DM's Beatles forums

Other forums => Different Conversations => Topic started by: Penny Lane on April 03, 2009, 03:02:57 AM

Title: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Penny Lane on April 03, 2009, 03:02:57 AM
I'm assuming that most of us here don't know any members personally, so I thought I'd ask:  How would you describe your real life personality?  What do you think you're like (or what do people tell you about yourself)?  

Just thought this would be an interesting question to throw out. :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Magness on April 03, 2009, 08:35:56 AM
How would I describe my real life personality?

Well, I am (in my opinion):
Beatlefreak, big misic lover, animefreak (fan of Japanese animation aka anime), idler, dreamer, mangaka (it's the one who draws manga-comics), computer maniac, pacifist, loser, hippie, liberal conservative and melancoly sanguine. I'd love to travel in the time.. (grin)
I'm lonely, lazy, tired, unhappy, hopeless, miserable, regretful, loveless, emotional, jealous, a bit angry, hysterical, a bit crazy, furious, nervous, anxious and so on and so fourth (grin)

Other people often tell me that I'm extremely talented. It's false, I'm not really talented (grin)
They also tell me that in some cases I'm very strange 'cause I don't like easy ways to do something (true (grin))
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: DaveRam on April 03, 2009, 10:57:23 AM
People who know me say i'm an easy going laid-back sort of person.
I have a sense of humour .
Downside i can be moody and stubborn sometimes .
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Kevin on April 03, 2009, 11:07:19 AM
Same as my DM personality.
I think people are the worst judges of themselves (Hitler probably thought of himself as a nice, well rounded kind of guy.)
I drive my girlfriend mad. She says I can never answer a question with a simple reply. I think she'd say I'm pretentious, pedantic, lazy, (over reliant on brackets) but excellent in the sack.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: tkitna on April 03, 2009, 12:03:37 PM
I'm quiet, subdued, moody, and in general,,,a people hater. I blame it on my wife. 20 years with that woman and she's wore me down. I'm a beaten man.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: An Apple Beatle on April 03, 2009, 12:50:56 PM
Quote from: 185
Same as my DM personality.
I think people are the worst judges of themselves (Hitler probably thought of himself as a nice, well rounded kind of guy.)
I drive my girlfriend mad. She says I can never answer a question with a simple reply. I think she'd say I'm pretentious, pedantic, lazy, (over reliant on brackets) but excellent in the sack.

your honesty hold no bounds and I like it. heheh ;)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Andy Smith on April 03, 2009, 09:09:48 PM
me well...

i'm beatles crackers, obssesed with music, reading, and writing, deep thinker, dosen't talk a lot, people say i have
an odd sense of humor but i don't laugh out loud. i like to be on my own alot, don't like to be around a lot of
people. i do have aspergers syndrome which causes a lot of these things so it is hard for me to understand or
realte to people.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Penny Lane on April 03, 2009, 09:52:38 PM
People who don't know me well think I'm very quiet and shy, and it's a bit true, I don't like talking to people I don't know.  However, around friends and family, I can be an opinionated chatterbox.  At worst I can be quite serious and grumpy, but at best I like having fun, being silly, and making people laugh.  I've been told that I have a very dry sense of humor.  I also think I can be quirky and mischievous.

Overall, I am an introverted person.  I like being alone, and that probably has a lot to do with growing up as an only child.  But that's not to say I don't like being with friends, but I value having my personal space as well.   :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Mrs Lennon on April 04, 2009, 12:20:06 AM
Quote from: 1620
I've been told that I have a very dry sense of humor.  

