DM's Beatles forums

Solo forums => George Harrison => Topic started by: 834 on August 10, 2007, 07:44:56 AM

Title: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: 834 on August 10, 2007, 07:44:56 AM
Was George technically proficient as a Guitar player or not?
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: harihead on August 10, 2007, 11:40:34 AM
Absolutely he was proficient! I can't make my fingers do the things his did, or so cleanly.

I think people tend to rag on George because he wasn't 1) a virtuoso player, which is completely different from being "technically proficient" and 2) a fast composer of original tunes. I get particularly irritated at the latter. I too rely upon creativity for my livelihood, and I'm not fast. But when I release something, people only get to see the finished product. They don't say, "Nice work, too bad it took you 2 weeks to get it done, otherwise I might have liked it." No, what they actually say is, "Wow, awesome! Do more!"

Everyone's creative process is unique. I fully respect George's creative process because he left me so many tunes that I continue to enjoy... well, daily! So I'm very grateful I "met" him. Cheers.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: fendertele on August 10, 2007, 05:19:55 PM
I dont think he was technically proficient but at the time of the beatles there wasnt really many techniques around yet as distortion was just only starting to come in to play and it was far less heavier than the sound that guitarists have got now a days to play with.

I never really saw him as lead guitarist but more as a rhythm player, playing only what the song needed when it was needed he played basically what lennon was playing in most songs but at a higher or lower part on the guitar, with a slight difference in the rhythm and then when there was no singing would then perform a little riff here and there where it was needed .

None of the beatles with the exception of paul who was doing things with the bass that no other bass players where doing at the time where technically great, they just had a great understanding for what makes a song good and knowing how to build a song to give the highs and lows.

Usually when i listen all my other favourite bands the one thing that stands out for me with them apart from the music being great is that i wanna learn the guitar parts but with the beatles i think apart from the  amazing songwriting is the 3 way harmonies and the bass playing.

imo ive never been blown away by his playing or even got the urge to learn his parts like when i listen to other guitarists they inspire me to learn there bits, i would put george slightly ahead of guys like noel gallagher in the guitar stakes and are both great for if youve been playing guitar for a year and wanna get a little better.

But he is an awesome songwriter which is basically how i sum up george hes a musician and songwriter before he is guitarist even when he was playing lead on lennon/mccartney compositions he was always wrting for the better of the song and sometimes that meant maybe doing very little and sometimes just playing tambourine.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Beatlemaniac64 on August 10, 2007, 08:05:30 PM
Yes all the way! Of course he was technically proficient, couldn't ask for a better guitarist for the Beatles. He got better and better throughout the Beatle years, just listen to that guitar on Something! Wow, he's a genius when it comes to that, I think he's one of the best ever.  ;D
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Flaming Pie in the Sky on August 10, 2007, 08:32:39 PM
Yes- I don't think George receives enough credit for his guitar playing.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: wingsman on August 12, 2007, 12:18:04 AM
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: tkitna on August 12, 2007, 01:04:42 AM
I voted 'yes' even though I still dont consider him one of the greatest.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Dark Phoenyx on August 12, 2007, 01:33:17 AM
I voted "yes" because I think George was technically proficient and he became better as the years went by.  I think George is one of the most melodic guitarrists around and has his distinctive sound as Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix or Jimmy Page.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Hello Goodbye on August 12, 2007, 03:46:05 AM
Quote from: 793
Yes all the way! Of course he was technically proficient, couldn't ask for a better guitarist for the Beatles. He got better and better throughout the Beatle years, just listen to that guitar on Something! Wow, he's a genius when it comes to that, I think he's one of the best ever.  ;D

You said it beautifully, Beatlemaniac64.  I can add nothing more.

Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Wayne L. on August 12, 2007, 02:31:52 PM
I think he was technically proficent as a guitar player, without a doubt, but he wasn't in the same leagues as his buddy Clapton.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Andy Smith on August 12, 2007, 03:45:40 PM
George was a brilliant 'underated' guitarist with his own tone!
He wasen't that particully amazing when he first started but he could
probley play most better than some guitarist, his nice work on the
early songs like Till There Was You, And I Love Her, & those terrific
BBC recordings alone show what a great guitar player he was.
I think he was bettering himself as time went on & certainly by his
solo career he played amazing stuff. I don't think anyone could copy the
style he had, & i don't think anyone sounded like him before.
he played simply & beautifully  which is what i prefer, he wasn't interested in being
a Hendrix or Clapton for that matter. He was George!  :)
Technically Proficient? yes & no. Yes in the fact that almost everybody can
hum the guitar solo's to the Beatles songs & no in the fact that .. well, he wasen't
technically great. But that was a great thing because he wasen't a show-off or
a labellad 'Guitar-God'. That kinda thing just bores's me!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: on August 13, 2007, 08:39:57 AM
I like George's guitar playing and i think he did get much better as time went on , i really like his playing on Thirty Three & 1/3 , i like how he keeps his playing in sync with his voice on this album it's lovely.

DaveRam :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: BlueMeanie on August 13, 2007, 10:07:50 AM
It's no secret that I don't rate George highly as a guitarist, though I do think he had certain qualities that single him out. His sense of melody, in league with McCartney's was essential to some songs. And I enjoy his later slide work. It would have been interesting to see how The Beatles would have turned out had he developed that earlier.

There is a thread here 'The Beatles minus George', where I, amongst some others suggested that The Beatles could have withstood the loss of George. It was hypothetical only, and seemed to single me out as a George hater, which is far from the truth. In fact he is my favourite ex-Beatle, as a solo artist.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: fendertele on August 13, 2007, 02:51:39 PM
Yeah i agree with blue meanie i too also looked as if i was coming down on george hard but i only meant it in the guitar sense, he contributed a lot more than just playing the guitar to the beatles.

He in my opinion was a craftsman and songwriter before he was a guitarist, and he was also very versatile and could play anythign when he was called upon to do so, for the good of the song.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Beatlemaniac64 on August 13, 2007, 03:05:18 PM
He's great. When I hear one of the other Beatles' solo albums, like "Imagine" or "Ringo" for example, I hear a guitar riff. Then I'm like, hey, is that George? He has such a distinct sound, I can tell it's him. That's a pretty big gift on George's part if someone can tell who someone else is just by hearing a guitar riff.

And thanks Hello Goodbye for the compliment!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Andy Smith on August 13, 2007, 03:43:52 PM
Quote from: 679
i really like his playing on Thirty Three & 1/3 , i like how he keeps his playing in sync with his voice on this album it's lovely.

DaveRam :)

Yes DaveRam, just listen to his wonderful playing on 'Pure Smokey' &
'Beautiful Girl'! He was magic!  ;)

Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: harihead on August 13, 2007, 04:05:49 PM
Thanks, BlueMeanie and Fendertele. You guys are warming my heart. :)

You know, the Beatles were all very good. *wonders if I should start a thread about this news flash*
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: BlueMeanie on August 14, 2007, 11:42:52 AM
Quote from: 551
Thanks, BlueMeanie and Fendertele. You guys are warming my heart. :)

You know, the Beatles were all very good. *wonders if I should start a thread about this news flash*

Don't you mean revelation?
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: harihead on August 14, 2007, 12:14:47 PM
^ Well, the thought was accompanied by an angelic choir singing, but I thought that happened to everyone.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: sewi on September 03, 2007, 08:24:22 AM
He's a classic and his sound as well.I vote:yes!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Pasta Cheif on September 11, 2007, 12:21:41 AM
Yes, very much so.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: alexis on July 08, 2008, 05:49:32 PM
Yeah, he's proficient!

OK, he's not Herman Li, but I don't think that is bad. To me his greatest strength was knowing exactly what to play, and what NOT to play. The ultimate band member IMO - plays a fill in an empty spot, helps with the rhythm, does a beautiful solo where appropriate. I don't think the Beatles would have done nearly as well with another guitarist - I don't know that Clapton, Beck, Hendrix, Richards, etc. knew how to support a song, rather than highlight themselves, well enough. Well, maybe Keith Richards, of all people!

Rockabilly and Slide ... George's signature sounds - great  :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: HeatherBoo on July 09, 2008, 07:39:16 PM
Of course!  Is he the best guitar player there ever was? No.  But he was the best guitar player for The Beatles and he did a damn good job.  He was a great guitar player  8)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: fendertele on July 09, 2008, 08:59:15 PM
he wasn't terrible, i see better guitar players every week playing in small clubs, the question is would they have fitted into the Beatles as George did.

