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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2008, 02:06:33 AM »

... The nurse was Mr. Martin!
"*high pitched voice* Oh. Hello. Don't mind me... it's just for fun. *regular voice* Okay. I do this when I get bored. It's like fun." said Mr. Martin. Paul looked at the nametag and saw the name said, "Nurse Martini."
"I should have... oh dear. That's that? A wig?" Paul though.
The boys couldn't hear what was going on, and they didn't wanna. Bianca, Pitch and FNU, on the other hand, were really curious. They went over to save Paul.
"Hi Paul. How's it goo-- HUH?!?!" said FNU.
"Martini. Really, now?" said Bianca.
Pitch kinda stood there like this:  ??)
The boys, who got left behind the tree really wanted to know what was going on, so they came out from behind the tree. As they approached Nurse Martini, John gave out a joking wolf whistle. "Yeah George! Or should I say Nurse Martini."
George covered Bianca's eyes and said, "Sorry, but you're not allowed to see above the nurse's knees. You'll be scarred for life." Bianca was VERY glad that George protected her eyes.
Ringo ran back around the tree screaming, "ABOVE THE KNEES! ABOVE THE KNEES!"
Pitch went to go get Ringo, while still looking all  ??), when...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2008, 03:21:33 AM »

Everyone ran around in a panic, screaming with their arms flailing!
Until in flew the amazing super hero......


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2008, 01:26:23 AM »

*theme song* Maid-King! Fast, strong and smart.
He can fly, and that's a start!
*end of theme song*
"DON'T WORRY NURSE MARTINI! I'LL SAVE YOU!" said Maid- King as he posed. Whoosh! Up he goes into the air, with not a hair out of place.He found that big polka-dotted bird and went after him. After poking that bird a few times, the bird dropped Nurse Martini in slow-motion. "Yyyooouuu'lll pppaaayyy fffooorrr ttthhhiiisss." said Maid-King in slow-mo. He dived for the slow falling nurse. Maid-King ended up cattching... it and brought it safetly to the ground. "*high pitched voice* My hero! *leg pop*" said Nurse Martini. The rest of the people were gonna congratulate Maid-King/ John when...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2008, 03:06:37 AM »

*Downloads Maid-King theme song onto MP3.*
Woot. 8)
----------------------- announcement came on the intercom at the park!
"Ladies and gentlemen," said the intercom voice man. "We now announce that we have to mow our grass. Please leave the park so we may do this."
So, everyone decided to go back to the Beatles' hotel room. The girls were amazed at how huge it was.
"This is bigger than my house," Pitch gazed. "I bet they have a pre-stocked ice-box here!" FNU shouted, running to check the fridge.
The boys took the coats from each girl except for FNU, who was no wearing one. They were about to hang them on the coat rack by the door, when they discovered it had been missing. When they turned back around to ask about it...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2008, 03:25:49 AM »

... Bianca was dancing with the coat rack like it was a cane. "Sorry." said Bianca as she put it down. Bianca then ran to the ice box and joined FNU. "CHOCOLATE CAKE!" screamed FNU. A stempede of people ran to the fridge. As FNU was bringing it out, there was a huge chunk missing. Bianca got her head out of the fridge and she was covered in chocolate. "*muffles* I need milkie. Excuse me..." she said as she left for a glass. "*muffled* Where are the glasses?" Bianca asked. John ran to his suitcase and got a pair of glasses out and put them on her face. Bianca swallowed and said, "I can't see in these."
"You look good, though." said Georgie. Bianca attempted walking around, but she ended up walking out the door and into a wall. George directed her back into the room, and then she walked right into the counter. "MARCO!" screamed Bianca. FNU said "POLO!!!" right in Bianca's ear. She swung her arms around hitting, not FNU, but Ringo in the arm. "Hey!" Ringo said. John walked over to Bianca wanting his glasses back, but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2008, 02:32:48 PM »

Ringo suddenly snatched then off her face. "Watch where you're going, would you?" he said with a smile, putting on the glasses. "Hey, John! These are mine..."
"About that, Ringo," John began. "I do think they look better on me and not so great on you. So why not give them back, son?"
Pitch ran over and linked her arms around one of Ringo's. "It's okay, Ringo. I think you look fantastic either way!"
"Suck up," Paul mumbled under his breath before sipping at a glass of milk.
"Easy," John coughed.
"Infatuated," George whispered with a laugh.

