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Other forums => Different Conversations => Topic started by: Wayne L. on August 28, 2005, 02:05:50 PM

Title: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on August 28, 2005, 02:05:50 PM
Cindy Sheehan, the woman who lost her son in the war in Iraq & has been making a fool out of herself protesting near his Crawford ranch, calling President Bush a terrorist with her mindless political rhetoric is a far left liberal WACKO & with 60's folk icon Joan Baez supporting her cause, you know she's crazy.  She already met with Bush once after her son was killed in Iraq & she praised him wholeheartedly because I believe she doessn't want to meet with the president to discuss the Iraq war but possibly to assassinate him if she ever got the chance knowing how wacko far left liberals are mentally & intellectually from Michael Moore to MoveOn.Org.  BTW, I'm not a registered Republican or Democrat but an Independent minded person who can think for himself unlike most political activists on the left & the right.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on August 28, 2005, 03:36:04 PM
She has every right to say what she wants, even though our First Amendment privileges have pretty much been snuffed out by Bush's debacle of a Presidency.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on August 28, 2005, 04:03:35 PM
I wouldn't know what I'd do if I lost my son in the war because of Bush's business interests.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on August 28, 2005, 08:44:27 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I'm not a registered Republican or Democrat but an Independent minded person who can think for himself unlike most political activists on the left & the right.

Bullsh*t. You're totally right wing. Stop fooling yourself.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on August 28, 2005, 08:48:27 PM
And this woman has every right to do what she's doing, and if you think she's a wacko for doing it you're a moron.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: pommyg on August 28, 2005, 10:14:36 PM
Give peace a chance, right wing nut
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on August 28, 2005, 10:27:06 PM
NOT that I agree with what Wayne's saying, and NOT that I want to sound coldhearted and callous, but the fact is when you hand your anatomy over to the army like that, you are taking the chance of having a war break out. It's a pretty sweet deal in peace time, but like I said, there's always a chance of a war breaking out, be it for just or unjust reasons.
Of course there are things to be considered, like for some people they don't have an option, and of course Bush has distorted things so they don't really know what they're getting into, but that's the fact.

But yes, she does have freedom of speech. I'm for anything that's against that warmonger Bush.

PS: Insult Joan Baez again and it's not going to be pretty.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on August 28, 2005, 11:08:48 PM
Joan Baez. Another talentless 'artist' Lennon snogged. He had a penchant for sleeping with women with no talent.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: lennonlemon on August 29, 2005, 12:01:54 AM
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Frightwolf on August 29, 2005, 12:59:00 AM
Quote from: juniorsfarm
She has every right to say what she wants, even though our First Amendment privileges have pretty much been snuffed out by Bush's debacle of a Presidency.

*claps*  Well said:)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on August 29, 2005, 12:59:45 AM
Quote from: juniorsfarm
Joan Baez. Another talentless 'artist' Lennon snogged. He had a penchant for sleeping with women with no talent.

That's ridiculous. Even if you don't like her music, you have to admit that she is talented. She was pivitol in bringing folk to the mainstream. If it weren't for her, Bob Dylan wouldn't even be that famous.

So :P on you.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on August 29, 2005, 01:11:40 AM
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on August 29, 2005, 01:15:48 AM
I didn't really mean that in a mean way.

Are there any female folk singers that you do like? Joni Mitchell, maybe? Judy Collins?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: lennonlemon on August 29, 2005, 01:35:11 AM
Carole King!!!
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: tkitna on August 29, 2005, 01:56:19 AM
f*** it! I agree with Wayne. She had her 15 minutes and she needs to go grieve some other way. I'm sorry she lost her son and i'm sorry that others have lost loved ones, but they volunteered. I bet she wasnt b****in when her sons school was being paid for and he had a paycheck coming in each month. It was his decision to join and sometimes the consequences arent how we hoped.

Now, if these people were drafted, i'd be singing a different tune.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Frightwolf on August 29, 2005, 01:58:48 AM
Still doesn't change the fact that this war is a waste of time and resources, and no one should have been dying to begin with.

I hate our administration with a passion.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: tkitna on August 29, 2005, 02:02:35 AM
I agree that ALL war is a waste of time and resources, especially when the people that are doing the fighting and dying have no say in it, but thats the human way. I still say the nations leaders should just get into the ring and the last man/woman standing wins.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on August 29, 2005, 02:17:33 AM
Quote from: Mairi
I didn't really mean that in a mean way.

Are there any female folk singers that you do like? Joni Mitchell, maybe? Judy Collins?

You worry too much. I'll take Joan Baez over Judy Collins by 1,000 paces. Judy Collins couldn't carry a tune if it had handles. I like Joni Mitchell, and current stuff, I'm in love with Shawn Colvin.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on August 29, 2005, 02:26:41 AM
I think the basic premise of her protest has been lost. Its not so much that her Son was in the Armed Forces and died. It has become a matter of what this is all about, which is what people seem to keep forgetting. We went in there because we had 'reliable intelligence' reports that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. They didn't. Bush keeps trying to put this in the same box as 9/11. Its not got one f***ing thing to do with 9/11. Whatever happened with that? Halliburton is making a fortune on this war, the Saudis should be giving us oil for free, and 'Mission Accomplished' my ass. Stay what course? What exit plan? That's what she's saying. Her son is a token of someone who died, but what exactly did he die for? And not just him, but the almost 2,000 of our soldiers. All our War on Terror has done is galvanize the Terrorists into a nice tight unit, and we're f***ed, while George and his cronies get to ride into the sunset in a few years as super wealthy men and blood on their hands that they could give a sh*t about.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Sondra on August 29, 2005, 03:01:31 AM
Quote from: Mairi

That's ridiculous. Even if you don't like her music, you have to admit that she is talented. She was pivitol in bringing folk to the mainstream. If it weren't for her, Bob Dylan wouldn't even be that famous.

Wait a minute, I think you meant, if it weren't for HIM Joan Baez wouldn't even be that famous. Easy mistake to make.


