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Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane
Audio CD on
Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane

First released: 1967, February 13

New and used from $148.40. List price $148.40 (save up to 50%) at
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Reviews & comments
Sheilah (2010, December 3)
The Beatles second double* 'A' side 45rpm. Yellow Submarine/Eleanor Rigby being their first. Both were on the Chart Penny Lane^ reached No. 1. While Strawberry Fields Forever^ reached No. 8. These two are perhaps the best song written by The Beatles. Although I know they are the best. *U.S.A. ^U.S.A.
MГЎrcio Ivam. (2010, December 2)
The Baber and his photograph head`s, finger pie`s, livin is easy with eyes closed...and nothing to say about the music this beautiful single.Single cover is fantastic,one step to Sgt. Pepper.
john cocks (2006, July 23)
When the beatles had stopped touring most people must had thought the beatles were finished how wrong could they had been "strawberry fields/penny lane the best single ever proberly , atrip into lennons mind, maccas childhood in liverpool, theres nothing to get hung about beatles forever!