I think that what George lacked in guitar playing made him a better band member, A dont think the band could have handled another Ego to add to the power struggle.

I don't Guys like Jimi, Clapton, page could have took a back seat as often as George did, they would have had songs they would want to be played.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: alexis on July 09, 2008, 09:35:10 PM
Quote from: 758
he wasn't terrible, i see better guitar players every week playing in small clubs, the question is would they have fitted into the Beatles as George did.

I think that what George lacked in guitar playing made him a better band member, A dont think the band could have handled another Ego to add to the power struggle.

I don't Guys like Jimi, Clapton, page could have took a back seat as often as George did, they would have had songs they would want to be played.

^^^  What I said  ;)  in a previous post, pretty much. So, Fendertele, I think you must be a very wise man  :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DarkSweetLady on July 09, 2008, 11:56:01 PM
George was a great guitar player, I still haven't heard someone play slide guitar like he has. I think he had the capability to play a lot of different styles, but he stuck true to one and mastered it, but that doesn't mean he was efficent in other areas.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Geoff on July 10, 2008, 03:22:08 AM
Sure, he was "technically proficient:" and that slide guitar style of his is one of the most recognizable sounds of the late 60s and early 70s. George wasn't flashy, but he had style and soul, which to my mind is better.  :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: adamzero on July 10, 2008, 04:17:21 AM
He recorded the solo on "Something" live with an orchestra (no dubs) for crissakes.  I think that qualifies as "technically proficient."  Not to mention the intro to "Octopus' Garden"--that's a tricky little lick that alot of bar band types would have trouble getting their fingers around.  

And then there's the slide playing.  George almost never falls into the typical lines--he's brilliant at counterpoint and harmony (Just listen to "I'd Have You Anytime").  

George was easily the best guitar player in the Beatles, Paulie included.  Paul could come up with nice solo ideas, but his execution ain't always that clean ("Taxman" and "Sgt Pepper").  Remember too how young George was--he was just coming into his own as a player and songwriter near the latter years of the Beatles.  

How many memorable Paul guitar solos can you think of (particularly from his solo years?)  "Maybe I'm Amazed" is well constructed but Jimmy McCulloch plays it with a lot more soul (and precision) on the live version.  
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Beatlemania31 on July 10, 2008, 06:00:47 AM
Solo to Till There Was You? Genius.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DaveRam on July 10, 2008, 08:21:54 AM
Yes i think so .
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Jane on July 10, 2008, 06:03:52 PM
By the way, in Plastic Ono Band Eric remained downstage. But it is also true that the band didn`t last long...
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: adamzero on July 10, 2008, 11:37:54 PM
I don't think "Clapper" did much stellar playing backing John.  Even on the Dirty Mac's "Yer Blues" Eric's playing is pretty perfunctory.  I've never been much impressed by Live Peace (even beyond Yoko's caterwauling)--John's music wasn't really Eric's.  Don't ya step on my Blue Suede Shoes?  
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: pc31 on July 11, 2008, 03:23:23 AM
Quote from: 1161
Sure, he was "technically proficient:" and that slide guitar style of his is one of the most recognizable sounds of the late 60s and early 70s. George wasn't flashy, but he had style and soul, which to my mind is better.  :)
if your talking about the slide on for you blue that was john....john usually played the slide on beatle tunes...
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: BlueMeanie on July 11, 2008, 09:06:06 AM
Quote from: 9
I don't think "Clapper" did much stellar playing backing John.  Even on the Dirty Mac's "Yer Blues" Eric's playing is pretty perfunctory.  I've never been much impressed by Live Peace (even beyond Yoko's caterwauling)--John's music wasn't really Eric's.  Don't ya step on my Blue Suede Shoes?  

POB was just made up of whoever Lennon could cobble together quickly enough. A vehicle for his non-Beatles work in 1969/70, and a name to hide behind.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Geoff on July 11, 2008, 12:16:43 PM
Quote from: 284
if your talking about the slide on for you blue that was john.