Seriously though, what song has she ever written???
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Frightwolf on August 29, 2005, 03:05:11 AM
Quote from: juniorsfarm
I think the basic premise of her protest has been lost. Its not so much that her Son was in the Armed Forces and died. It has become a matter of what this is all about, which is what people seem to keep forgetting. We went in there because we had 'reliable intelligence' reports that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. They didn't. Bush keeps trying to put this in the same box as 9/11. Its not got one f***ing thing to do with 9/11. Whatever happened with that? Halliburton is making a fortune on this war, the Saudis should be giving us oil for free, and 'Mission Accomplished' my ass. Stay what course? What exit plan? That's what she's saying. Her son is a token of someone who died, but what exactly did he die for? And not just him, but the almost 2,000 of our soldiers. All our War on Terror has done is galvanize the Terrorists into a nice tight unit, and we're f***ed, while George and his cronies get to ride into the sunset in a few years as super wealthy men and blood on their hands that they could give a sh*t about.

You wanna run for president soon? Cuz I'd vote for you!

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: adamzero on August 29, 2005, 03:10:20 AM
I don't think what Cindy Sheehan says is as important as what she represents.  The opposition to Bush and the War finally has a human face.  

That's what scares Karl Rove and why he doesn't want Bush to meet her face to face.  It will show how small he really is.  

Remember that scene in Jaws when that women in mourning slaps the Chief for letting kids swim when he knew there'd been a shark attack.  The Chief had the guts to shut down the beaches after that.

Cindy Sheehan is the same woman.  Bush, unlike the Chief, is afraid to face her.  

It's weird how the popular mind works.  Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat and then you've got the bus boycott.  

Will Cindy spark something as momentous?  Time will tell.  

Four more years in Iraq don't sound very promising--and the all volunteer army may soon become a thing of the past when other hot spots blow.  

I don't blame Bush, though.  What's going on in Iraq is the culmination of British and American Imperialism that dates back at least to the fall of the Ottoman Empire--if not to the Manifest Destiny philosophy of the 19th Century.  

Like Rome, although less obvious, we veered away from Republicanism into Empire.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on August 29, 2005, 03:26:13 AM
Quote from: Frightwolf

You wanna run for president soon? Cuz I'd vote for you!


Thanks Bro'. The hypocrisy that runs rampant with this Administration in general and this War in particular, makes me sick. AdamZ is right too. What about Karl Rove? All their crap gets swept under the carpet in incredible fashion. What happened to getting to the bottom of that 'little' matter. There is a woman in jail for his bullsh*t. If it was Clinton or any other Democrat, there would be Republican, excuse me, 'Independent' Cousel, Committees, Subcommittees, screaming for his impeachment. And if anyone should be impeached for lying blatantly, day after day, to the American public, it should be Bush. The Right screams that what Sheehan is doing is demoralizing the troops, well, if it only takes one woman expressing her views to demoralize our entire Armed Forces, then we're really in trouble.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on August 29, 2005, 09:51:35 AM
Some great points to read.....I'd still take a swing for Bush though if I could after I'd lost any of my family...

I think at one point in this debacle we had lost more troops to U.S. fire than enemy.

It's just all madness.....Greedy madness.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Kevin on August 29, 2005, 09:57:17 AM
Being a history freak, I always wondered how the German Government in WW2 managed to convince its people (who were generally well-educated) that occupying foreign countries was an OK thing to do, and to get them to turn a blind eye to what was going on in these countries.
Well I guess questioned answered. As much as we dislike it we seem to powerless to stop it. And come election time, people are more worried about themselves than any other bigger issues (I speak only about the UK here.)
And we have the benefit of a relatively free media.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on August 29, 2005, 03:33:54 PM
Quote from: Maccalvr

Wait a minute, I think you meant, if it weren't for HIM Joan Baez wouldn't even be that famous. Easy mistake to make.


Seriously though, what song has she ever written???

Nope, Joan brought his songs into her repetoire and introduced him to a broader audience. I do agree that Bob is a better lyricist though. Like there's anyone better than him anyway.

But this is not what we're talking about. Shutting up now.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on August 29, 2005, 03:57:19 PM
No, but seriously Wayne... How can you still think you're politically in the middle? You CONSTANTLY b**** about how stupid you think all those left wingers are but I've NEVER heard you say anything negative about anything right wing. And your views seem to be very conservative, to say the least.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on August 29, 2005, 04:03:19 PM
Wayne is so right wing, it's not even funny. It's saddening to know that there are still people in the world who actually believe these things.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: lennonlemon on August 29, 2005, 04:15:42 PM
Wayne, in some cases, is the majority in our country.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on August 29, 2005, 06:26:30 PM
But then again, I think the American standards for what's left or right or left wing or right wing are different than our Dutch standards. If a Dutch political would say and do the things that president Bush says and does, he would certainly be considered right wing and even a bit of an extremist...
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on August 29, 2005, 07:38:27 PM
It's the same way in Canada, only to a lesser extent. I could never figure out why we were viewed as such a liberal country until I started to learn more about American politics.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on August 31, 2005, 08:24:07 PM
I'm not a card carrying Republican or Democrat but I am an Independent minded person who can think for himself.  I'm not a right wing activist or left wing activist because most hardcore poliitical activists on the left & the right have no minds of their own but like to cause lots of ruckus.  Cindy Sheehan IS a far left liberal wacko who is for terrorists with her rhetoric & against U. S. soldiers like most of her kind & will be forgotten a year from now like she already is at the moment because of hurricane Katrina & her impact is minimal.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 01, 2005, 12:00:11 AM
Sounds like a bunch of ignorant right-wing babble to me. I'm sure she's all for terrorists, aren't we all? Speaking of having no mind of their own and causing a ruckus, you seem to be the poster boy in this particular thread. Try reading a newspaper. If you get your news from Fox News with Bill O'Reilly and the Ann Coulter's of the world that live in Bush's Right-Wing John Birch Society cocoon, then everyone else in the country is a liberal left-wing wacko. Nice try tho'.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 01, 2005, 12:42:06 PM
Wayne, if you're really the kind of person that you are on this board, than you're one of the most ignorant and right wing people I've communicated with in my entire life.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 01, 2005, 02:50:08 PM
You must be the most ignorant person on the block BiscuitPower because for one, you don't know anything about me personally, number two, you do NOT have a clue what you're talking about, number three, kiss Osama Bin Laden's ass.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 01, 2005, 03:51:38 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
for one, you don't know anything about me personally

You're absolutely right about that (and believe me, I thank God on my bare knees for that)... Hence the "if you're really the kind of person that you are on this board" comment...

