisticated in other ways. But, then, Japan still more than America in those American advanced ways. And, in the 'third world' (let's avoid that derogatory term, and say Less Developed Countries), where families often work together at close quarters, they've got very close family life and family support. Something many western countries seem to lack! Viva planet earth!  :)

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 11, 2007, 05:09:55 PM
Nicely put.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 11, 2007, 05:14:47 PM
Quote from: 483
Nicely put.

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Revolution on March 11, 2007, 07:02:38 PM
Djinn's spelling is Awful for a person of his age! As for Europe,I've been there and plan to move to Ireland in the future!Europe is Great!!!!!!!!! 8)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 11, 2007, 07:18:53 PM
*waves hand* I'm an American! I am! I can also spell, but don't hold that against me. ;)

Quote from: BlueMeanie
But then I guess we Europeans are a bit backward compared to your sophisticated country.
*pats Europe on the back* It's painful, isn't it, BM? After all, we invented fast food! Disposable diapers! Cow horns attached to front grills of cars. All the trappings of a sophisticated society that I'm sure the Europeans will want to emulate! In general you have better cell-phone systems and broadband service than we do, better health-care and public education. But we produce most of the world's entertainment and I'm willing to wager we borrow the most money! :)

Quote from: GreenApple
America is always advanced in many ways
I suppose I'll have to concede that one. I do believe we still lead the world in number of lawyers and frivolous law suits. We also lead the world in the number of medical errors and a health-care system so flawed that it may be, in fact, the leading cause of death in this country. On the other hand, we are both the major importer and exporter of firearms, ammunition, musical instruments, pyrotechnics, explosives, and radioactive materials. But musical instruments are on the list!

To bring this post back on topic (checks to see what the topic was), I certainly hope numerous American lawyers were involved in the breakup of the Beatles. I like to think we were in there when it happened, contributing in one of the things we do best. Cheers, everyone!

ETA for Revolution: I've been to Ireland too and think it's great. Right now New Zealand has captured my heart. But there's a lot of countries I want to visit; I've only dipped my toe into Europe so far: England, Spain, France, Italy, Czech Republic. Holland is on the list!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 11, 2007, 07:42:49 PM
Quote from: 551
*waves hand* I'm an American! I am! I can also spell, but don't hold that against me. ;)

*pats Europe on the back* It's painful, isn't it, BM? After all, we invented fast food! Disposable diapers! Cow horns attached to front grills of cars. All the trappings of a sophisticated society that I'm sure the Europeans will want to emulate! In general you have better cell-phone systems and broadband service than we do, better health-care and public education. But we produce most of the world's entertainment and I'm willing to wager we borrow the most money! :)

Nothing personal. It was aimed at one person in particular!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 11, 2007, 07:49:18 PM
Oh, I didn't take it personally! *hugs BlueMeanie wildly* You were the first person to welcome me to this forum; I will love Blue Meanies forever! *pets Glove*

It's just that there are many things about my country these days that I find depressing, and this conversation pushed that button. Sorry! I will try to keep my comments happy and light from now on. (Should I remove that last post? It wasn't meant to be so provocative.) Cheers.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 11, 2007, 08:00:46 PM
Quote from: 551
(Should I remove that last post? It wasn't meant to be so provocative.) Cheers.

Oh no. Please don't ;D
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 11, 2007, 08:18:12 PM
If you remeber--John had so much passion for America--He moved here>

I ment no offence  to any place--seems you always llok for the bad in everything.

I wonder how you would handle cold turkey?

That is good/bad at the same time.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 11, 2007, 08:18:25 PM
I see no need to remove it. Let's express ourselves, but stay within the boundaries of reason. I'm just trying to harmonize. (Man!). Well, I think America is on the whole good, and has indeed contributed much to the world. Thanks for helping us destroy Nazism! I mean it seriously. If you want serious criticism of today's America, check out Neil Young's official website! (Though, I'd better not post the link again. ;D)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 11, 2007, 08:20:11 PM
Quote from: 611
[...] seems you always llok for the bad in everything.

Probably not true Djinn. I think we're tying to accept you.  :)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: raxo on March 11, 2007, 08:22:31 PM
Quote from: 551
ETA for Revolution: [...]
I'm cofused by that^, harihead! 8)

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 11, 2007, 08:25:29 PM
Quote from: 611
I wonder how you would handle cold turkey? [...]

I'd probably put it in a sandwich.

Quote from: 611

That is good/bad at the same time.

At Christmas, it's good. By New Year's Eve, it's bad.

I suppose you all know the joke about John's Cold Turkey by New Year? Good, knew you would.  ;D

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 11, 2007, 08:35:46 PM
Thats what I ment--
don't take all words to it terminal meaning.