Get out, I've been told the same! 'Dry humor' or 'dry wit' they say. Others say I have a sarcastic humor. Some even say my humor is almost caustic. I'll probably never know what mah humor really is as long as people keep changing their minds on it. My friends say that I'm loud, but that's basically when me and them are goofing around. Otherwise, I'm not very loud. When I'm in a cruddy mood I can be a royal pain in the butt; nasty, smart alec remarks, it is NOT cool. People say that I am a weirdo, but this doesn't bother me. I'm pretty lazy. I don't really care what I wear as long as it's comfortable, I'm not the fashion obsessed type. Uhh... that's pretty much it.  :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Penny Lane on April 04, 2009, 12:26:53 AM
Mrs. Lennon, you sound very much like me.  Well, I'm not overly loud and I can only play two instruments.   ;D  But other than that, I can be a smart aleck too.  If I really don't like certain people, they'll always be the butt of my jokes (in private)...  And I'm not very fashion-obsessed either.  I've always been a tomboy when it comes to clothing.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: colleengirl95 on April 04, 2009, 07:36:35 AM
Well i'm very talkative, active, a bit loud, hyper that is if i'm with people i know well but what my classmates think of me is that i'm very literary and quiet . My parents and family members think i'm very funny, hyper and loves to eat :). I'm not really into sports but i play basketball... track and field i guess. I don't like wearing dresses or skirts that much and i don't like high-heeled shoes either.  What i don't like about me is that i can't express my feelings too well. I'm a music lover too... i i'm childish for my brothers because i watch Dora The Explorer and Blues Clues. Anyways i guess i'm a happy person :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: HeyJude18 on April 04, 2009, 09:59:37 PM
hm.  I'm not really sure what my real life personality's like, I wouldn't say that it's that different from my personality on here.  I love my friends, I love science and I love the Beatles...  Oddly enough my facebook personality is not even exactly like my real personality, I guess my real self is only shown in my blog...
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: JimmyMcCullochFan on April 05, 2009, 11:11:00 AM
I am very shy & quiet. I am a person of few words and I'm pretty easy going and mellow. I tend to keep to myself alot...I enjoy reading, writing, photography and video making. I love history, music and sports. Hm.. what else?
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: freakchic9 on April 05, 2009, 08:52:20 PM
I'm very unpredictable, loud, hyper, easily amused, easily distracted, and I tend to go with the flow with exception.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Sondra on April 06, 2009, 01:33:57 AM
I don't know how anyone could really explain their "real life" personality. I mean, we're usually the last ones to know what we're really like.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: pc31 on April 06, 2009, 01:37:34 AM
well speak for yourself sister!! me i know!!! i'm really an a**hole....check it out bob dylan meets the beatles
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Penny Lane on April 06, 2009, 04:47:26 AM
Quote from: 216
I don't know how anyone could really explain their "real life" personality. I mean, we're usually the last ones to know what we're really like.
Quote from: 1620
What do you think you're like (or what do people tell you about yourself)?  


