Bob Dylan!

Started by McLennon, Jan 28, 2007, 05:18 PM

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what do people think of Bob?

I think he's great!! love his songs and lyrics! I have booked tickets to go see him in April this year! which will be great!!

and whats your favorite dylan lyrics??

I like him saying something like "some the people can be part right all of the time, all the people can be part right some of the time but all the people can't be all right, all of the time"

also "theres no sucess like failure and failures no sucess at all"! :D
There are 7 levels!


I worship teh Dylan, as most people on here know. :)

As for favorite lines, one that sticks out at me right now is a line from "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream":

QuoteThe man says, "Get out of here
I'll tear you limb from limb"
I said, "You know, they refused Jesus, too"
He said, "You're not Him!"

That one always makes me laugh every time I hear it.
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.


haha thats a great song! I love the end saying "he said his name was Colubus and I just said "good luck"!
There are 7 levels!


I can't remember the songs name (Desolation Row?) but the Dylan line " somethings happening here but you don't know what it is, do you, Mr Jones?" is brilliant. Sums up what was  going on perfectly. Genius.
It's on songs like this that I think his sneering vocal and "I don't give a sh*t" harmonica  all meld so well. When everyone else was seeking musical perfection he was content to sound like some punk bashing out songs on a street corner. (and some will see that as good and some as bad. For me it's good.)
don't follow leaders

Quote from: 544what do people think of Bob?

I think he's great!! love his songs and lyrics! I have booked tickets to go see him in April this year! which will be great!!

and whats your favorite dylan lyrics??

I like him saying something like "some the people can be part right all of the time, all the people can be part right some of the time but all the people can't be all right, all of the time"

also "theres no sucess like failure and failures no sucess at all"! :D

No when you see him live, it will not be great, he sucks live.

Anyway his music is amazing, and i agree with mairi that some of his best lyrics are in that song, especially at the end. The song is about dylan who goes and discovers america and explores it with some shipmates, and finds everyone there's crazy, and they all get thrown in jail. Bob escapes and tries to find numerous ways of getting the others out of jail too. At at the end:
" But the funniest thing was as i was leaving the bay, i saw 3 ships sailing, they were all heading my way. I asked the captain what his name was and why he didn't drive a truck. He said his name was Columbous, i just said good luck."

Love that song. Chimes of freedom i also think has some of his best lyrics. His music can take you through all drifferent scenes and feelings!


Quote from: 185I can't remember the songs name (Desolation Row?) but the Dylan line " somethings happening here but you don't know what it is, do you, Mr Jones?" is brilliant. Sums up what was  going on perfectly. Genius.
It's on songs like this that I think his sneering vocal and "I don't give a sh*t" harmonica  all meld so well. When everyone else was seeking musical perfection he was content to sound like some punk bashing out songs on a street corner. (and some will see that as good and some as bad. For me it's good.)

yes thats good! the song is ballad of a thin man!

yeah I have heard he just plays piano and turns away from the audience but still worth it!
There are 7 levels!


Quote from: 197No when you see him live, it will not be great, he sucks live.

From what I've heard, he's either a hit or miss live. It probably doesn't help that he's started smoking again after quitting to record Modern Times. Silly man...
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.


I saw him last year and thought he was great. He's a freaking legend for God's sake. You need to appreciate him for what his is at this point. My friend did point out though that he ended every sentence on a high note no matter what the song. Blowin' in the WIND. Like a rolling STONE. Forever YOUNG. Lay lady LAY. After she pointed that out, it got a little annoying. But oh well. He's Bob. He was never normal.


hahaha that would be so funny if he does that!!

I looked at some set lists from 2006 and he never seems to keep it the same from night to night!!

I really hope he does some old classics!
There are 7 levels!


The thing that disappointed me was that he seems to have given up guitar. First I read that it's because he had arthritis. Then I read that it was because he just felt like it. So who knows. He didn't really play the keyboards though but he stood behind them the whole time pushing a few keys. Sort of like Brian Wilson these days. Only Bob stands and Brian sits. Maybe this is the new thing amongst eccentric musical geniuses from the sixties.


Word on the street is back pain.  It's easier for him to sit/half stand at the keyboards.

I saw him a couple years ago.  Even if you hated Dylan, his band is magnificent.  There are good song lists on rotates through about forty or fifty tunes.  Usually does about fifteen songs with two encores (Like a Rolling Stone and All Along the Watchtower were it for awhile).  

He did a little chit-chat.  Mentioned doing some albums in Nashville with Charlie Daniels and said you can't do much better than Charlie.

The vocals can be hit and miss (as you'd expect), but when he really hits one like Highway 61, boy, you better watch out.  

Bob goes off stage first and hopes onto his bus.  Then the rest of the band goes--to their bus.  


Merle Haggard made some jokes about that bus thing. Like Bob was anti-social or something. He actually made quite a few jokes about Bob! It was pretty funny. He even did an imitation of him singing Blowin' in the Wind. I think Merle was a bit pissed at how much less he was being paid and was a bit bitter. He gave a great performance though.

Anyway, I LOVE Bob Dylan. His talent is amazing. I


All along the watchtower is Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!! Knockin' on Heaven's door is Great! Plus Jimmy  Vaugn And Junior Brown played guitar on his new c.d. !!!!!!!That'll complement the already Great lyrics!!!!!!! Iknow- off topic!!!!!!! :B


Merle's kinda a sorehead.  But I love him.

Jimi is probably the only performer to outperform a Dylan version IMHO.   With the possible exception of The Band.  I like Rick Danko's "Wheel on Fire" better than the Dylan Basement Tapes.  Also, The Band's version of "Blind Willie McTell" (sung by Levon and Rick on "Jericho") is much better than Dylan's demo (with yapping dog) on the Bootleg series.  

In fact, I think that "Blind Willie McTell" rivals Hendrix as the greatest Dylan cover of all time.  I told Garth Hudson that one time and he said the version by him and his wife Maude was better.  

I love Garth, but . . . .

Dylan's voice was in its prime in the 60s-70s.  Check out the Live 1975 or Live 1966 to hear him sing (Apparently even Frank Sinatra appreciated Dylan's singing).  

Too much smoking and arena shouting started to do his voice in the 80s.  


mine is " the harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rain and these visions of johanna are now all that remain ".............. love bob : )

Paul McCartney :)