Quote from: Wayne_L.
number two, you do NOT have a clue what you're talking about

Yeah yeah yeah... Don't you ever get tired of yourself?

Quote from: Wayne_L.
number three, kiss Osama Bin Laden's ass.


Thanks for proving my point.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 01, 2005, 03:53:22 PM
I think someone has been listening to that "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists" crap a few times too many. :)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 01, 2005, 06:41:31 PM
You're PROUD to be loser with lots of ignorance musically & politically & that's your right BiscuitPower so don't blame me for your problems.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: pommyg on September 01, 2005, 06:52:47 PM
Wayne. You are an angry, angry man.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 01, 2005, 07:03:40 PM
You are BORING pommyg & I think I'm right about far left liberal wackos like Cindy Sheehan.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 01, 2005, 08:14:40 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
You're PROUD to be loser with lots of ignorance musically & politically & that's your right BiscuitPower so don't blame me for your problems.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 01, 2005, 10:21:24 PM
You think I'm ignorant for having a different opinion than you politically when it comes to far left liberal wackos like Cindy Sheehan & Michael Moore so stop PRETENDING to be innocent of all the charges BiscuitPower.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 01, 2005, 10:53:47 PM
BiscuitPower has charges against him? I'm sure he'll be crushed being 'charged' from a Right Wing Mental Pygmy like yourself, W-Anal. Why shouldn't he or anyone have an opinion other than yours? There is Freedom of Speech in this country, or at least there used to be before the Shrub took Office. He's absolutely correct, there is the Conservative 'You're either with us or for the Terrorists' mentality that is running rampant with a huge, scary bunch of mindless amoebas like yourself.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 02, 2005, 06:03:59 AM


Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 02, 2005, 06:11:00 AM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
You think I'm ignorant for having a different opinion than you politically.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Indica on September 02, 2005, 10:14:56 AM
I honestly think Wayne is a wind-up merchant.
Probaly a group of people...using one name or something.

Or maybe not..

This is what happens when you watch many episodes of Diagnosis Murder.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Indica on September 02, 2005, 10:16:04 AM

The joys of being a student with too much free time.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Kevin on September 02, 2005, 10:38:56 AM
The loss of Countdown must have left a terrible void. Though C5's Brainteaser seems a happy substitute.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 02, 2005, 01:09:21 PM
Quote from: IndicaWalrus
I honestly think Wayne is a wind-up merchant.
Probaly a group of people...using one name or something.

I think it could be possible that Wayne is actually just some guy playing the role of this over-the-top redneck just to f*ck with us... But I don't mind, I'll just play along with it cause I'm actually quite enjoying it. :)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Kevin on September 02, 2005, 01:32:22 PM
If he is a creation it's a work of genius.
He's one of a kind and bless him for that. I just wish he'd chat or crack a joke or something.
He's one person I'd love to get stoned.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Indica on September 02, 2005, 01:55:51 PM
Quote from: kevin_b
The loss of Countdown must have left a terrible void. Though C5's Brainteaser seems a happy substitute.

haha, jesus...
We must be so cliche  :B

Brainteaser..such a show.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Kevin on September 02, 2005, 01:59:12 PM
^ Very clever of them to use a blonde hostess with huge gazoombas. It's almost as if they knew.....
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Indica on September 02, 2005, 04:13:46 PM


Get ure Brambles out...
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 02, 2005, 06:12:54 PM
I KNOW most of you are idiots pretending to be Beatles fans sadly because you don't have an opinion on the subject at hand but you like to believe you're criticizing me when you're not so stop wasting your mind & get an opinion.  Cindy Sheehan is nothing but a far left liberal wacko who thinks President Bush is the evil one instead of Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussein with her mindless political rhetoric just like most liberal wackos from Michael Moore, Jane Fonda & Ted Kennedy.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on September 02, 2005, 06:23:54 PM
If you lose someone from your family in this conflict, then people might start to actually take your opinion seriously...Until then you have nothing valid to say. So why not button it?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 02, 2005, 07:24:07 PM
Whoa, BiscuitPower is really pwning this thread.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 02, 2005, 07:58:40 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I KNOW most of you are idiots pretending to be Beatles fans sadly because you don't have an opinion on the subject at hand but you like to believe you're criticizing me when you're not so stop wasting your mind & get an opinion.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: pommyg on September 02, 2005, 08:17:25 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
You are BORING pommyg & I think I'm right about far left liberal wackos like Cindy Sheehan.

Is that you, Dubya?  :o
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Herecomesyoursun on September 03, 2005, 12:09:13 AM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
a far left liberal wacko who thinks President Bush is the evil one instead of Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussein with her mindless political rhetoric just like most liberal wackos from Michael Moore, Jane Fonda & Ted Kennedy.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 03, 2005, 12:02:56 PM
Why would you want to put the late, great John Lennon in with far left liberal wackos like Cindy Cheehan, Michael Moore & Jane Fonda since he made a lot more sense with his political rhetoric & his music regardless if you disagreed with him sometimes herecomesyoursun?  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 03, 2005, 12:56:10 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
Why would you want to put the late, great John Lennon in with far left liberal wackos like Cindy Cheehan, Michael Moore & Jane Fonda since he made a lot more sense with his political rhetoric
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on September 03, 2005, 01:19:56 PM
'A Working Class Hero Is Something To Be'.

'Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for'

'I don't wanna be a soldier mamma, I don't wanna die'

'Power to the people'

'A million workers working for nothing
You better give 'em what they really own'

No, those aren't left wing statements, oh no. ;D
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 03, 2005, 02:17:36 PM
Quote from: Bobber
'A Working Class Hero Is Something To Be'.

'Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for'

'I don't wanna be a soldier mamma, I don't wanna die'

'Power to the people'

'A million workers working for nothing
You better give 'em what they really own'

No, those aren't left wing statements, oh no. ;D

Excellent. W-anal, John was about as liberal as they come, you myopic conservative Wacko.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 03, 2005, 03:48:55 PM
Why are you so naive to believe Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore but take John & Yoko's bed in so seriously BiscuitPower?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 03, 2005, 05:38:15 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
Why are you so naive to believe Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore but take John & Yoko's bed in so seriously BiscuitPower?