Quite true; and John's repertoire as a guitar player is more varied than people give it credit for: he played the solo in "Honey Pie" as well, I think.

Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Jane on July 11, 2008, 01:31:46 PM
Quote from: 483

POB was just made up of whoever Lennon could cobble together quickly enough. A vehicle for his non-Beatles work in 1969/70, and a name to hide behind.

Were there any other well-known rockers in the POB?
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: tkitna on July 12, 2008, 12:49:44 AM
Quote from: 1393

Were there any other well-known rockers in the POB?

Alan White and Klaus Voorman

Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: alexis on July 12, 2008, 03:24:17 AM
Quote from: 373

Alan White and Klaus Voorman

And don't forget Yoko (she who sounds like cats mating while being skinned alive when she sings).
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: pc31 on July 12, 2008, 04:09:39 AM
knob gobbler was there too.....
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: BlueMeanie on July 12, 2008, 07:56:45 AM
Quote from: 284
knob gobbler was there too.....

Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: pc31 on July 12, 2008, 11:49:15 PM
nr7v5lLQhHQ (
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: adamzero on July 13, 2008, 03:24:07 AM
Dig that Floyd Pepper, pc.  
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: HeatherBoo on July 13, 2008, 03:42:37 AM
Is that the muppets doing George?
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: pc31 on July 13, 2008, 03:44:48 AM
yes ma'am dr teeths magic band........
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: TheBeatlesForever on July 22, 2008, 10:35:26 PM
he was freckin awesome.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: pc31 on July 23, 2008, 04:34:10 AM
farking a
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DoBotherMe on July 23, 2008, 03:36:28 PM
Feckin'a arse'ome emotion rending performance every time. The most pure, which, for me, equals the best. Dana ; )
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: harihead on July 23, 2008, 05:57:33 PM
Hi, Dana! Lovely description. If I missed welcoming you before, allow me to say, Welcome to DM's!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DoBotherMe on July 23, 2008, 06:28:34 PM
Thanks Harihead! I listen to George's music all the time, usually with a lump in my throat and tears behind my eyes because of the pure emotion of his performance...even "The Sheik of Araby" when his voice cracks on the last 'yeah' and his excited guitar intro get me every time. George is something else! Dana ; )
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: sewi on July 28, 2008, 10:45:45 AM
Did George play guitar on some of the first songs of Badfinger?I know he produced some of their songs/albums but I was wondering.The other day I was listening to one that sounded very close to George style.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Geoff on July 28, 2008, 11:53:38 AM
Quote from: 564
Did George play guitar on some of the first songs of Badfinger?I know he produced some of their songs/albums but I was wondering.The other day I was listening to one that sounded very close to George style.

George and Pete Ham both played slide guitar on "Day After Day" from Straight Up.


(Copy and paste the link)

Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: sewi on July 28, 2008, 03:19:19 PM
Thanks a lot,Geoff.That is the song!I did not know it was George but it did sound a lot like him so I thought it was coincidence but why?George produced some of their songs so maybe he played too and so it was!!! :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: HeatherBoo on July 28, 2008, 06:18:44 PM
How cool, I really like that song I had no idea George was part of it.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: maccafan on October 13, 2008, 02:31:15 AM
George Harrison was absolutely essential for the Beatles!  He was brilliant in the studio when he had time to sit down and compose his parts.  

I've looked at tons of footage of Harrison and playing live was a whole different story, he played some parts very well, but overall live,  Harrison wasn't that good!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DoBotherMe on October 13, 2008, 05:34:43 PM
The videos reveal that as the Beatles, except Ringo, none of them were consistent live. There are lots of missed and fumbled notes, missed cues, out of tune and flat singing, straining voices, bad harmonies, forgotten lyrics, lackluster performances. But I doubt that they would have been the toast of Liverpool and Hamburg if they had only played some parts very well and overall weren't that good.  Peace, Dana ; )
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: maccafan on October 13, 2008, 11:52:46 PM
This is about Harrison's guitar playing, and live it just wasn't that good.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DoBotherMe on October 14, 2008, 02:59:14 PM
That's your opinion. As I said, their live performances (that are available to hear and/or watch) were inconsistent, sprinkled with mistakes, and occasionally lackluster and rote. To single out one person's performance when none were "that good" isn't an impartial measure. But to me taken in whole, his guitar playing live is exciting and delivers the right impact. Dana ; )
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: maccafan on October 14, 2008, 08:06:49 PM
And that's your opinion.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: BlueMeanie on October 14, 2008, 08:55:28 PM
Quote from: 1580
And that's your opinion.