Bianca plopped into a chair and the room stopped spinning after a moment. She looked over at Paul, who was in the chair next to her. "Hey, milk!" she smiled, grabbing at the glass. "Ask nicely!" smiled Paul, swirling the milk around in the glass. Before Bianca could even say anything...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2008, 11:32:23 PM »

... George walked over with Bianca's milk. "Paulie's sick. I don't want you getting sick." saig George.
"Too late..." Bianca said. She sipped away at her milk.
"Hey, where's FNU?" asked John. Everyone looked for her, except Bianca, since she had milk.
"MARCO!" screamed Bianca, while still ploped in her chair. "LOCO!" screamed a confused Ringo. "It's 'Polo', Ringo. Loco is 'crazy' in Spanish." said John.
"Oops." Said Ringo while trying not to laugh at his mistake.
"MARCOOO!!!" screamed Bianca from her chair.
"CHICKEN!" FNU screamed. Everyone ran to the area of the chicken scream, except for Bianca. Pitch kicked a chair and someone screamed. George lifted the chair and there was FNU. "I got stuck under the chair. Everyone went to join Bianca, but she wasn't there. Her milk wasn't even there! Everyone looked for Bianca, but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2008, 12:32:33 AM »

John was helping FNU get up from under the chair. "Why were you under that chair?"
"Uh, i didnt want to share my cake..........but here, have some!"
So while John and FNU had some delicious cake, everyone was looking for Bianca. Pitch looked under every chair, Ringo made sure she wasnt hiding in his Neb, George looked in the kitchen, and Paul was just screaming "BIANCA!"
suddenly, FNU shouted "POLO!"
"MARCO!" Everyone heard from behind them. BIANCA WAS STANDING THERE, WITH HER MILK!
"Where were you!" George cried, and ran to see if she was ok.
"what do you mean, nowhere?"
"I mean, that door leads to Nowhere Land!"
Everyone went to inspect the Nowhere door, and indeed, there was nowhere. Eeveryone stepped in, and there was Jeremy!
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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2008, 12:54:21 AM »

"Add hoc, add loc... The Beatles and girls. This one has glasses and hair curls!" said Jeremy. He pointed to Bianca. She didn't really have hair curls, just little flippies at the end of her hair.
"Hair curls?" asked Bianca.
"It rhymed this time and in this world!" replied Jeremy.
"Uhh... where's the door?" asked Paul.
"Door? Here? No such thing my dear." said Jeremy.
George and John giggled at the fact that Jeremy called Paul "dear". Ringo saked, "Where's the food?"
"After I finish this recipie, I will make spaghetti messily!" replied Jeremy. Jeremy was seriously getting on everyone's nerves. Everyone turned around only to find...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2008, 01:02:09 AM »

THAT THE DOOR HAD DISAPPEARED! "Oh No!" Everyone said. Now they were stuck there, with "rhyming" Jeremy.
"How're we supposed to get out of this mess?" Muttered Paul.
"Mess? That means, this is a job for....................... THE MAID-KING!" AND THERE HE WAS!
"oh, wait, hold on!" Said FNU, and she ran behind a screen that had appeared out of nowhere. (duh). and when she came out, she was, "THE MAID-QUEEN!" Everybody looked at her, as if saying, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!"
"My dad treats me like a maid all the time." FNU explained. Now that everyone was on the same page, they were still stuck!
"ok, so we've got some maid-royalties, the most AMAZING band ever, a girl with milk, me, and an annoying rhyming, uh, thing." Pitch ticked them off on her fingers. "Yep, looks hopeless."
But thats when......
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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2008, 01:33:53 AM »

((Sorry, guys. Never seen "Yellow Submarine". XD Bad Pitch... I think I've seen the scene with Nowhere Land, however... Let's see if I get this right! --For the most part.--))

The Beatles began to sing! They sang "Nowhere Man", of course. The others exchanged faces and shrugged, following along with silly dances and what now. Behind everyone, colours followed vibrantly! Wonderful shades of yellows and blues.
Nowhere Land was soon filled up with beautiful colours and suddenly, the Beatles broke out into a beautiful four-part harmony that no one had ever heard in any of their songs. The four parts somehow flowed form their hearts like wondrous blue colours of different textures, each of their voices making up a side of a large rectangle.
It was a door! Once the harmony part was over, everyone rushed to open it at once. They thought it would be the door home, but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2008, 11:27:39 PM »

(Bad Pitch!)
... It didn't lead home! It lead to a salon! A hair salon! Ringo's eyes lit up with happiness. He grabbed some scissors and said, "Who wants a trim?" Everyone backed away slowly. John backed up so far, he walked into a pretty pastel pink door. He turned around and opened the door. There was the closet of their hotel room! He could tell because of all of the pink stuff Bianca brought. "I FOUND HOME!" screamed Paul. Everyone rushed to the door except Ringo, who was still holding the scissors. "I have to walk slowly." said Ringo. John, carefully, grabbed the scissors out of Ringo's hands and pushed him towards the door. "Finally. I want a bite of that cake." said John. "George was the first in the pretty pastel pink door. He opened the door that lead to the hotel room and Paul was right! John pushed everyone aside to get that cake, but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2008, 12:11:25 AM »

((XDD Ringo...))

