Rerelease of Let It Be

Started by Moogmodule, Apr 15, 2024, 04:05 PM

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It seems the very long awaited re-release of Let it Be will happen via Disney. I haven't found an exact date but 8 May is being mentioned.


Interesting! I've never seen the original.l I have it on DVD but have been too lazy to drag out the DVD player and hook it up.  ;)

I'll keep my fingers crossed that Disney does offer it soon.


I have an old bootleg but the sound and vision quality is poor. It'll be nice to see a cleaned up version.



Mine's a bootleg, too, with poor quality. It would be nice to not only see a non-bootleg version but also one that, according to Disney, has been restored by Peter Jackson.

Hello Goodbye

My bootleg's picture and sound quality is excellent...

I've got a feeling I won't be buying Disney's re-release.

I can stay till it's time to go


isn't the rosier glasses view from Get Back, while possibly biased the other way, a better depiction of that time in their careers?  What is Disney doing with it, enhancing the quality of the video/audio at all?


Quote from: Hello Goodbye on Apr 15, 2024, 08:34 PM
My bootleg's picture and sound quality is excellent...

Since the picture and audio quality of the original film was never excellent, that's quite remarkable.

Looking forward to the Peter Jackson cleanup.

Dave in Nashville

Euan Buchan

Got a bootleg version I got at Beatle Week Liverpool 2005 will be great to see it remastered and hopefully released on DVD & Blue Ray.


Quote from: blmeanie on Apr 16, 2024, 05:35 AM
isn't the rosier glasses view from Get Back, while possibly biased the other way, a better depiction of that time in their careers? 

Yes, I would think so, but I'm still looking forward to comparing and contrasting the two. (Hey, that would make a great school assignment.)

Quote from: blmeanie on Apr 16, 2024, 05:35 AM
What is Disney doing with it, enhancing the quality of the video/audio at all?

Peter Jackson is remastering the original footage. From The Verge: "Like the docuseries The Beatles: Get Back, Let It Be will feature original film footage remastered by Peter Jackson's Park Road Post Production and remastered audio created using the same de-mixing tools that recently led to the release of the Beatles' final song."

Given that I've seen only a bootleg, I'm looking forward to the remastered version.

Looks like it will indeed be released for streaming on May 8:

Euan Buchan



All You Need Is Love


Quote from: Euan Buchan on Apr 30, 2024, 01:19 AM
The new trailer is here

Quote from: nimrod on Apr 30, 2024, 01:42 AM
Looks Fab Euan, cheers for that  icon_good

That does look good! I really admire the work video editors do.


That's a great trailer. And looks good too.

Euan Buchan


Had a look at the first half on Disney.  The picture and sound is a huge improvement over my crappy early 2000s bootleg. Jackson has avoided the washed out, heavily treated appearance that was evident in some of the Get Back footage. It just looks like a good quality film.

The film itself up to the formal studio performances and the rooftop seems more like a trailer to Get Back now but it moves along quickly and works better than I remember it.