I won't deny that I consider myself to be left wing and a fan of Michael Moore's work, but that doesn't mean that I automatically believe absolutely everything he says or writes... And I really don't know where you get that idea...

I'm for instance also a big fan of Paul McCartney, but that doesn't mean I consider everything he did to be brilliant, just like I can be a fan of Michael Moore without considering everything he says to be true.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 03, 2005, 05:46:25 PM
You see, W-Anal, these are what are known as 'Opinions'.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 03, 2005, 11:12:13 PM
I think I know where you take it with your boyfriend juniorsfarm.  John spoke his mind & wrote great political songs without looking like an idiot with the bed ins done with humor instead of being hostile.  Far left liberal wackos like Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan & Jane Fonda take themselves way too seriously that they're way off base.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 03, 2005, 11:51:02 PM
You don't know your Beatle history very well. John could be very hostile, W-Anal, now go back to looking at your Mother's legs.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 04, 2005, 12:31:12 AM
I think the media & some Beatles fans were hostile to John & Yoko's bed ins for peace back in 69 which is factual & your mother must wish you were never born juniorsfarm?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 04, 2005, 01:55:39 AM
Aren't you being hostile towards Michael Moore and others?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 04, 2005, 03:04:58 AM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I think the media & some Beatles fans were hostile to John & Yoko's bed ins for peace back in 69 which is factual & your mother must wish you were never born juniorsfarm?

No, she's fond of me and we talk quite often, though not in that special 'Pillow Talk' kind of way you and your Mother do. How is Auntie Mom anyhow? She still taking good care of that tooth?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 04, 2005, 08:10:20 AM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I think I know where you take it with your boyfriend juniorsfarm.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 04, 2005, 10:13:33 AM
Aren't you on the side of Osama Bin Laden which is a lot worse than being accused of being a homphobe by a jerk like you BiscuitPower?  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on September 04, 2005, 10:19:26 AM
I doubt anyone here is on Bin Laden's side. How do you think Bush is handling Hurricane Katrina? Too busy trying to dominate the world to sort out problems on his own doorstep.

Now you got lootin, rapin, killings between civilians....Well done George, your leading your country so well. I'm sorry but appearing on TV with your sleeves rolled up and showing yourself comforting female, healthy, teenagers might work on most of the close minded population like you Wayne but not on me. The guys a moron.

It dosn't take Micheal Moore or any left winger to convince me of that. George manages just fine all by himself.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 04, 2005, 12:08:41 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
Aren't you on the side of Osama Bin Laden which is a lot worse than being accused of being a homphobe by a jerk like you BiscuitPower?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on September 04, 2005, 12:10:32 PM

Oh by the way Wayne, before you leave: I didn't see any comment on my John Lennon's left wing statements-post.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on September 04, 2005, 12:15:11 PM
^. LOL!!!!!!
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 04, 2005, 12:19:35 PM
Quote from: Bobber

Oh by the way Wayne, before you leave: I didn't see any comment on my John Lennon's left wing statements-post.

That's Wayne's way of arguing on this board: if he doesn't agree with you he calls you an idiot, and if he realizes he's been proven wrong he just doesn't reply. That's pretty much all he does.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 04, 2005, 01:09:16 PM
I think most of you from Mairi, Bobber, An Apple Beatle & lots of others here have called me an idiot for every comment I have made without giving an opinion on the subject at hand sadly, which is crazy, don't you think?  Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko who doesn't make a lot of sense with her political rhetoric & I'm sorry she lost her son during the war in Iraq but she's about as loony as Michael Moore & Jane Fonda.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on September 04, 2005, 01:11:20 PM
Excuse me Wayne, I didn't call you an idiot, not even once.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on September 04, 2005, 01:16:03 PM
Me neither Wayne.
I'm glad you finally mentioned how your sorry she lost her son in the war. I was beginning to think you were far damn right heartless. Despite your political inclinanations, you should just chill, have a laugh and hang loose round here, That's all it all boils down to.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on September 04, 2005, 01:26:22 PM
And we have our opinions, but it's you who has called us fools, idiots, ignorants and gays for it. Now, that is sad, isn't it?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 04, 2005, 02:04:50 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I think most of you from Mairi, Bobber, An Apple Beatle & lots of others here have called me an idiot for every comment I have made without giving an opinion on the subject at hand sadly, which is crazy, don't you think?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 04, 2005, 02:09:46 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power

Let's see... Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim terrorist who kills in the name of Allah.

Let's do a checklist, shall we?

- Am I a Muslim? No.
- Am I even religious? No.
- Do I hate America or Americans? No, just the current American government.
- Do I believe killing for your beliefs is justified? Hell no, I don't even think it's right to kill animals, let alone humans. I even think the death penalty should not excist.
- Do I think 9-11 was one of the most disturbing things I've even seen? Yep.
- So would it be likely that I am "on Osama Bin Laden's side"? Not really, don't cha think?

Sure, I totally hate George Bush's guts. I'm not gonna deny that. But to think that because of that I'm automatically on the side of that other crazy mass murderer is just childish.

My hat is off BP. Poignant and exactly the way I feel.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 04, 2005, 02:33:28 PM
I can see why you're attracted to Cindy Sheehan & it's not just political either it's because you think Joan Baez is hot & sexy as well juniorsfarm.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 04, 2005, 03:08:55 PM
LOL, juniorsfarm is probably NOT attracted to Joan, judging from some of the comments he's made about her. I, on the other hand, think she's gorgeous as well as smart. Smarter than you, that's for damn sure.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 04, 2005, 03:54:33 PM
You don't know the definition of smart Mairi & lack the intelligence everytime you make a comment on here.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 04, 2005, 04:37:42 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
You don't know the definition of smart Mairi & lack the intelligence everytime you make a comment on here.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 04, 2005, 05:42:00 PM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
Me neither Wayne.
I'm glad you finally mentioned how your sorry she lost her son in the war. I was beginning to think you were far damn right heartless. Despite your political inclinanations, you should just chill, have a laugh and hang loose round here, That's all it all boils down to.

You're the heartless one man, but she's a far left liberal wacko.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: on September 04, 2005, 06:38:32 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I can see why you're attracted to Cindy Sheehan & it's not just political either it's because you think Joan Baez is hot & sexy as well juniorsfarm.