The room was empty. Completely empty...
All the furniture was missing, even the beloved cake. There were a few crumbs of it where the fridge ad been. John knelt down and cried over them. "But why is the cake gone?!" he sobbed.
FNU patted him on the back.
"Who could have done this?" Pitch asked.
"And why?" questioned George. "Everything it gone, but I'm pretty sure there were some things not worth taking."
"Like Paul's smelly socks," Ringo smiled, Paul leaning over to him with a fist. "I'll /sock/ you, bozo!"
Suddenly, Mr. Martin and Epstein walked in.
"Where were you two?!" John asked quite expressively.
"We had an amazing adventure in Nowhere Land!!" Bianca cried.
"Sure you did," Brain said, whistling as he spun a finger around one of his ears. "A bit loopy, this one," he said quietly to Paul.

"Sorry-- we were out buying some groceryyyy... Where's everything at?" Mr. Martin asked suddenly.
"We have no clue! Will you help us find it?" George asked.
But before there could be an answer...!!


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2008, 01:03:35 AM »

(Oh great. Brian thinks I'm some loony!!!)
... Bianca fell through a tile in the floor. The tiles in that hotel were extremely large, so her body could fit through the hole when she fell.
"HELP!!!" she screamed.
"Do you need somebody's help?" replied John.
"Don't worry, Bianca! I'LL SAVE YOU!!!" Said George and he went down the hole. As he went down, everyone on the surface heard a number of sounds, like, "WHEE!", "OUCHIE!!!", "It's one BIG SLIDEEEE!!!!!", and, everyone's favorite, "I want seconds if I don't die first!!!"
George is a very loud screamer. Like, seriously loud. As he was approaching the bottom, he screamed back up to the others, "THIS IS IT." George plopped in a big cushion! Bianca was standing there near a fireplace listening to the crackling drinking some cocoa moo (chocolate milk). "Hey, George. Cocoa moo?" asked Bianca. George said yes. While Bianca got the cocoa moo, George screamed at the others that falling down the hole was the best thing EVER and everyone should come down. Everyone wanted to come down, but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2008, 12:00:46 AM »

heres a story for u:
guess the songs.. prolly wont be hard

(john (or/and paul) was questioning and studied unreal stuff (secrets?) in the UK
(he didnt tell any1 what he was doing (and found out stuf?))
(oh oh (danger?))

(back on the market)
(maxwell does something fishy)
(the beatles get p*ssed)
(but because they dont want to create a riot straight away)

(they tell maxwell to stop)
(without telling any1 else)
(so he stops)
(and apologizes?)

(maxwell who made laboratories)
(contacts him/them)
(and sets him/them up for a hit)

(on their way to the ""appointment"")
(death? knocks on their door)

(when the beatles, thinking the matter is solved, drop their guard)
(he pulls a dirty trick)

(the police (the beatles?) claim they have evidence of maxwell being corrupt)
(maxwell feels threatened?)
(maxwell threatens them)

(the girls beg them)
(to stop persuit of maxwell)
(but paul /john doesnt agree)
but once he made up his mind)
(he was shot in the back?)

(gunshots, some1s rich power came down on them unexpected)
(made sure the beatles couldnt continue)


(ur living your life like a normal person)
(and everything is peachy)
(then something happens but ur not really paying attention)
(its a truth with many layers)

(fake beauty of ? and money)
(control your mind)
(u search for the real truth)
And she's gone.

(look for the truth in parliament)
(where undecisive politicians grow fat (on money?))
(no1 believes what u see past the fake beauty)
(that is so very powerfull)

(the media takes u for a ride)
(hoping to charm u)
(read it and dont pay attention)
And you're gone.