Even the word   to   has many meanings.  Hard to know what way if just said  you wouldnt know

if it was to  too  or  tu.  Sometimes even the definition is taken wrong.


aS FOR MY SPEILLING--I dont often state  it but I do have a disability do to the Army.
I got a little autisum so sometimes -when I type--I see the & but the 7 will get in. So it is for others letters.Not all the time--just sometimes.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 11, 2007, 09:33:20 PM
Quote from: 139
Thanks for helping us destroy Nazism!
Thanks, GA! Although I can't take much credit, as I wasn't born then. But I'll certainly check out Neil's site. :)

Raxo, ETA is an abbreviation for "Edited to add", because I saw Rev's reply after I posted-- was that the confusing part? Cheers!

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: raxo on March 11, 2007, 10:10:53 PM
Quote from: 551
[...]Raxo, ETA is an abbreviation for "Edited to add", because I saw Rev's reply after I posted-- was that the confusing part? Cheers!

Yep, because over here it means something slightly different ... and you mentioned Ireland and Spain later, so ... but it's clear now!  ;)

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 11, 2007, 10:52:00 PM
Quote from: 297
Yep, because over here it means something slightly different ... and you mentioned Ireland and Spain later, so ... but it's clear now!  ;)

And in Japan, it means underclass. So, pity we don't have any 'underclass' to welcome too.  :)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Revolution on March 12, 2007, 02:33:55 AM
Quote from: 551
*waves hand* I'm an American! I am! I can also spell, but don't hold that against me. ;)

*pats Europe on the back* It's painful, isn't it, BM? After all, we invented fast food! Disposable diapers! Cow horns attached to front grills of cars. All the trappings of a sophisticated society that I'm sure the Europeans will want to emulate! In general you have better cell-phone systems and broadband service than we do, better health-care and public education. But we produce most of the world's entertainment and I'm willing to wager we borrow the most money! :)

I suppose I'll have to concede that one. I do believe we still lead the world in number of lawyers and frivolous law suits. We also lead the world in the number of medical errors and a health-care system so flawed that it may be, in fact, the leading cause of death in this country. On the other hand, we are both the major importer and exporter of firearms, ammunition, musical instruments, pyrotechnics, explosives, and radioactive materials. But musical instruments are on the list!

To bring this post back on topic (checks to see what the topic was), I certainly hope numerous American lawyers were involved in the breakup of the Beatles. I like to think we were in there when it happened, contributing in one of the things we do best. Cheers, everyone!

ETA for Revolution: I've been to Ireland too and think it's great. Right now New Zealand has captured my heart. But there's a lot of countries I want to visit; I've only dipped my toe into Europe so far: England, Spain, France, Italy, Czech Republic. Holland is on the list!

I 'm American,too! My friend  is moving from England to N.Z.  in August.  8)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Bobber on March 12, 2007, 09:14:15 AM
Quote from: 551
Holland is on the list!

Yeah, come and visit our tiny odd distant country!

Quote from: 551
Raxo, ETA is an abbreviation for "Edited to add", because I saw Rev's reply after I posted-- was that the confusing part? Cheers!

ETA has a total different meaning in Spain...
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Kevin on March 12, 2007, 10:26:24 AM
Quote from: 139
Thanks for helping us destroy Nazism! I mean it seriously.

Though bankrupting the British Empire and ensuring its demist to a second rate power was a bit of a p*sser. All those africans and indians enjoyed being enslaved. We gave them timetables and queues for chrissakes!  :)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 12, 2007, 02:55:29 PM
A proper queue is worth fighting for. At the least it's worth giving someone a dirty look for. Up with England! Queues for everyone!  ;D

Quote from: 63
ETA has a total different meaning in Spain...
:B Er, yes, didn't think about that. So odd that my note was addressed to "Revolution" as well, but I did not mean to talk about terrorists or underclass citizens, really! *swears off using future abbreviations*

Yeah, come and visit our tiny odd distant country!
Thanks, Bobber! I have just the right shoes. You still wear those, right? ;)

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: adamzero on March 12, 2007, 03:05:34 PM

Interesting discussion of the origin of the term "cold turkey"--dates at least back to the 1920s.   Too bad John never did a follow-up "Hot Gravy" although he did do "Beef Jerky."  
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 12, 2007, 04:07:47 PM
 ;D. I'm breaking for lunch!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 12, 2007, 07:44:51 PM
Quote from: 185

Though bankrupting the British Empire and ensuring its demist to a second rate power was a bit of a p*sser.


Though not as much a p*sser as it was to one third of the world. I know there's humour in your comments too, but the sun never set on the British Empire because it was daylight robbery! I'm not loyal to this class-divided country. Even hippy s*** is more appealing!  ;D  :)
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Bobber on March 12, 2007, 07:55:48 PM
Quote from: 551
Thanks, Bobber! I have just the right shoes. You still wear those, right? ;)

Sure. And we all live in a windmill and grow tulips.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 12, 2007, 08:00:12 PM
Quote from: 63

Sure. And we all live in a windmill and grow tulips.