You are a desperate pathetic 'man'. This has got to be in the Top 3 most idiotic posts I've ever read. It may rank #1, but I can't remember each idiotic post you've made. W-anal, this whole thing, from legs, to Joan Baez has been entertaining, but you are now free to make any comment you wish, and I will not respond, so fire away. My back is getting sore from stooping to your level the past week. Ciao Baby.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on September 05, 2005, 07:53:39 AM
Excellent idea Junior. This guy is too stupid to talk to.

Oh by the way Wayne, before you leave: I didn't see any comment on my John Lennon's left wing statements-post.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 10:39:21 AM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power

Mairi is, according to your profiles, 27 years younger than you are, but I think everyone here will agree that her posts are considerably more mature than yours, so that's funny coming from you...

You're the biggest joke on here who makes Jethro Bodine look like Einstein.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 12:18:28 PM
And you're one of the great philosophers of the 21st century:

"Is your mother a knockout or an ugly dog like you juniorsfarm?"

"I think I know where you take it with your boyfriend juniorsfarm."

"Aren't you on the side of Osama Bin Laden which is a lot worse than being accused of being a homphobe by a jerk like you BiscuitPower?"

"I can see why you're attracted to Cindy Sheehan & it's not just political either it's because you think Joan Baez is hot & sexy as well juniorsfarm."
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 12:43:25 PM
Quote from: Bobber
Excellent idea Junior. This guy is too stupid to talk to.

Oh by the way Wayne, before you leave: I didn't see any comment on my John Lennon's left wing statements-post.

You're too stupid to live which is even worse Muffin.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 12:52:39 PM
Since we're already on a patheticly childish level:

Wayne, did you finish or even attend high school? Be honest please...
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 12:55:12 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power
Since we're already on a patheticly childish level:

Wayne, did you finish or even attend high school? Be honest please...

I graduated way back in 82 & the childish comments from you & your friends pal.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 05, 2005, 01:30:23 PM
I come to the inescapable conclusion that Wayne is a composite character of Archie Bunker, Richard Nixon, and Eugene McCarthy.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 03:25:46 PM
Quote from: Mairi
I come to the inescapable conclusion that Wayne is a composite character of Archie Bunker, Richard Nixon, and Eugene McCarthy.

You'e barking up the wrong tree as usual, but what do you expect from an ugly dog.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 05, 2005, 04:02:32 PM
::) Nice retort.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:06:12 PM
Quote from: Mairi
::) Nice retort.

You admit you're an ugly dog & out of whack mentally accusing me of being people I'm not?  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 05, 2005, 04:11:58 PM
Don't you understand humour? By saying that you were a composite charcacter of those three, I was pointing out what a right-wing idiot you were. GASP! Satire!

You should listen to this guy, he could teach you a thing or two about politics:


^Rick Mercer
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:14:12 PM
Quote from: Mairi
Don't you understand humour? By saying that you were a composite charcacter of those three, I was pointing out what a right-wing idiot you were. GASP! Satire!

You should listen to this guy, he could teach you a thing or two about politics:


^Rick Mercer

If I'm a right idiot as you say incorrectly then you're a left wing wacko?

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 05, 2005, 04:15:54 PM
Better to be a left wing wacko than a right wing idiot.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 04:20:12 PM
Quote from: Mairi
Better to be a left wing wacko than a right wing idiot.

Right on.  :)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:21:53 PM
Quote from: Mairi
Better to be a left wing wacko than a right wing idiot.

Since you're a left wing wacko you think it's right to kill innocent people with airplanes as the terrorists did on 9/11 along with supporting Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussein is an innocent person so you said it.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 04:22:49 PM



*shakes head in disbelief*
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 04:23:04 PM
Oh, I think we have a winner for the Rock Bottom topic, by the way.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on September 05, 2005, 04:24:40 PM
I dedicate this song to Wayne:

"Pieces Of You"

She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?
She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?
She's an ugly girl, she doesn't pose a threat.
She's an ugly girl, does she make you feel safe?
Ugly girl, ugly girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?
She's a pretty girl, does she make you think nasty thoughts?
She's a pretty girl, do you want to tie her down?
She's a pretty girl, do you call her a b****?
She's a pretty girl, did she sleep with your whole town?
Pretty girl, pretty girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?
You say he's a f**got, does it make you want to hurt him?
You say he's a f**got, do you want to bash in his brain?
You say he's a f**got, does he make you sick to our stomach?
You say he's a f**got, are you afraid you're just the same?
f**got, f**got, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?
You say he's a Jew, does it me that he's tight?
You say he's a Jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
You say he's a Jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again.
You say he's a Jew, as though being born were a sin.
Oh Jew, oh Jew, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:27:30 PM
Quote from: Mairi
I dedicate this song to Wayne:

"Pieces Of You"

She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?
She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?
She's an ugly girl, she doesn't pose a threat.
She's an ugly girl, does she make you feel safe?
Ugly girl, ugly girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?
She's a pretty girl, does she make you think nasty thoughts?
She's a pretty girl, do you want to tie her down?
She's a pretty girl, do you call her a b****?
She's a pretty girl, did she sleep with your whole town?
Pretty girl, pretty girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?
You say he's a f**got, does it make you want to hurt him?
You say he's a f**got, do you want to bash in his brain?
You say he's a f**got, does he make you sick to our stomach?
You say he's a f**got, are you afraid you're just the same?
f**got, f**got, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?
You say he's a Jew, does it me that he's tight?
You say he's a Jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
You say he's a Jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again.
You say he's a Jew, as though being born were a sin.
Oh Jew, oh Jew, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?

I'm not an ugly girl for one but a a handsome guy so find a better song & you said you were a left wing wacko, so don't blame me for your stupidity.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 04:27:52 PM



*shakes head in disbelief*
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:32:55 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power



*shakes head in disbelief*

Are you?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 04:33:36 PM



*shakes head in disbelief*
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:35:00 PM
BP is a nut people so watch out.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on September 05, 2005, 04:39:04 PM
That makes two of us, right, little Buddy?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: strawb3rryfi3ldsfor3ver on September 05, 2005, 04:43:22 PM
EVERYONE is a friggin' insane left winger except you and George W. Bush, aren't they?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on September 05, 2005, 04:43:22 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power
That makes two of us, right, little Buddy?