Today my mom told me she thinks I can be very sweet.  Awww.  :P
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: HeatherBoo on April 07, 2009, 01:57:35 AM
I have been described as a social butterfly, a free spirit, open-minded, funny, sometimes moody, occasionally stubborn when I really believe in something, and the devil with angel wings  8)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Joost on April 16, 2009, 10:32:22 AM
Because I had some arguments with some people on this board it may seem like I'm a bit short-tempered and easily offended, but that's absolutely not what I am in real life. For as far as I know I have no enemies and I don't think I've ever been in a heated argument with anyone (with my parents of course, but that's a given, right?). I guess you just misunderstand and get misunderstood more easily on the internet than in real life.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Octie on April 16, 2009, 11:44:01 AM
Generally I'm a shy, quiet type... I'm actually more shy around people in "real life" than I am on here, haha ;D But around my family I'm more relaxed/outgoing/silly.
I absolutely love my family, and I love my friends too. My sister (KE) is my best friend :)
I have a bad habit of getting worried/nervous easily... one of my friends always tells me to stop panicking ;D
I've been told that I'm reliable. I've also been told that I'm "too nice", coz I can be a bit of a pushover, haha.
I tend to study a lot, and I actually like studying. I don't like tests though... and I really don't like time/word limits!
I love drawing, but I can't really draw. Wish I could...
I've got a major thing for nostalgia... I love remembering things, especially old cartoons :)
And I'm as weird in real life as I seem on here... probably even weird-er ;D
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Veroniqa on April 20, 2009, 09:07:28 PM
Well, its hard to judge myself.
To be honest, Im very moody person, I can be happy and in few minutes totally depressed. Im also very shy, day dreamer, living in the past.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: MopTopsincebirth on May 09, 2009, 08:13:50 AM
Demonstratively shy. Confidently insecure. Outgoingly introverted. Oxymoronically happily married. Skitzo NOT! Energetically lazy. Sadly elated. Openly closed. Actively sedentary. Cruelly kind. Selfishly charitable. Sensually celibate. Religous devil worshipper. Philanthropical con man. Passively violent. Gratuitously selfish. True Gemini.
And, unlike Mrs. Lennon and Penny Lane, I enjoy dresses and high heels. I'm one hot guy! j/k
My real life personality has always been open to try most anything once. Dangerous things. Never wanted to look back with regrets. Been in the medical field most of my life and compassion runs deep inside me. Hate to see anyone suffer.
I saw The Beatles arrive in America in 1964 on T.V., then the 3 infamous Ed Sullivan performances in Feb. '64. Instant fan. I begged my parents to take me to their live performance in Aug. '66 at Sulfolk Downs, MA. My parents caved and I got to go with a friend. So, in my real life personality, The Beatles played a role, cuz here I am some 45 years later on a Beatles forum, amongst friends who all have a love for The Beatles in common.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Mairi on May 09, 2009, 10:00:13 PM
I am pretty much the same as I am on this website, except I have a tendency to say things without thinking about it. I don't really have a filter. I am pretty outgoing and fun, but I also have an introspective side to me that a lot of people don't see.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: MopTopsincebirth on May 10, 2009, 07:41:34 PM
I find it hard to see introspective sides of people. :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Mairi on May 11, 2009, 01:08:06 AM
Haha! I mean that people don't see that I can be introspective.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Sondra on June 14, 2009, 07:01:57 AM
I can't tell you my personality, you know. My personality is what you read in the forums. I know my real personality, which is nothing like my.... personality...

Forget it.

Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Penny Lane on January 29, 2010, 06:35:42 AM
Bumping this up for any board newbies. ;)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: breedofrandy on January 29, 2010, 07:30:30 AM
^It's cool reading about all you people!  ;) I think Penny & Octie are a lot like me.

It is hard to describe yourself...

In "real" life I'm a very shy and quiet person. People usually don't understand me, especially if I don't know them very well. It takes me a long while to warm up to people, I won't just trust anyone I meet. I think I'm a good judge of character which can be a very helpful skill.
I think it's strange how people see me, they usually will say that they think I'm a really hilarious person even if they don't really know me, and that's always a weird thing to hear. I can pretty much make anyone laugh, and sometimes I'm not even trying that hard to do it and they still laugh at the things I say. I don't know why, but people find me really funny! But I'll admit once I get going there's no stopping me!  ;D I think my humor is usually sarcastic anyways. I enjoy making people smile.
Another word just to throw out there that people usually describe me as is "Genuine."

So that's a little bit about me.  ;)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: emmi_luvs_beatles on January 29, 2010, 01:48:08 PM
^^ Your a lot like me, Randy! :D

In real life I'm a very quiet person, and I use my sarcastic and out there humor as a gaurd usually. And I cannot hurt anyone's feelings even if I tried, I'm really nice to everyone and don't judge people. During school I usually am not "present" if you say, because I really don't like school, it's full of people who are too full of themselves and take everything too seriously. At least that's my school. So I'm usually drawing or writing. I'm a thoughtful and intellectual person, or as my parents and relatives say "Smart and sophisticated" for my age. And some people would just call me weird or different :P

