Steely Dan observations

Started by Loco Mo, Mar 18, 2022, 02:21 PM

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Loco Mo

I am a big fan of Steely Dan.  I love their music.  It doesn't seem like there's a bad song in their catalog.  Do you agree?  But, I had a strange thought the other day while listening to them.

First of all by comparison to the Beatles:  It seems like all Beatle songs were good regardless of whether you liked them or not.  You knew they were still good even if you didn't like some of them.  Also, most of their songs were self-written.

Comparison to Steely Dan:  It seems the above holds for true for Steely Dan.  I don't know off the top of my head if they did any covers or not.  I should know this considering all the listening I've done of their music.

Now here's the weird part and why I decided to post.  The Beatles songs all seem different.  Steely Dan songs seem like they're very much the same across the board.  I can't prove this out because it's so subjective of a perception.  It's as if all their songs are universally similar.  Yet, you don't perceive this ordinarily.  I'm not sure I can articulate this more clearly.

It's as if I'm listening to the same song all the time but it's not perceived as such.  Is this possible?  And how can it be?  As always I really appreciate the feedback I get on this Forum.  Thank you muchly!
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend.


Those are interesting thoughts, LocoMo. I'm not familar with Steely Dan except for their best-known songs, so I can't quite master your analogy, but it's an interesting one.


What I've heard of Steely Dan they're songs do have a samey sort of sound. To me they have that laid back jazzy quality.  Could be just because I haven't listened to them enough though.


I like SD. But in a way they were a one trick pony. They used a lot of Jazz chords in their songs. They also used top session musicians like Larry Carlton guitar and some phenomenal drummers and Bass players..
I do like them but they were were nowhere near as creative as The Beatles. Nobody was.

This is my favourite SD track and one of my favourite guitar solos at 2:17 by the aforementioned Larry Carlton. If you can tune into the Drums (Bernard Purdie) and Bass (Chuck Rainey).....Awesome !

Kid Charlamagne.

All You Need Is Love

Loco Mo

nimrod:  Yes, I like that guitar solo in Kid Charlemagne, too.  The drums are minimalistic but funky-groovy.  The bass feels heavy and really solidifies the foundation of the song.  Also, Steve Gadd's drum fills on "Aja" are the most awesome ever.  I wonder if Ringo could play that.

Moogmodule:  I agree; they're not at all like the Beatles but I think most of their songs are listenable and enjoyable to hear.  They seem to make perfect background music when I'm engaged in some activity.  Yet, they're not exactly elevator music either.

Normandie:  Thanks.  I don't know if you would consider my POV if you didn't listen to them a whole lot of the time.  That's okay.  There's a lot of musical artists to hear in the world going back in time to the now of today's universe.  I wonder about the music that may exist elsewhere in our supposedly infinite universe.

Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend.


check out Rick Beato's what makes this song great on that song


I like Steely Dan! LocoMo, you reminded me relisten to them again. After Styx, which I listen to now. I know `Can't Buy a Thrill' and `Aja' as well as `The Serpent Is Rising', `Equinox' and `The Grand Illusion' - all these albums (and many others albums of other rockbands) my father brought from US in 1979, an year before I was born. So I listen to them since my childhood.


Barrytown reminds me a Beatles song. Is it subjectively and just a special case or does it reminds you a one Beatles song too? What song?


Quote from: Dmitry on Mar 30, 2022, 07:13 AM
Barrytown reminds me a Beatles song. Is it subjectively and just a special case or does it reminds you a one Beatles song too? What song?

That song does sound very familiar, Dmitry, but the Beatles song it reminds me of is just beyond my grasp. Can you enlighten us?


It sounds to me like ...Tell Me What You See

All You Need Is Love

Loco Mo

Good one, nimrod.  I totally agree that this sounds like "Tell me what you see."  For a while, I thought it was similar to "Run for your life."
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend.

Hello Goodbye

I can stay till it's time to go


Wow! You're amazing! I meant Tell Me What You See too.

Real Beatles fans we are  8)


Quote from: Dmitry on Mar 31, 2022, 12:43 AM
Wow! You're amazing! I meant Tell Me What You See too.

Real Beatles fans we are  8)

It just jumped out at me Dmitry, first listen.

All You Need Is Love


It's that first line of the verse that jogs the Beatle memory.  Haven't heard song before. More poppy and less jazzy than other Steely Dan I've heard. Might give that whole album a listen.