Beatle Dreams......

Started by fan numero uno, Aug 12, 2008, 08:28 PM

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My first Beatle dream! And a weird one too!
I dreamt last night that Paul has asked me to get him a prepacked salted salmon. So I go do it (the salt was blue for some reason) but then when I run up to him to give it to him I faint (not a very nice experience... even in a dream). When I un-faint, I look around and he wasn't there anymore

Arsenal is forever England and England is forever Arsenal


LOL@prepacked salted salmon  ;D

Dreams can be so random!
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I had a semi-Beatles dream. In my dream, I saw Euan Buchan.... That's all I remember

Arsenal is forever England and England is forever Arsenal


Well, I also had a semi-Beatles dream. I saw Andy Smith after he had posted his pic, and we got into in a car but he couldn`t drive, cause he had hurt his leg, remember? So, no problem, I said, I can drive it...
We are starting to have such semi-Beatles dreams... who else?

fan numero uno

sorry, not me, though i did have a real Beatles dream the other day! Me, freakchic, and my sister were standing outside our school, where we apparently lived in for some reason, and a limo pulls in the parking lot. present day Ringo gets out and walks over to us! we were freaking out a little, but not TOO badly, and when he said he was hungry, we all ate burgers in some random diner. he left around midnight, and after he did, my sister started running after him.

the next day, in the dream, the French teacher at our school (i dont even take French!) was scolding us for staying out so late. then Ringo comes back, but he brings John, Paul, and George with him from around 1964! SO CONFUSING! and we all played arcade games together. fun times!
Love the Beatles, and all shall be right.                avatar created by freakchic


I had a dream about Paul the other night but for the life of me I can't remember a thing that happened.  I just remember that he was in my dream.  I hate when I can't remember my dreams  :'(
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Andy Smith

Quote from: 1393Well, I also had a semi-Beatles dream. I saw Andy Smith after he had posted his pic, and we got into in a car but he couldn`t drive, cause he had hurt his leg, remember? So, no problem, I said, I can drive it...
We are starting to have such semi-Beatles dreams... who else?

ah, that explain's why i dreamt about being in a car with Jane last night.  :P

          Turn off your mind, Relax and float downstream. It is not dying


Quote from: 614

ah, that explain's why i dreamt about being in a car with Jane last night.  :P

Oh, then you can tell me the end of it! (I can`t remember it  :( ). I hope everything was ok, Andy? Did we go to a drive-in? Yes, yes! And the film was a bit psychedelic, wasn`t it? Like any dream is.   8)


Quote from: 614ah, that explain's why i dreamt about being in a car with Jane last night.  :P

So its called "car crash" these days eh....  ;) ;D ;D

Arsenal is forever England and England is forever Arsenal


Last night, there was this talent show at my school, and this random lady was hosting it, and one person sang two words of a Beatles song and started dancing.

"Benefit of... *dances*"

And then there was a trivia portion and I woke up.


Too cool, yah?

Mrs Lennon


I had one the other night where some people and I were discussing the Beatles' album covers. They showed me Rubber Soul, but it was screwed up. All of the Beatles except for John had mullets! Then the real John came in and said "I look pretty hot, don't I?",then the whole room started laughing. (thinker)
Music is like candy; you throw away the rappers.

Penny Lane

Quote from: 1657Then the real John came in and said "I look pretty hot, don't I?"

Wow, for some reason I can totally see John doing that in real life.

Last night I dreamt that I was waiting around to see Paul in concert.  I think I woke up before anything at all happened...


Quote from: 1620Last night I dreamt that I was waiting around to see Paul in concert.  I think I woke up before anything at all happened...

Pity. The rest would have been interesting ;)

Arsenal is forever England and England is forever Arsenal

Penny Lane

Quote from: 596Pity. The rest would have been interesting ;)

Well, I can tell you that several months ago, I did have another dream of seeing Paul in concert, and it was wild that time.

I remember Paul shook my hand (ahhh), but then he played "Live and Let Die," and the fireworks set the stage on fire.  ??)  Then all the sprinklers started drenching the stage and we all had to evacuate.  Not sure if this is actually funny or sad...LOL.


Quote from: 1620
I remember Paul shook my hand (ahhh), but then he played "Live and Let Die," and the fireworks set the stage on fire.  ??)  Then all the sprinklers started drenching the stage and we all had to evacuate.  Not sure if this is actually funny or sad...LOL.
Well since you two are alive, I think we can safely laugh!  ;D

Arsenal is forever England and England is forever Arsenal