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Magical Mystery Tour
Audio CD on Amazon.com
Magical Mystery Tour

First released: 1967, December 8

New and used from $89.58. List price $89.58 (save up to 50%) at Amazon.com
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Reviews & comments
Dominic (2009, September 13)
Average??!! I don't think so!! I am the Walrus alone justifies both this EP and the MMT movie. This was a wonderful release. I bought the EP soon after it was released on vinyl and the CD release is good too giving you both stereo and mono versions. Despite the high cost at the time of a double EP, as Ian Fisher rightly points out, it would have been a number one had it not been for the Beatles single Hello Goodbye which had been released a week earlier. For the second time in 4 years (after 1963) the Beatles held both the number one and number two slots on the UK Christmas singles chart! If they'd delayed this release until January it would have been a chart topper!
iainfisher (2009, September 6)
MMT wasn\'t an ablum but a double EP. It reached no 2 in the British charts. It didn\'t reach no 1 because The Beatles were already there. Later MMT was reissued as an album with some extra tracks added.
Никола Коматовић (2008, July 3)
Average album, what is strange for the Beatles... After Sgt. Peper, they should have to make a dozen of singles before "White Album", which should have been a little shorter. Back to "MMT", it was better not to do this album, and of course film, but to publish ONLY few singles, such are "I Am the Walrus", "Fool on the Hill",... Songs as title-song, "Flying" were done only to cover the time and some time on the film... Anyway, especially after Sgt. Peper, great fall of Beatles has begun.
ralphy from the west side (2005, March 4)
i'm high right now