(u think ur going somewhere but ur not)
(like the rest of the slaves, controled by the system)
(then something happens)
(its the truth with many layers)

(truth is up high where the rich and famous r)


(if i would decieve u)
(ull stop trusting me)
(so listen up, ive got something important to say)
(and ill try to make it as truthful as possible)

(what do we do now we lost paul?)
(can we continue without him?)
(we must continue the cause)
(but we cant do it without paul)

(but who should replace him?)
(i need some1 who cares)
(would anyone do?)
(no, a specific person)

(do u believe in destiny?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
(whats hiding in the dark?)
(im not at liberty to say but i know its now mine to deal with)
(with help, i (billy shears) *(who?)* will continue)
(ill rise to the occasion)
(and try to help out)


(people don't want to see the truth)
(and therefor don't believe the evidence)
(of the power of the opposition)
(which we underestimated)
(but i say we carry on)

(nobody sees things the way i do)
(it's either yes or no)
('cause you can only chose 1 option out of the 2)
(and its for a good cause)
(or is it)

(sometimes i think i must be crazy to see what i see)
(but you know i'm not insane)
(nothing is the way it seems)
(and criminal)
(but you've got to be careful)
(we'll remember you)
i burried paul?



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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2008, 12:38:59 AM »

WTHeck? XD

Mooooving right along with the story...

The lads knew that George usually knew how to have a good time, so they followed gladly, hopping down the slide one by one, with the remaining girls following. They laughed, threw their arms up, cheered, etc. They landed in a dog-pile at the bottom. The men scrambled to their feet, offering the ladies a helping hand in getting up.
"Hey, were are Brian and Mr. Martin?" Pitch asked. Everyone looked up to the opening high above them. They saw two figures peering down.
"We're fine up here," Brian said, waving slightly.
"Yeah," Mr. Martin started. "We have enough crazy adventures with you lot without falling down tiles in floors which lead to who-knows-where..."
Everyone shrugged and turned away, looking to George and Bianca, who were looking about the hidden room.
"Wow... This is all of our furniture!" John exclaimed.
"Right down to our fire place" Paul said.
"Even my cocoa moo!" Ringo whined, trying to take the chocolate milk from Bianca, hissing and trying his best to intimidate her.
"Don't make me whip out my KA-RA-TE!" Ringo exclaimed, making karate chops in the air. "Za za! Za za za za!!"

"I wonder how it all got down here," George said, scratching his head. Suddenly, the slide folded up into the ceiling and the opening above everyone closed! The fireplace was their only light... And then...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2008, 12:44:04 AM »

and then john sais ""pay attention u fool""
""this is a true story, read it""


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2008, 01:04:10 AM »

Quote from: 1546

And then...

... Bianca started freaking out a bit. "How do we get out? HOW DO WE GET OUT?!?!" Bianca isn't scared of the dark, but if it's complete darkness, like it was down there, she'll freak out. Bianca curled up next to FNU, who was the only one who knew what to do in this situation; she told Bianca her hair looked fabulous and she told her everything would be fine. To make Bianca feel even better, Ringo snuck up behind Pitch and started tickling her. That got Bianca laughing a lot.

Meanwhile, back in the real hotel room, Brian took a milk cartoon and tried smashing through the tile. Mr. Martin tried finding a knife, but that didn't work out. He did find scissors. Mr. Martin walked over to the tile but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2008, 01:12:49 AM »

HE TRIPPED! He didnt get hurt, as he wasnt running but the scissors flew out of his hands and slid under the door into the hallway. He stepped outside to get them, but they had gone under the neighbors door as well. he went to knock on it.....

Meanwhile, the gang still hadnt found a way out. they were tapping the walls, looking for a door, and calling out to anybody that could here them, but no one came. "What are we gonna do?" Said Bianca, looking at FNU.
"Uh, well, not sure. but! the people who moved the furniture here cant have taken it through that slide, they must have a bigger door! so everybody, just keep looking..." Nobody had any luck finding a door.
"WE'RE DOOMED!" cried Pitch. Thats when a door opened, inside the fireplace! which turned out to have a fake flame in it.
"Well, would you look at that!" Cried George.
and standing in the doorway was...
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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2008, 02:21:25 AM »

...Santa Claus!!!
Everyone simply stared.
"Well, hoho-hello, little ones!" the jolly and fat man laughed, pulling a black sack off his shoulder and stepping from the fake flames.
Whilst everyone else was staring, Ringo ran up to him. "See, I told you all!" The lads recalled Ringo once saying that the Beatles would really like to meet the real Santa Claus more than anyone.
"You all thought I was joking, huh? Well, here he is," smiled Ringo.

The fat man laughed and opened his bag. "Silly little Richard," he said.
Ringo gasped with excitement. "He knows my name!" ;D
Everyone just looked at each other, wondering what on earth was happening.
Suddenly, 'Santa Claus' took a 6-shooter from his black bag. "Put 'em up!!"
Everyone raised their hands and huddled together.
"But Santa-- why?!" Ringo cried.
"I'm not Santa!"
And as the man pulled off his beard, it was revealed that it was indeed...
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