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A Collection of the Beatles Oldies (But Goldies)
A Collection of the Beatles Oldies (But Goldies)

First released: 1966, December 10

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Reviews & comments
Joe (2011, June 2)
A pretty decent compilation. One disadvantage is that it doesn't include some obvious hits like Love Me Do.
MГЎrcio Ivam. (2010, November 17)
The back cover photograph, is the Beatles in Japan Hotel,1966.And the smoke in the room ?!?!
fel (2008, July 6)
It was release by the dead paul rumour and the guys who released that said it's because it's some record with the real paul.
B (2003, January 18)
This is the first Beatles album that I ever had, it was given to me when I was 3 years old, and it is my official introduction to the Beatles' music. I still have it today. I love this album!
All Music Guide (2002, April 28)
It was Christmas time, 1966. Though hard at work on the beginnings of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, the Beatles had nothing for EMI to put out during the holiday season (aside from the annual Christmas record for the fan club). Revolver had come out in the first week of August, too early to exploit. What to do? So EMI issued this stopgap collection of 16 older recordings for the European market, in effect creating the first "Beatles Greatest Hits" album. Actually, it's not a predictable hits anthology, for it omits obvious hit singles like "Please Please Me" and "Love Me Do," and includes popular album cuts like "Yesterday" and "Michelle" that were not issued as singles in the U.K. But it doesn't skimp on quantity, offering 16 songs instead of the usual 14, taking the saga all the way up to Revolver, and collecting some British singles into album format for the first time. As for English fanatics who simply had to have everything but might balk at purchasing an album entirely composed of retreads, EMI thought of them too, slipping in the Larry Williams song "Bad Boy" for the first time in Britain (it was included on Beatles VI in America in 1965). The stereo edition features a few anomalies — an electronic stereo "She Loves You" — but mostly offers commonly available mixes. The front cover is a period piece of Carnaby Street kitsch, while the back features a casual Beatles photo circa 1966. Today the album seems like a decent summing up of the Beatles' achievement just before the plunge into "Strawberry Fields" and Sgt. Pepper, though obviously not taking in the whole story. — Richard S. Ginell