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Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:12:02 PM »

Pastmasters 2

The last Beatle album to finish up the series. This is a really nice compilation and if it was a proper Beatle record, it would have easily been their best. It covers a pretty decent span in their catalog and it’s a very enjoyable listen.

Day Tripper - I’ve always liked this one a lot. Not sure how somebody couldn’t enjoy this song actually. Whats there not to like? It starts off with the great alternating guitar riffs and the tambourine intro at 0:07. At 0:14 Ringo enters with a furious roll on the toms. I love how Paul starts the vocals with ‘Got a good reason’ and then the background vocals join in in the next verse. Pauls voice sounds great as does Johns in the backgrounds. Cant really pick George out so much. 1:14 John sings ‘Soooo Long’ in his raspy voice and its just a touch of Beatle magic. 1:21 love the guitar solo and tone. The build up is fantastic. 2:06 the infamous screw up during the harmonies. One of them sings ‘One Way’ and the others sing ‘Sunday’. 2:09 nice falsetto. The endings good too. Ringo rocks. Great song.

We Can Work It Out - I really like this one too. The guitar/tambourine/accordion/drums combo sounds fantastic. Pauls voice is great too. 0:36 John comes in to sing the chorus and to be honest, it makes the entire song. You almost expect Johns part to be sarcastic and negative for some reason (I always have), but its all a pretty positive message. I also love how they end each section of the chorus with the carnival type music. The accordion alternating with the drums is great. Sounds like ‘Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite’. Good song that I never seem to tire of.

Paperback Writer - I love this song. Could possibly be a top 5 Beatle track for me. Speaking of top 5 Beatle tracks, I noticed that I say that an awful lot doing these reviews and I’m going to go back and tally up those numbers. I think I have 10 or more top 5 songs if you catch my drift. Moving on,,,how great are those opening vocals? What an intro. Love how Ringo brings them in with the snare beat. 0:11 Pauls bass is awesome. Once again I want to point out the use of the tambourine. Its prevalent on the first few tracks here and its surely needed. It adds to each song. Pauls voice is great as is the guitar tone. 0:29 I’ve mentioned this before to a couple other drummers and this board actually, but Ringo finishes off his drum fills during this section on the rims. That’s amazing to me. How innovative. I’ve never heard it done since then actually. Its not an accident either because he repeats the fill later the same way. Incredible to me. 1:01 The backgrounds here,,,what are they saying? I had always thought they were singing ‘Paperback Writer’, but it sure as hell doesn’t sound like that when you listen to them closely. 1:48 One of the guys (John I think) starts singing Paperback to early here. All in all, its one of my favorite tracks and to be honest, its not bad lyrically considering its Paul either. Awesome song.

Rain - Rain is a good song. It truly is, but it doesn’t blow me away and I think it’s a tad overrated. Sue me. Definitely sounds like it could have fit perfectly on Revolver. The guitar tone is great and the bass sounds amazing. Theres that tambourine again. Ringo’s drums sound good and we all know the story. He loved his playing on this song and thought it was the best he’s ever done. Yes he actually even played it faster while they recorded it and the song was slowed down, but I’m not that impressed. It was one of the first Beatle songs I ever learned and I didn’t think it was all that much. Whatever, good job Ritchie. Johns voice sounds fantastic. 0:33 I don’t like the background vocals. 0:49 I especially don’t like them here. John double tracked I believe. With the guitar strums and the vocals along with the pulsating bass, this section always reminded me of some Scottish tune with bagpipes for some reason. Just me I realize. 2:35 my favorite part with John singing backward vocals. Good song and I wouldn’t give anybody grief for loving it.

Lady Madonna - Here’s where it came crashing down for me. I’ve never liked this song. I think the production is muddy and bass heavy. I also cant stand the ‘Ba ba ba ba’ backgrounds, but we’ll get to that point shortly. Starts off with some nice piano playing along with the hi hats coming along for the ride. 0:09 the bass and drums come in and just about blast my eardrums to pieces. I don’t care for Pauls voice here either. Like he’s trying to sing with some effect or something. 0:44 I do like the guitar here. 0:53 sax is nice also. 1:02 theres the ‘Ba Ba Ba’s’ that kill a great sax solo. Paul writes old style tunes like this all the time and I like them well enough for the most part, but this one never sat well with me. I give it the only alright rating and a song I always turn or skip.