Just you.  LOL.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Frightwolf on September 05, 2005, 09:25:28 PM
What's wrong with being left-winged? So much misinformation is fed from the right wing, especially recently.  

A woman criticizes Bush for he son dying for nothing, and the right-wingers bash her, one even calls her a crackpot.  But with Terry Shiavo, now THAT'S something that's morally outrageous -- not a soldier dying for nothing in some idiotic war that we decided to be in for the sake of it.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: RICKENBACKER325 on September 05, 2005, 11:37:52 PM
Wayne everytime time you think, you weaken the nation.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: mclen57 on September 08, 2005, 06:42:39 AM
Ok. I'm a little late in this thread and I wasn't sure to get involved or not but what the hell. I'm a Republican and a military vet. Yes I voted for Bush both times. However I was disappointed in my party nominating Bush when I had my hopes for John McCain, a man who really spilled his guts for his country unlike Ritchie Rich. On the 2nd round, I think a houseplant would've made a better candidate than John Kerry.

When Bush announced going into Iraq, I winced at this. His priorities were out of wack. Bin Laden was still loose and the N. Koreans were developing nukes (courtesy of Clinton and Carter I may add). Well anyway, while I still supported the effort, I am getting a little weary of this thing dragging out. We have only 2 options: go full steam with Patton type "strategory" and knockout the insurgents which ARE terrorists BTW, many of them Al Queda. Or we just walk out. Take your pick. This girl private footing is getting ridiculous.

As for Cindy, I got no gripes with her at all. She has her rights as a grieving mother to voice herself. I put no shame on her at all. However I do put shame on the people who are exploiting her grieving to push their politcal agenda. I'm talking about the and George Soros crowd and whoever. These people really don't care about her grieving. They're just using her as a puppet to bash Bush. Nothing more, nothing less. Other protestors I put shame on are the ones who decided to position themselves outside Walter Reed hospital and shove themselves into the faces of the wounded and their families. These brave men and women and their families have been through enough. Let them recuperate and get out into the real world and then they can make up their minds. Right now just leave them alone. Protesting the war is fine but this just crosses the line.

Well that's my 10 cents for what it's worth. As for you Wayne, lighten up will you! JEEZZ! If you're going voice yourself in these matters at least use your head and put something thoughtful in your posts instead of kneejerking around. Guys like you make guys like me look bad. And I don't think I'm all that bad. Now get a life!

Anyway, disagree with me or not, we're still Beatlemaniacs and we're here to stay. Thank you.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on September 08, 2005, 07:29:45 AM
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on September 08, 2005, 07:40:30 AM
Thank you too.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: mclen57 on September 09, 2005, 10:47:58 PM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
Trying to tell me something App? It's ok, I just like words over smiley faces. Let's here it.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on October 18, 2005, 04:25:43 PM
Quote from: Mairi
I come to the inescapable conclusion that Wayne is a composite character of Archie Bunker, Richard Nixon, and Eugene McCarthy.

I meant to say JOESEPH McCarthy! Wayne is nothing like Eugene McCarthy!!


Sorry to bump but I just had to sort this out.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mean_Mr_Mustard on October 19, 2005, 03:27:41 AM
One question to orignal Poster, If you are so open and free minded why do you care about this woman? How does it effect you?

Sorry if this thread is over, Its so long. :P
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on October 23, 2005, 04:21:31 PM
Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko who makes about as much sense with her ludicrous rhetoric as Jane Fonda & Michael Moore.  She had her time in the media spotlight & if she does go back to Crawford Ranch next August she won't get any attention at all.  CS is nothing but a throwback to the days of the anti-war movement back in the 60's like Jerry Rubin of the Yippies which far left liberal wackos go to like a dog to a bone looking for another similiar leader because they're mind numb idiots.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on October 24, 2005, 02:05:54 AM
Quote from: mclen57
Trying to tell me something App? It's ok, I just like words over smiley faces. Let's here it.

Sorry only just noticed this. I suppose just a smile was rather vague. I was trying to tell you nothing derogatory. Just purely smiling in agreement with your post. Maybe I was in a rush at the time...I don't really know.

Sorry it caused the confrontation.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: mclen57 on October 24, 2005, 02:31:29 AM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle

Sorry only just noticed this. I suppose just a smile was rather vague. I was trying to tell you nothing derogatory. Just purely smiling in agreement with your post. Maybe I was in a rush at the time...I don't really know.

Sorry it caused the confrontation.
No confrontation at all my friend. I never thought it meant anything derogatory. It was just vague like you said, that's all.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on October 24, 2005, 02:39:56 AM
No worries. ;) Good to see you about again.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: mclen57 on October 24, 2005, 03:39:30 AM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
No worries. ;) Good to see you about again.
Yeah, things have been pretty busy with me lately. Haven't had much time to hit the forums lately. How goes it with you and the band these days?

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on October 24, 2005, 04:57:43 AM
Quote from: mclen57
Yeah, things have been pretty busy with me lately. Haven't had much time to hit the forums lately. How goes it with you and the band these days?

All is progressing thanks for asking....Check out the musicians corner...there should be a few demo's you can hear from us now. (Apple Beatles)

My little brother just went off to Iraq. Other than that mustn't grumble at all. Best to you and yours. ;)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: mclen57 on October 24, 2005, 01:51:42 PM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle

All is progressing thanks for asking....Check out the musicians corner...there should be a few demo's you can hear from us now. (Apple Beatles)

My little brother just went off to Iraq. Other than that mustn't grumble at all. Best to you and yours. ;)
Best of luck to your brother. I salute him.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on October 24, 2005, 04:10:06 PM
Quote from: mclen57
Best of luck to your brother. I salute him.

