DM's Beatles forums

Solo forums => John Lennon => Topic started by: I am the Paulrus on March 08, 2009, 05:01:29 PM

Title: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: I am the Paulrus on March 08, 2009, 05:01:29 PM
"Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Lennon Alive" documentary coming to cinemas on April 9

New John Lennon documentary called "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Lennon Alive" coming out on April 9, 2009.

Movie info:

See trailer here:
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 08, 2009, 08:26:56 PM
Yes, October 9 - the international holiday of Peace and Love! I am all for it!
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 08, 2009, 08:35:08 PM
Let`s all come to New York on October 9 and meet in Central Park. That would be great!
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: freakchic9 on March 08, 2009, 11:41:21 PM
^That day is a Friday...
But then again, I would have school, and I need a way to get there.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: BlueMeanie on March 09, 2009, 12:42:22 AM
How many more movies do we need?
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: tkitna on March 09, 2009, 12:56:06 AM
Quote from: 483
How many more movies do we need?

Beat me to it Blue. Seriously, enough is enough.

Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Swine on March 09, 2009, 02:01:25 PM
Quote from: 373

Beat me to it Blue. Seriously, enough is enough.

one more and he will an icon.  ;D
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 09, 2009, 08:05:04 PM
Movies is a choice with the audience. Those interested will see it, those not will go to a pub. So there`s no problem. Just ignore it and be happy. Market is a matter of choice with the consumers. And how many more about the Beatles do we need? Thus they may become an icon. BTW they have already become. Anyway for me it`s better if the Beatles or a Beatle will become an icon rather than some other artist who died. So it`s John and George for the moment. I`ve heard that a film is going to be made about George.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Swine on March 09, 2009, 08:46:03 PM
Quote from: 1393
Market is a matter of choice with the consumers.
now that is an interesting point of view. has it ever crossed *censored* minded brain that theres always two sides in a marketing process? you should know. didnt you grow up with the soviet propaganda machine? market is never ever a matter of choice with the consumers.

Quote from: 1393
And how many more about the Beatles do we need? Thus they may become an icon. BTW they have already become. Anyway for me it`s better if the Beatles or a Beatle will become an icon rather than some other artist who died. So it`s John and George for the moment. I`ve heard that a film is going to be made about George.

yes we know theyre iconic. do you have a sense of humour? try and use it for christs sake. btw its martin scorcese working on a george film. click search and type scorcese and you will find some old news somewhere.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 09, 2009, 09:36:28 PM
Swine, you just don`t know but there`s never a market in a communist or soviet regimes. There`s no choice, you are fed with things, they are given to you and if you don`t take them you have nothing. So, it`s better to take. And you speak about market! Where there`s market there`s always a choice, no matter how small, but at least between two. Propaganda matters, but not for intelligent people. You may say not all people are very intelligent, but, still, if we speak about market, propaganda means or turns into advertising, which we have learned to ignore. And films is the simplest choice: just don`t go to see that film, save your money and this thought only will protect you against any kind of propaganda.
BTW this is old news Swine. It`s mostly because of the absence of market that the communist regimes collapsed and, you know, it happened a long time ago. Click search and you will find some old news somewhere.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Swine on March 09, 2009, 09:45:09 PM
what i was trying to point out doctor, is that theres also a side that decides whats going to be on the market. so the question is not 'can we ignore or not', but 'do we really need it or not'. talking new economics here professor jane. do we really need ferrari red stilettos? no. but as long as someone does his or her marketing right it will be put on our feet. well that is not mine of course. but im pretty sure you will understand, miss god.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: tkitna on March 09, 2009, 09:58:16 PM
I'll check out the George movie for a couple reasons. First, there hasent been a movie about George's personal life that i'm aware of, but John seems to have one twice a week for some reason. Secondly, Martin Scorcese is producing the movie. I dont think any Beatle film has had that kind of clout or attention dedicated to it.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2009, 09:04:43 PM
Quote from: 373
I'll check out the George movie for a couple reasons. First, there hasent been a movie about George's personal life that i'm aware of, but John seems to have one twice a week for some reason. Secondly, Martin Scorcese is producing the movie. I dont think any Beatle film has had that kind of clout or attention dedicated to it.