An image the Japanese love!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 12, 2007, 10:14:39 PM
Quote from: 63
Sure. And we all live in a windmill and grow tulips.
Quote from: GreenApple
An image the Japanese love!
Oh, me, too! I'm coming out there, as soon as I can hitch up the team to the covered wagon. :)

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: Kevin on March 13, 2007, 09:46:14 AM
Quote from: 139

Though not as much a p*sser as it was to one third of the world. I know there's humour in your comments too, but the sun never set on the British Empire because it was daylight robbery! I'm not loyal to this class-divided country. Even hippy s*** is more appealing!  ;D  :)

True. That's why I said "africans and indians enjoyed being enslaved." Trying to be ironic and all.
Living in a former colony, I remember being told by a teacher that the Maori were lucky they were colonised (love that word) by the British and not the French. who were much nastier.
In our bicentennial (1969?) NZ's history began with the arrival of Captain Cook. A thousand years of Maori history was simply sidelined.
We were repeatedly told that Adam and Eve, Noah and David and Goliath were facts, yet Maori creation tales were passed off as myth. Silly Maoris. Should be more grateful blah blah blah.
But I also try to remember that that is how it was then. Countries worth were measured by their empires, and they were the must have accessory of the ninetenth century. Both God and Darwin seemed to say that it was their natural right (ney their duty) to civilise the savages.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 13, 2007, 01:42:45 PM
Quote from: 139

Though not as much a p*sser as it was to one third of the world. I know there's humour in your comments too, but the sun never set on the British Empire because it was daylight robbery! I'm not loyal to this class-divided country. Even hippy s*** is more appealing!  ;D  :)

Just out of asking--
Like they did when the Bealtes got their MBE awards.

Were is the British Empire all speak of?
This is why John gave his back--He said there was no empire & for him to be a Knight.
He did not see the same rights ect a rare knight had--just a title thrown in with a free membership to the castle--
25 pounds a month & a  metal that looks like a stick with some string threw it.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 13, 2007, 01:45:51 PM
Quote from: 611

Just out of asking--
Like they did when the Bealtes got their MBE awards.

Were is the British Empire all speak of?
This is why John gave his back--He said there was no empire & for him to be a Knight.
He did not see the same rights ect a rare knight had--just a title thrown in with a free membership to the castle--
25 pounds a month & a  metal that looks like a stick with some string threw it.

Did anybody understand that? >:(
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 13, 2007, 01:56:36 PM
No what is ment when so odd distsnt place is

The magasinewas not able to go to a near by or travle with in the region
to verify.
Thus they made up places that The Beatles had played in the past.
This created partial trueth like the enquire & globe ect & the people bought the half trueth.

The trueth ----Yes  a distant time ago the Beatles did perform there.
Now the editor uses trick photo & puts stock current photos of them & combinds to make it
look like they are together.

Again I see all can't take an example & turn all said out of context.
No Wonder John had such a hard time with american press & others.

Like you all--You see what you want to & do not want to read it.
You allways want to see bad what some person writes instedof the good.

Like George stated  Exter Texter would be nice--Or take your time reading & don't be so pompus.
You are common wealth & not royalty.
Don't act so high & mighty  & clap your hands.

You do not have the jewlery to rattle.(JOHN LENNON)

Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: djinn on March 13, 2007, 02:00:35 PM
Quote from: 483

Did anybody understand that? >:(

Watch again if you have it When the Beatles got their awards.

There are many that said the Beatles should be knighted & some said no never knight & get the awards back!

1 asked (Were is the British empire?)

I do they same & you think Im daft,don't be so cheeckie or toutched.
You are not above me.
We are all crated equal--i don't try to build wars around your words--stop it with mine.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 13, 2007, 02:50:25 PM
I meant that you are becoming increasingly more difficult to understand. It would also be handy if you stayed, more or less within the subject of the thread and didn't go off on tangents.
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: harihead on March 13, 2007, 02:59:41 PM
Quote from: 483
Did anybody understand that? >:(
He's just misquoting bits from the Anthology series, BM, about the Beatles' MBEs. Paul said the MBE let you get into St. Paul's Whispering Gallery for free (not the castle). He's also quoting George about the MBE being "a ruddy piece of leather with a wooden string through it". I believe that's the exact quote; I'd need to play that part again to be sure.

The connection of the Beatles being awarded MBEs and the history of British (or anyone else's) imperialism is not quite clear to me. Perhaps because the title MBE has the word "empire" in it?
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 13, 2007, 03:09:59 PM
If Djinn took some time to learn his history and check his spelling he'd be a little easier to understand!
Title: Re: Beatles Breakup Letter
Post by: GreenApple on March 13, 2007, 08:34:47 PM
Quote from: 551


The connection of the Beatles being awarded MBEs and the history of British (or anyone else's) imperialism is not quite clear to me. Perhaps because the title MBE has the word "empire" in it?

The government were thinking of changing 'Empire' so that it would be Order Of British Excellence. Pity they didn't.