Thank you, I sure salute you too. Just hoping he dosn't see too much sh*t and if he does see any, he stays strong at heart & mind. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 23, 2005, 10:52:15 AM
CS is a far left liberal wacko with lack of intelligence & a joke for the anti-war, anti-U. S. movement who wouldn't know a terrorist if it kicked her in the ass with her crazy rhetoric.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 23, 2005, 08:43:16 PM
Wayne L. is a far right conservative wacko with lack of intelligence & a joke for the pro-war, pro-Bush movement who wouldn't know a psycho dictator if he kicked him in the ass with his crazy rhetoric.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 24, 2005, 04:32:37 PM
I'm not far right conservative wacko with any lack of intelligence at all but I think I'm right about Cindy Sheehan & her far left liberal wacko friends who are for Osama more than being against Bush.  Accusing me of being this, that or the other politically is so ludicrous it's not even worth talking about anyway because of my opinions & the psyho dictator is probably the one who is uptight about my comments about CS.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on November 24, 2005, 04:49:15 PM
If Cindy had nice feet would you change your opinion Wayne?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 24, 2005, 04:49:56 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
I'm not far right conservative wacko with any lack of intelligence at all but I think I'm right about Cindy Sheehan & her far left liberal wacko friends who are for Osama more than being against Bush.

I don't think Bin Laden is that much worse than Bush. They're both madmen with no respect for human life at all. Neither seems to mind killing thousands of innocent people to get what they want, so I'd say they're both pure evil.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 24, 2005, 08:08:59 PM
Comparing GWB with OBL you know you have to be a little wacko in more ways than one anyway.  She's more your kind of woman who looks more like a man since you hate beautiful women el sid.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on November 24, 2005, 08:12:38 PM
Does your mom know your on her pc again wayne, or did she say you could have a go on it because its thanxgiving?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 24, 2005, 08:21:55 PM
Does your mother know how stupid you are on her PC?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 24, 2005, 09:13:03 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
Comparing GWB with OBL you know you have to be a little wacko in more ways than one anyway.

Not really... They both think it's justified to kill tens of thousands of people that think differently for their own beliefs. Bush is a terrorist. The fact that he's a president doesn't change that.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 24, 2005, 10:17:33 PM
I guess you're a terrorist as well just like OBL BP?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 25, 2005, 07:44:35 AM
I never killed anyone. Unlike your beloved president.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 25, 2005, 11:44:59 AM
I bet you have killed have lots of people if they don't agree with you even though you won't admit it here just like Osama & Saddam.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 25, 2005, 01:09:26 PM
The reason I became a vegetarian is because I think "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is the most important rule in life.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on November 25, 2005, 01:45:17 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power
The reason I became a vegetarian is because I think "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is the most important rule in life.

It would be great if we could all think this way, perhaps the world could be a better place to live. Sadly with idiots like Wayne around, he's enough to make anyone turn to murder! lol :'(

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on November 25, 2005, 01:56:33 PM
If you're a vegetarian BP, Hitler is an angel in heaven.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on November 25, 2005, 02:06:59 PM
What would you know about Hitler Wayne, please tell me your not his love child?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 25, 2005, 02:13:54 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
If you're a vegetarian BP, Hitler is an angel in heaven.

The last time I ate meat was in February 2002, so I guess that makes me a vegetarian.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: GreenApple on November 25, 2005, 02:17:17 PM
Why is it that Americans don't seem to like or trust the left at all? Or is that just a perception we get?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on November 25, 2005, 04:00:40 PM
Quote from: GreenApple
Why is it that Americans don't seem to like or trust the left at all?

Probably because of the media. Especially Fox.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: lennonlemon on November 26, 2005, 06:35:39 PM
My friend was wearing a great shirt the other day. It has the Fox news logo on it, but instead of "Fox News" it says "Faux News."
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 01, 2005, 02:01:16 AM
one of the problems is that when Americans here Socialism and Communism, its all bad. but actually they're about as good a government as you can get.

fellow beatles fans, I promise that if I'm elected president after someone does us a favor and get Bush out, I will fix the problem healthcare and take a page out of EuroSocialism and create a universal healthcare for everyone in the country. If I am elected I will make sure that the rich will lose 20% of their money to refund all the money that we know was taken from our coffers. America needs to use a common sense method of reasoning. If its a bad thing, then you shouldn't do it. If it goes against what our country was supposed to be founded on. I would also ask that Americans stop trying to force religion upon others. we need to seperate religion and faith from science and fact. If I am elected I promise to help out those in need.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on December 04, 2005, 03:11:53 PM
Cindy Sheehan is nothing but a far left liberal wacko who doesn't know what the hell she's talking most of the time with her ludicrous political rhetoric. I'm sorry she lost her son in the Iraq war but blaming Bush instead of the terrorists is CRAZY but what do you expect from loonies like CS, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda & Martin Sheen.  
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on December 04, 2005, 06:20:03 PM
I think you repeated that about 10 times now in this topic, you moron.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on December 04, 2005, 06:28:54 PM
But why are you so angry at Cindy Sheehan? Does she remind you of your 60 year old cousin that dumped you? Or of any of the other women that told you to get away and that next time they'd call the police?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 04, 2005, 07:48:28 PM
wayne is just a narrowminded fu*k. CS is blaming Bush for a war that shouldn't have happened. terrorists have nothing to do with the war.

Bush is quickly becoming the American Hitler.

HAIL!! ADOLF BUSH!! ::) ::)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on December 04, 2005, 09:16:01 PM
Quote from: somedude210
Bush is quickly becoming the American Hitler.

I think he already kinda is.

I once posted an anti-Bush statement on another message board, and someone warned me to keep it down because the FBI or CIA might be reading.

That's so f***ed up... Land of the free, huh?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Mairi on December 04, 2005, 09:22:46 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power
But why are you so angry at Cindy Sheehan? Does she remind you of your 60 year old cousin that dumped you? Or of any of the other women that told you to get away and that next time they'd call the police?


I believe Wayne has just been pwned.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 04, 2005, 10:24:29 PM
your use of gamer speak is amazingly good
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 04, 2005, 10:28:27 PM
patriot act is the work of the devil (or for us non christian/hebrew) act of the hitler.

this country is run by a bunch of hypocrits and always has. sadly, history just isnt embraced by our country so we are bound to keep repeating the same goddamn crap
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Wayne L. on December 05, 2005, 08:10:23 PM
The devil is in YOUR misguided brain which is mentally & intellectually defunct along with your liberal loony friends.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 06, 2005, 08:19:02 PM
ohh, im defunct now am i? you fuc*ed up little sh*t. there is nothing wrong with liberals and right wing nuts ;D We are in the "land of the free and home of the brave" are we not? so why then would it make a difference as to whether we are gay or straight, black or white, christian or jew, relgious or aetheist, liberal or conservative.

so heres a two finger salute to you, you narrowminded fuc*d up moron(churchill)
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on December 06, 2005, 09:26:11 PM
Quote from: Wayne_L.
The devil is in YOUR misguided brain which is mentally & intellectually defunct along with your liberal loony friends.

