Cindy Sheehan is a far left liberal wacko.

Started by Wayne L., Aug 28, 2005, 09:05 AM

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Still doesn't change the fact that this war is a waste of time and resources, and no one should have been dying to begin with.

I hate our administration with a passion.


I agree that ALL war is a waste of time and resources, especially when the people that are doing the fighting and dying have no say in it, but thats the human way. I still say the nations leaders should just get into the ring and the last man/woman standing wins.

Quote from: MairiI didn't really mean that in a mean way.

Are there any female folk singers that you do like? Joni Mitchell, maybe? Judy Collins?

You worry too much. I'll take Joan Baez over Judy Collins by 1,000 paces. Judy Collins couldn't carry a tune if it had handles. I like Joni Mitchell, and current stuff, I'm in love with Shawn Colvin.

I think the basic premise of her protest has been lost. Its not so much that her Son was in the Armed Forces and died. It has become a matter of what this is all about, which is what people seem to keep forgetting. We went in there because we had 'reliable intelligence' reports that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. They didn't. Bush keeps trying to put this in the same box as 9/11. Its not got one fucking thing to do with 9/11. Whatever happened with that? Halliburton is making a fortune on this war, the Saudis should be giving us oil for free, and 'Mission Accomplished' my ass. Stay what course? What exit plan? That's what she's saying. Her son is a token of someone who died, but what exactly did he die for? And not just him, but the almost 2,000 of our soldiers. All our War on Terror has done is galvanize the Terrorists into a nice tight unit, and we're fucked, while George and his cronies get to ride into the sunset in a few years as super wealthy men and blood on their hands that they could give a shit about.


Quote from: Mairi

That's ridiculous. Even if you don't like her music, you have to admit that she is talented. She was pivitol in bringing folk to the mainstream. If it weren't for her, Bob Dylan wouldn't even be that famous.

Wait a minute, I think you meant, if it weren't for HIM Joan Baez wouldn't even be that famous. Easy mistake to make.


Seriously though, what song has she ever written???


Quote from: juniorsfarmI think the basic premise of her protest has been lost. Its not so much that her Son was in the Armed Forces and died. It has become a matter of what this is all about, which is what people seem to keep forgetting. We went in there because we had 'reliable intelligence' reports that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. They didn't. Bush keeps trying to put this in the same box as 9/11. Its not got one fucking thing to do with 9/11. Whatever happened with that? Halliburton is making a fortune on this war, the Saudis should be giving us oil for free, and 'Mission Accomplished' my ass. Stay what course? What exit plan? That's what she's saying. Her son is a token of someone who died, but what exactly did he die for? And not just him, but the almost 2,000 of our soldiers. All our War on Terror has done is galvanize the Terrorists into a nice tight unit, and we're fucked, while George and his cronies get to ride into the sunset in a few years as super wealthy men and blood on their hands that they could give a shit about.

You wanna run for president soon? Cuz I'd vote for you!



I don't think what Cindy Sheehan says is as important as what she represents.  The opposition to Bush and the War finally has a human face.  

That's what scares Karl Rove and why he doesn't want Bush to meet her face to face.  It will show how small he really is.  

Remember that scene in Jaws when that women in mourning slaps the Chief for letting kids swim when he knew there'd been a shark attack.  The Chief had the guts to shut down the beaches after that.

Cindy Sheehan is the same woman.  Bush, unlike the Chief, is afraid to face her.  

It's weird how the popular mind works.  Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat and then you've got the bus boycott.  

Will Cindy spark something as momentous?  Time will tell.  

Four more years in Iraq don't sound very promising--and the all volunteer army may soon become a thing of the past when other hot spots blow.  

I don't blame Bush, though.  What's going on in Iraq is the culmination of British and American Imperialism that dates back at least to the fall of the Ottoman Empire--if not to the Manifest Destiny philosophy of the 19th Century.  

Like Rome, although less obvious, we veered away from Republicanism into Empire.  

Quote from: Frightwolf

You wanna run for president soon? Cuz I'd vote for you!


Thanks Bro'. The hypocrisy that runs rampant with this Administration in general and this War in particular, makes me sick. AdamZ is right too. What about Karl Rove? All their crap gets swept under the carpet in incredible fashion. What happened to getting to the bottom of that 'little' matter. There is a woman in jail for his bullshit. If it was Clinton or any other Democrat, there would be Republican, excuse me, 'Independent' Cousel, Committees, Subcommittees, screaming for his impeachment. And if anyone should be impeached for lying blatantly, day after day, to the American public, it should be Bush. The Right screams that what Sheehan is doing is demoralizing the troops, well, if it only takes one woman expressing her views to demoralize our entire Armed Forces, then we're really in trouble.

An Apple Beatle

Some great points to read.....I'd still take a swing for Bush though if I could after I'd lost any of my family...

I think at one point in this debacle we had lost more troops to U.S. fire than enemy.

It's just all madness.....Greedy madness.


Being a history freak, I always wondered how the German Government in WW2 managed to convince its people (who were generally well-educated) that occupying foreign countries was an OK thing to do, and to get them to turn a blind eye to what was going on in these countries.
Well I guess questioned answered. As much as we dislike it we seem to powerless to stop it. And come election time, people are more worried about themselves than any other bigger issues (I speak only about the UK here.)
And we have the benefit of a relatively free media.
don't follow leaders


Quote from: Maccalvr

Wait a minute, I think you meant, if it weren't for HIM Joan Baez wouldn't even be that famous. Easy mistake to make.


Seriously though, what song has she ever written???

Nope, Joan brought his songs into her repetoire and introduced him to a broader audience. I do agree that Bob is a better lyricist though. Like there's anyone better than him anyway.

But this is not what we're talking about. Shutting up now.

I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.


No, but seriously Wayne... How can you still think you're politically in the middle? You CONSTANTLY bitch about how stupid you think all those left wingers are but I've NEVER heard you say anything negative about anything right wing. And your views seem to be very conservative, to say the least.


Wayne is so right wing, it's not even funny. It's saddening to know that there are still people in the world who actually believe these things.
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.


Wayne, in some cases, is the majority in our country.
All You Need is Love  :K) :K) :K)


But then again, I think the American standards for what's left or right or left wing or right wing are different than our Dutch standards. If a Dutch political would say and do the things that president Bush says and does, he would certainly be considered right wing and even a bit of an extremist...