(By the way, when I say drawing I mean doodling or working on a surrealism drawing *eye roll*)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: I_Will on January 29, 2010, 02:30:33 PM
Copied directly from my Facebook about me section:

I’m an incredibly optimistic person, but I’m also not naïve. I love spending my time doing things I enjoy, and when it comes to doing things I don’t, I am one of the world’s worst procrastinators. But when I do get around to doing a task, I'm a perfectionist, and for this reason I tend to prefer to work alone. I’m unorganized and messy, but I’ve got an uncanny ability to know where everything is. I would say I’m a happy person for the most part; I love positivity, laughter, and when everyone gets along. However, I know that this is not always the way life goes. I’m very good at reading people and deciding at whether or not we will get along. I love learning and I’m not afraid to say it. There aren’t many subjects that I don’t like learning more about either. Sometimes I can come off as being cynical or judgmental, but I get over things quickly. I am absolutely terrible at holding grudges, even though I want to sometimes. Genuine ignorance is what bothers me most, but I have many little pet peeves; things that probably seem superfluous. I'm outgoing and I'm not afraid to talk to people I don't know, but I also don't mind being alone.

(And if anyone actually read all of that, you can tell that I'm also very long-winded as well :) )
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: emmi_luvs_beatles on January 29, 2010, 02:34:46 PM
^^ I think you and I would get along lol. I can also read people well, which I usually keep to myself. (Hence not posting it :P)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: MrsHarrison on January 29, 2010, 03:37:25 PM
Everybody seems to think I'm lazy. I don't mind, I think they're crazy.  ;D

People tend to call me many different things. My mother had just said the other day that I put up a wall that makes me look like a grade A b!tch, but then I think of things that are completely selfless, or look at things from a different perspective then others that makes me look like a really caring person. So, essentially, I'm pretty bipolar with my moods and personalities.  ha2ha

I would describe myself as deep, hilarious when prompted, somewhat spiritual in my thinking, and very guarded. I had a lot of crappy people in my life and they kinda killed a lot of my unguarded parts so now I'm just a big wall of sarcasm and dark wit. I like me, and so do some other people. But those who don't, I don't even worry about. I mainly prefer to be alone anyway.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: breedofrandy on January 29, 2010, 05:57:25 PM
^I like the sarcasm and dark wit, sounds like me!  ;) And Emmi we do seem a lot alike!

It's interesting to see how Emily likes talking to people she doesn't know and I really don't like that at all, but we have the same birthday! Tis interesting. But you do seem to have a lot of the same outlooks on things as me. The being messy bit but knowing where everything is, that's just like me!  ;)  ha2ha
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Wonderland on January 29, 2010, 07:07:19 PM
According to other people, I'm funny, musical, smart, weird and arrogant. And it's also evident to most that I love politics. It's an interesting way to be. :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: LSD on January 30, 2010, 02:45:32 AM
Im not as ditsy as I seem ( I know I come off a little uneducated because of my typeos but I mean come on its the internet and its where Im the most lazy)I read ALOT but its more stuff like "fight club" or "the curious incident of the dog in the night time" (not ur typical lovely dovey person aside from jane austin ofcorse). Im not too shy but I tend to hold back my comments because sometimes they're very odd. Im very oldfashion when it comes to music and style ( I still have yet to meet someone here that likes edith piaf or appreciates this cute little polk dot "i love lucy" dress I abso adore.) Im usually alone when Im the most happiest( not saying that i dont have fun when im with my friends)! Watching a movie or reading outdoors is something I do for fun.  AND I love the Beatles ofcorse!
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Penny Lane on January 30, 2010, 04:01:57 AM
I still have yet to meet someone here that likes edith piaf

I know just some of her songs, but I like Edith Piaf. :)
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: LSD on January 30, 2010, 04:16:04 AM
I know just some of her songs, but I like Edith Piaf. :)
You have great taste in music!!! :P
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: I_Will on January 30, 2010, 04:27:04 AM
"the curious incident of the dog in the night time"