Wayne has some ineresting friends, they all live in the barn!

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 07, 2005, 02:38:50 AM
dude, even he would get dumped by farm animals
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on December 07, 2005, 08:29:05 AM
Can you censor your own swears Somedude?...I don't dis-agree with you but it's kinda boring having to clear you up all the time. ;)

Certain posts, he just deserves but still, it's becoming the no.1 pastime on this forum to take a shot at Wayne.... I'm always wondering what potential members think when they read this sadness that is certainly not Beatle related.

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Bobber on December 07, 2005, 09:16:27 AM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
I'm always wondering what potential members think when they read this sadness that is certainly not Beatle related.

Very true. It should be behind a password as well.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Joost on December 07, 2005, 11:19:22 AM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
I'm always wondering what potential members think when they read this sadness that is certainly not Beatle related.

That's why this is the "different conversations" section. You can easily avoid these topics by just sticking to the Beatles forums and solo forums.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on December 07, 2005, 01:34:59 PM
Quote from: Biscuit_Power

That's why this is the "different conversations" section. You can easily avoid these topics by just sticking to the Beatles forums and solo forums.

Gee, thank's for pointing that out. The thing is...lots of people use the last 10 posts to see what's going on. Kinda ruins your theory BP.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: GreenApple on December 07, 2005, 02:09:40 PM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
Can you censor your own swears Somedude?...I don't dis-agree with you but it's kinda boring having to clear you up all the time. ;)

Certain posts, he just deserves but still, it's becoming the no.1 pastime on this forum to take a shot at Wayne.... I'm always wondering what potential members think when they read this sadness that is certainly not Beatle related.

Good point. We should all want a vibrant and busy forum with as many newbies as poss!
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 07, 2005, 08:46:50 PM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle
Can you censor your own swears Somedude?...I don't dis-agree with you but it's kinda boring having to clear you up all the time. ;)

Certain posts, he just deserves but still, it's becoming the no.1 pastime on this forum to take a shot at Wayne.... I'm always wondering what potential members think when they read this sadness that is certainly not Beatle related.

i would but sometimes i swear more then a jerry springer episode
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Kevin on December 08, 2005, 09:34:43 AM
Quote from: somedude210
this country is run by a bunch of hypocrits and always has. sadly, history just isnt embraced by our country so we are bound to keep repeating the same goddamn crap

But history is on Bushs side.
Look at Japan and Germany - only a generation ago both aggressive militaristic totalitarian regimes with little or no tradition of democracy, extremely hostile to the US and recently defeated and occupied. Both quickly became thriving capatilist democracies, the economic powerhouses of their regions, and unstinting allies of the US.
History should be a great comfort to Bush and co.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on December 08, 2005, 12:20:36 PM
Quote from: An_Apple_Beatle

 The thing is...lots of people use the last 10 posts to see what's going on. Kinda ruins your theory BP.

This is somewhat true, although I never use this feature i'm sure others do. Just a suggestion here, other boards have whats called a 'Todays active topics board' very useful.

Nice comment kevin on the Germans and Japs mate. I've got my eye on them Germans. After bombing our fish & chip shops during the blitz, they've been to quiet for too long! I will give them some respect though, two cracks at the world title, fair play, they had a go! ;D
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on December 08, 2005, 12:24:14 PM
Sorry guy's off to see Al Murray tonight,just getting in the spirit!
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: GreenApple on December 08, 2005, 12:26:13 PM
The Germans and Japanese won the peace.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: Kevin on December 08, 2005, 12:33:13 PM
Quote from: GreenApple
The Germans and Japanese won the peace.

With A Little Help From Their Friends. Loads of aid, no defence budget, happily stategicaly placed to be really important for the US in the Cold War. And lots of hard work of course.
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on December 08, 2005, 02:17:10 PM
Quote from: el_sid

This is somewhat true, although I never use this feature i'm sure others do. Just a suggestion here, other boards have whats called a 'Todays active topics board' very useful.

Nice comment kevin on the Germans and Japs mate. I've got my eye on them Germans. After bombing our fish & chip shops during the blitz, they've been to quiet for too long! I will give them some respect though, two cracks at the world title, fair play, they had a go! ;D

lol...You wanna watch those ruskies....making us all think they are dis-banded when they have huge underground bases ready to take over the world!!! lol...Joking!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 09, 2005, 02:32:11 AM
hey, im irish and basically im an angry drunk wanting to conquer the world one bar fight at a time. if anyone will take over the world, its us irish boys. the IRA is probably one of the largest, most sophisticated terrorist organizations in the world. now if they got out of the bottle once in awhile, irish boys might take over more then Irie
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: An Apple Beatle on December 09, 2005, 02:36:14 AM
Where do you live? This Italian/English guy wants to know. Maybe I'll come visit your bar!!! lmao

Very much joking before anyone takes it the wrong way, like I am presuming you are joking right Somedude?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 09, 2005, 05:34:34 PM
me joke?? no i never joke :P but yea, i am joking. and i think 90% of all the stuff i say is one big sarcastic joke. i live way up in snowy New England. as for the bar...wait till im 21 before you go lookin for my bar

....that doesnt mean i'm sober ;D
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: el sid on December 09, 2005, 06:50:01 PM
Quote from: somedude210
hey, im irish and basically im an angry drunk wanting to conquer the world one bar fight at a time. if anyone will take over the world, its us irish boys. the IRA is probably one of the largest, most sophisticated terrorist organizations in the world. now if they got out of the bottle once in awhile, irish boys might take over more then Irie

Having lost family to these irish bastards, you won't mind me taking offence to these comments

Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 09, 2005, 08:51:26 PM
nope. i dont mind. ira is a terrible organization
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 10, 2005, 08:33:20 PM
just dont get mad at all irish men for something a few carried out
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: GreenApple on December 10, 2005, 08:42:05 PM
All You Need Is Love?
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 10, 2005, 09:07:06 PM
indeed, i was only joking before, i just need more taste in my humor
Title: Re: Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.
Post by: somedude210 on December 11, 2005, 10:59:56 PM
(beer) ill drink to that (beer)