And that's what this place is all about. ;)

Agreed though Dana, they are mostly a shambles live. Though I think the reason for this is just that they were unable to hear anything they played due to the continual screaming of the fans. And remember that they had no monitor speakers in those days either. Of course, in '66 they couldn't be bothered. But pre screaming days they were a very good live band, and you can hear how good they were on the BBC album, and bootlegs.

Re George, I think he was a very important part of forming the early Beatles sound. Post '66 I think he was just adequate.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DoBotherMe on October 14, 2008, 09:25:23 PM
After '66 he was adequate in forming the Beatles sound? As what: song writer, guitarist, musical innovator. I just don't get it, what did he lack that makes him only adequate? His talent is just as great as McCartney and Lennon, heck John even said that without each other none would have made it, "None of us would've made it alone, because Paul wasn't quite strong enough, I didn't have enough girl-appeal, George was too quiet, and Ringo was the drummer. But we thought that everyone would be able to dig at least one of us, and that's how it turned out." Dana ; )
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: An Apple Beatle on October 15, 2008, 07:07:09 AM
Quote from: 1380
"None of us would've made it alone, because Paul wasn't quite strong enough, I didn't have enough girl-appeal, George was too quiet, and Ringo was the drummer. But we thought that everyone would be able to dig at least one of us, and that's how it turned out." Dana ; )

Great quote. :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Jane on October 15, 2008, 07:21:49 PM
Quote from: 1380
After '66 he was adequate in forming the Beatles sound? As what: song writer, guitarist, musical innovator. I just don't get it, what did he lack that makes him only adequate? His talent is just as great as McCartney and Lennon, heck John even said that without each other none would have made it, "None of us would've made it alone, because Paul wasn't quite strong enough, I didn't have enough girl-appeal, George was too quiet, and Ringo was the drummer. But we thought that everyone would be able to dig at least one of us, and that's how it turned out." Dana ; )

Wow, what a quotation! I agree with the above statement that it`s a great quote. Thank you very much for it!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Jane on October 15, 2008, 07:26:38 PM
I absolutely agree with DoBotherMe that George`s talent was unique and he was a perfect guitar player.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: HeatherBoo on October 15, 2008, 11:41:52 PM
He wasn't the best guitar player ever but he was perfect for The Beatles.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: DJselfdestruct on September 05, 2009, 11:59:04 PM
I love a lot of guitarists but george is just my favourite, and i'm not 100% why. but theres so many posotives, i cant think of one beatles song where he doesnt play a good lil riff/solo, hes a very good clean player especialy in his later years with the beatles and his solo career. his subtlty is one of his greatest attributes, not playing ridiculous solos to show off (which he proabably could of done), but creating great leads to suit the beatles style, especially john/pauls composing. George created alot of unique styles of soloing and he never got boring. on top of this he is a great songwriter himself  (a gargantuin task to be noticed along with john and paul). and he branched out to learn indian instruments and styles of playing. no question about it george is more than technically proficient. a class act. i find my self learning more beatles songs on the guitar through georges playing, and purchased my epi casino very much due to george.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: nyfan(41) on September 06, 2009, 12:23:05 AM
george takes quite a beating in engineer geoff emerick's 'here there and everywhere' - he's depicted as someone who always made mistakes, had to do things over and was personally distant.
it's also revealed that during his solo on the live simulcast that became 'all you need is love'- george messes up the second part of his solo - that's why the violins come in -to cover his flub

that said, george harrison is my favorite guitarist for his devotion to roots rock music, his dexterity, his ability to serve a song, his subtlety (as was mentioned), his gift for 'counter-melody' as well as the tone of his guitar.
he's a straight jazzman on many early beatles recordings - playing chords i doubt eric clapton could twist his hands to find -  all the while singing harmony

when you actually try to play these songs you find that guitar parts by people like clapton or duane allman sound flashy but are actually very easy to play with lots of open strings etc . . .
conversely george harrison plays the simplest sounding part that you find you must contort your hand into many difficult positions to play