That's a great book.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: MrsHarrison on January 30, 2010, 10:35:25 AM
^I like the sarcasm and dark wit, sounds like me!  ;)

Along with dark wit and sarcasm, I forgot to mention that I get nervous extremely easily. As I said, it's like having a bajillion different feelings inside and then BLAM! like the lottery, you get what you get.  ha2ha
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: LSD on January 30, 2010, 03:56:54 PM
It's like having a bajillion different feelings inside and then BLAM! like the lottery, you get what you get.  ha2ha

 ha2ha I can totally relate!
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Wonderland on January 30, 2010, 04:23:03 PM
I'm very loud but still quite reserved, however that works.

Some people view me as crazy, others as defiant, and then there are those who think I'm interesting. :P
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: emmi_luvs_beatles on January 30, 2010, 04:29:36 PM
Some people view me as crazy, others as defiant, and then there are those who think I'm interesting. :P

Oh I can relate there! LOL
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: breedofrandy on January 30, 2010, 04:37:57 PM
Along with dark wit and sarcasm, I forgot to mention that I get nervous extremely easily. As I said, it's like having a bajillion different feelings inside and then BLAM! like the lottery, you get what you get.  ha2ha

Yeah I can relate to that too! I get so freaked out about pretty much everything, and I'm always asking myself "what if" it's really crazy!
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: MrsHarrison on January 30, 2010, 06:11:19 PM
Oh, I think I've just found a couple new friends. Everybody seems to be just like me!  ha2ha
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: sgt. peppie on January 30, 2010, 07:00:25 PM
My personality depends on how my mood is. When I feel like crap, I'm practically invisible, and when I feel fresh and positive, I become more approachable, I guess. I guess you could say I'm polite, until I'm with my friends, then I act like myself.  8)
I'm extremely patient when it comes to anything, except for drawing.  :P
I notice how my English class can't read very well, or use big words, which annoys the hell out of me. So that's why I'm trying to make sure I'm not one of them.  ;D
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: HarriGirl_44 on February 08, 2010, 01:43:53 AM
I'm funny, crazy  ;D, smart , lazy :P and a little shy. Sometimes I'm negative and sometimes positive.
I'm a little polite. I like sarcasm XD. I'm very patient. I'm very friendly and a good person. I really hate being ignored, It makes me angry. But I'm not an angry person.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Kaleidoscope_Eyes on February 08, 2010, 04:29:54 AM
I'm funny, crazy  ;D, smart , lazy :P and a little shy. Sometimes I'm negative and sometimes positive.
I'm a little polite. I like sarcasm XD. I'm very patient. I'm very friendly and a good person. I really hate being ignored, It makes me angry. But I'm not an angry person.
Ah sounds like me! Although I can be very impatienet... hehehe! Thats why I will never be a teacher. I am an excellent listener! And a bit of a narcissist. I need to work on speaking my mind more and not keep things to myself.
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Wonderland on February 18, 2010, 09:49:00 AM
I could never be a teacher either, KE, I get frustrated having to explain something over and over again. ;D

One of my friends has told me I'm cynical and people are amused by the fact that I'm absent minded but I sometimes talk like I 'swallowed a dictionary'. XD
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Bubby Gnome on February 20, 2010, 09:47:48 PM
Hyper, funny and shy.

Oh and I also say sorry way too much  ;sorry
Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Bubby Gnome on February 21, 2010, 10:38:50 PM
I say sorry way too much  ;sorry.

Title: Re: What's your real life personality like?
Post by: Octie on February 23, 2010, 08:21:41 AM
Oh and I also say sorry way too much  ;sorry

Hehe, I know what you mean... I used to do this martial art called ju jitsu, and I kept saying sorry all the time during practice (because I kept making mistakes ;) )... so at some point the instructor threatened to make me do push-ups if I say sorry one more time ha2ha