I absolutely agree. (I wasn`t going to present it as the news, then I would have put it in the news section. I mentioned it as we were speaking about films.)
I look forward to seeing the film too, tkitna! And could you, please, name the other films about John Lennon, since there are many. I would like to see them as well. (seems I have missed some).  
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2009, 09:56:37 PM
Quote from: 1789
what i was trying to point out doctor, is that theres also a side that decides whats going to be on the market. so the question is not 'can we ignore or not', but 'do we really need it or not'. talking new economics here professor jane. do we really need ferrari red stilettos? no. but as long as someone does his or her marketing right it will be put on our feet. well that is not mine of course. but im pretty sure you will understand, miss god.

In fact, miss devil (you are female, aren`t you, you insisted on it a month ago, please, correct me if I am wrong), we are talking about the new flexible paradigms of the 21st-century KNOWLEDGE economy, breaking with the rigid, formalized structures of the past. Economy is something that functions, economics is just theory, a textbook.
Besides, if you do not need a ferrari, it doesn`t mean nobody needs it. There are people who need it. Come here and you will see some. You can see 8 Hammers each day in the streets here. It`s hard for you to understand the situation when there`s no choice. But as I`ve said, when there are at least two things from which to choose, the world becomes different.
Do you see all the films released? No. So, there`s no problem with that. Forget about the movie.
Let them give us many different things for different tastes: ferraries, minis, hondas... Moreover, to put the question as Do We Need It or Not? is wrong, cause then someone will have to decide it. Someone will say: We need it! or We don`t need it! and who is that someone to make decisions for me? This means censorship. No, thanks, we passed it and left it behind. We are a free society.
BTW, doctor, I like speaking to you when you behave yourself.  ;D
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: tkitna on March 10, 2009, 11:22:00 PM
Quote from: 1393
I look forward to seeing the film too, tkitna! And could you, please, name the other films about John Lennon, since there are many. I would like to see them as well. (seems I have missed some).  

Sure. Give me until tomoorow night when i'm at work though. Theres a bunch and I dont feel like looking right now.

Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: The Swine on March 11, 2009, 08:12:13 AM
Quote from: 1393
BTW, doctor, I like speaking to you when you behave yourself.  ;D

excuse me? have you ever smelled a pigs ass? o i wasnt talking about ferraris by the way. just the color of it. you should learn to read better.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 11, 2009, 08:38:10 PM
Swine, don`t worry, relax, it`s ok! Just take it easy, pinkish!  ;D
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: DarkSweetLady on March 11, 2009, 10:33:35 PM
People need to calm down and stop fighting. I come here to read about The Beatles not to read arguments left and right about stuff that doesn't even have to deal with The Beatles.

And who cares if there is another John Lennon movie? It's keeping him live, relavent; this is why The Beatles will continue to live.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: tkitna on March 11, 2009, 11:55:24 PM
Quote from: 668
And who cares if there is another John Lennon movie? It's keeping him live, relavent; this is why The Beatles will continue to live.

Yeah, but its like reading the same book by the nightstand every night. How many times can you or do you want to hear or see the same story.

Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: pc31 on March 12, 2009, 12:11:23 AM
you wouldn't feel that way if it was another barbed wire movie...(
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: tkitna on March 12, 2009, 04:20:53 AM
Quote from: 284
you wouldn't feel that way if it was another barbed wire movie...([url][/url])

I'm not sure. The original was pretty damn bad. A sequel would probably be a lot worse.

Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: tkitna on March 12, 2009, 04:26:14 AM
Quote from: 1393
I look forward to seeing the film too, tkitna! And could you, please, name the other films about John Lennon, since there are many. I would like to see them as well. (seems I have missed some).  

Well, here's a handful of movies that cover Johns life in one aspect or another. I found these in about 10 minutes so i'm sure theres probably a ton more if I really looked.

In His Life: The John Lennon Story
John Lennon: Gimme Some Truth (The Making Of Imagine)
The Hours And Times
Beatles Anthology
The Birth Of The Beatles
John Lennon: The Messenger
The U.S. VS John Lennon
The Compleat Beatles
Chapter 27
The Killing Of John Lennon
Nowhere Boy (an upcoming biography)

Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 12, 2009, 08:45:34 PM
Thank you, Tkitna, you are a very generous man.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: DarkSweetLady on March 12, 2009, 09:23:27 PM
I am aware of how many John Lennon movies there are, but some of those weren't done (in my opinion) with good taste. I find the documentary style more interesting, so I'll probably enjoy this movie.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Jane on March 12, 2009, 09:42:27 PM
I am with you DSL.
Title: Re: "Strawberry Fields: Keeping the Spirit of John Len
Post by: Euan Buchan on March 15, 2009, 11:15:53 AM
Think this could be the DVD cover


Kinda looks more of a movie poster