Random Thoughts

Started by Mrs JWL, Mar 02, 2005, 09:22 PM

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Quote from: An Apple Beatle on Jul 07, 2009, 04:19 AM
Hope your not teaching in the morning...it will catch up with you! heheheh. Sleeeep! You'll thank yourself later.  ;)
Yeah, I taught today. I do this all the time. Since I was a kid, I could never get to sleep at a decent hour! I've learned to function on no sleep from time to time!

I like the new avatar! Very cool.


Quote from: Hello Goodbye on Jul 07, 2009, 07:02 PM
"Boker tov, talmidim."

"Boker tov, Geveret KE!"


Oy gevalt!
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.

Hello Goodbye

בוקר טוב, תלמידים

KE  בוקר טוב, גברת

Well, we can post in Hebrew on this new board!

I can stay till it's time to go

Hello Goodbye

I can stay till it's time to go


As a shiksa, I can't really continue this conversation.
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.

Hello Goodbye

That's OK.   שום דבר   Ca ne fait rien......a good "oy gevalt" every so often says it all.
I can stay till it's time to go


En nou is het mooi geweest.


Hi Sandra. I had a dream about you last night. We were sitting on a floor arguing (what else!). I was trying to tell you that London was a terrible place for Beatle fans to visit but you kept on replying "but what about the pimpernickel?"
Then we were at a concert and we were blown away by how fat Nils Lofgren was (!) and then we had a good laugh because the bass player was wearing little shorts and we could see his undies.
Towards the end we were getting on great. We even had a dance.
Wierd or what?
don't follow leaders

An Apple Beatle

Quote from: Sandra on Jul 07, 2009, 07:12 PM
Yeah, I taught today. I do this all the time. Since I was a kid, I could never get to sleep at a decent hour! I've learned to function on no sleep from time to time!

I like the new avatar! Very cool.

Grazie. x


A minute ago there were 2 members online, now it is 7 )))



Too cool, yah?


Can't wait for the new Harry Potter movie!!!!!!  I bought my ticket for the midnight show :):):)  7 DAYS!  Which means 10 days til my birthday! lol

RAIN-ed on: July 17, 2010; STARR-strucked: July 23, 2010; PAUL-inated: August 8, 2010


awesome! I want to go, but would it be lame to go by myself? none of my friends are here where I am living.
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.

Penny Lane

Vegetarian shu mai is a happy thing (if you like dim sum).

I am looking forward to watching "Bruno"...should be interesting.


Quote from: Kevin on Jul 08, 2009, 03:24 AM
Hi Sandra. I had a dream about you last night. We were sitting on a floor arguing (what else!). I was trying to tell you that London was a terrible place for Beatle fans to visit but you kept on replying "but what about the pimpernickel?"
Then we were at a concert and we were blown away by how fat Nils Lofgren was (!) and then we had a good laugh because the bass player was wearing little shorts and we could see his undies.
Towards the end we were getting on great. We even had a dance.
Wierd or what?

That's hysterical. Two questions: what's pimpernickel and who's Nils Lofgren? ;D

Oh yeah, and when do we ever argue? I totally disagree with you on that. And I can write about 152 words explaining my rightness if need be. ;)  ;)  :D