george all day
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: breedofrandy on September 06, 2009, 08:00:20 AM
Great quote. :)

agreed! :)
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Sondra on October 14, 2009, 02:42:28 AM
I think George's guitar style or sound was a huge part of the Beatles sound. For some reason, his music outside of the Beatles is the only solo stuff that sounds Beatley to me. And it's cuz of that guitar sound. Or something.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 14, 2009, 02:55:06 AM
I think George's guitar style or sound was a huge part of the Beatles sound. For some reason, his music outside of the Beatles is the only solo stuff that sounds Beatley to me. And it's cuz of that guitar sound. Or something.

That's for sure!  One of my guitars is this 1963 Gretsch Country Gentleman.  It makes that early Beatles-George Harrison sound you're talking about.....


Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Sondra on October 14, 2009, 03:02:57 AM
It's like a twangy sound or something. It just automatically makes me think of the Beatles. John and Paul's solo stuff never sounds Beatleish to me. And they need to put these words in the dictionary already so I know how to spell them correctly!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 15, 2009, 04:43:19 AM
It's like a twangy sound or something. It just automatically makes me think of the Beatles.

It's the semi-hollow body and the FilterTron pick-ups that give the Country Gentleman that sound, Sondra.

The official name of the guitar is the Chet Atkins Country Gentleman.  Chet Atkins developed this guitar for Gretsch in the late 1950s and was very particular in the way it should sound.  George Harrison mentioned several times that Chet Atkins was one of the guitarists who influenced him.

Chet Atkins returned the compliment and paid homage to The Beatles with this 1966 album:



Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Hello Goodbye on October 15, 2009, 05:03:54 AM
George Harrison wrote the sleeve notes for Chet Atkins' album......

I have appreciated Chet Atkins as a musician since long
before the tracks on this album were written; in fact,
since I was the ripe young age of seventeen. Since then
I have lost count of the number of Chet’s albums I have
acquired, but I have not been disappointed with any of them.

For me, the great thing about Mr. Atkins is not the fact
that he is capable of playing almost every type of music
but the conviction in the way he does it. Whilst listening
to CHET ATKINS PICKS ON THE BEATLES I got the feeling that
these songs had been written specifically with Chet in mind.
The fact that they were not proves his eminence as an
artist--the perfect example being Yesterday. Chet, by
himself, gets far more out of this than some of the people
known as "class" singers do with a full orchestral
arrangement to boot!

I’ll Cry Instead, She’s a Woman and Can’t Buy Me Love,
having a country feeling about them, lend themselves
perfectly to Chet’s own style of picking, which has
inspired so many guitarists throughout the world (myself
included, but I didn’t have enough fingers at the time).

All the other tracks have Chet adding harmonies and
harmonics in the least expected places, bringing out
that crystal-clear sound of the guitar to his audience’s

One thing remains very clear to me at the end of this LP,
and that is why this sleeve note must end here. Chet
Atkins did not get to be a great guitarist by writing
sleeve notes, but by years of devoted practice on the
instrument he so obviously loves.

                                                George Harrison
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Paul Petraitis on November 23, 2011, 03:31:39 PM
For an opinion by one of his peers, I would defer to Kenny Welsh lead guitarist of the Four Vests who was a Chet Atkins styled player. He had George's respect because he had performed on the Grand Ol Opry. He sat sat down with George swapping licks when George was visiting his sister Louise in southern Illinois Sept 1963. In an interview later Kenny allowed that George "wasn't the smoothest guitarist he'd ever seen, but he was accurate!" Playing with Kenny and his band was probably the first time George had played with anyone but John and Paul since 1957!
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: Hombre_de_ningun_lugar on November 25, 2011, 02:38:29 AM
I think George was the lead guitarist the Beatles needed. He wasn't a virtuoso, but he knew how to play good melodies on guitar. He played the guitar like a piano.
Title: Re: George As A Guitar Player
Post by: nimrod on November 25, 2011, 06:12:55 AM
I think George was the lead guitarist the Beatles needed. He wasn't a virtuoso, but he knew how to play good melodies on guitar. He played the guitar like a piano.

agreed  ;yes