The Inner Light - Cripes, I forgot about this garbage. I thought I was done listening to all of George’s Indian bullsh*t, but I guess not. This is probably his worst Indian song of the bunch too. The opening guitar/sitar/ whatever it is instrument is piercing. The percussion is too much also. Speaking of too much, that sounds like Yoko singing during the intro. Horrible. 0:27 George’s voice is nice here. Sooths the unruly song for a bit. I like the flute too. I don’t know. Where the other George Indian tunes seem to capture some melody and are interesting in parts, this one does nothing for me. Thankfully its short. Horrible song.

Hey Jude - This song confuses me. Sometimes I listen to it and think its almost a masterpiece while other times I listen to it and think it sucks. I’m not sure about it I guess. Lets take a listen and see how I feel today. I like Pauls voice and piano during the intro. 0:26 guitar and tambourine sound good. 0:40 background vocals are great. 0:49 Ringo comes in with thunderous drums. 0:55 add the bass and we have the entire band. 1:42 ’Let it out and let it in’ is one of my favorite parts. Love Ringos ride in this song. 3:10 the second part of the song comes in with the ’Na na na na’s’ and Pauls great vocals. 3:48 add the brass and horns for an even bigger effect. 3:59 Pauls ’Jude judy judy judy judy judy Owwww Wooow’ is the best part of the song bar none. You know, forget about what I said earlier, this is a good song. Damn good song. Not a masterpiece, but a good song. My only complaints are that its too long and I hate it in concert now, but that doesn’t take away from how good it is. Am I correct in saying one take? Really. Pretty amazing.

Revolution - Not a huge fan. I like the acoustic version even less on the White Album. I don’t know, its not a bad song, but I don’t think theres anything special about it either. Opening guitar is fun. The scream is pretty neat. I found out why I don’t like the song. I hate Ringos shuffle with the bass drum. That’s it. I hate playing this song and thus, I don’t care for it. I’m shallow. Bass is nice. 0:22 the backgrounds mess up coming in with Johns lead vocals. 0:45 hate the falsetto here. 1:22 Ringo trills a snare hit. I have never heard this before. Cool. 1:54 dig the organ solo and guitar together. 2:19 John and backgrounds mess up again. To boot, it sounds as if Ringo speeds up just a little at this part too. Could be me. Hate the screeching guitar during the ending. Not a bad song.

Get Back - Visit the ’Let It Be’ review for my take on this one. Here’s a hint, this single version is even worse.

Don’t Let Me Down - Here’s one that is pretty neutral with me. I can live with or without it. I don’t go out of my way to hear it. I love the beginning with the guitar causing the snare wires to vibrate. Cool. Bass is nice. Really like the organ. Johns voice is nice and Pauls frantic backgrounds are good too. 0:55 like how Ringo brings in the tempo change with the hi hat hit. 1:22 I really do like the middle section here. Nice change. 1:42 somebody says something in the background, but I couldn’t make it out. Nothing else in the song stands out. It bores the p*ss out of me now that I think about it. Average at best.

The Ballad Of John And Yoko - This is an irritating song. I don’t like it. As a matter of fact, I think it downright sucks. Bass is too loud in the mix. Hate the electric guitar tone. Like a slide or something. Annoying. Pauls drumming is straight ahead and nothing special. Anybody could have done it. Piano is decent throughout. 1:42 like how the song stops and then the maraca's are used when it comes back in. I cant remember off the top of my head, but wasn’t it just John and Paul on this turd? Anyways, John had an extra 5 minutes and thought he’s better write a song about his marriage to Yucko and this is what we got. Terrible.

Old Brown Shoe - Finally a good one. I was getting nervous there for a moment. Love the bass/piano intro. Ringo’s drums sound great and George’s voice is top notch here. I like the slide guitar sound on this one. Go figure. 1:04 this middle eight (or however they refer to it) is one of my favorites in their entire catalog. Love the driving tempo. George stated in an interview with Creem magazine that he played the bass on this song and just played it like a guitar would be played. If so (and I know its been argued who played it and so forth), it worked, because its pretty bad ass. Still loving the piano. 1:38 one of my favorite Beatle guitar solo’s ever. Well done George. When the background vocals are being sung, you can really pick out Johns voice. I like this song a lot.

Across The Universe - See my ’Let It Be’ review for this song too. Never one of my favorites regardless of what version it is.
(Damn, was typing while some of this was playing. Boy, this version sucks. Just saying.)

Let It Be - The single version here with the inferior organ solo. Love the song, but yet again, you can read about it on the ’Let It Be’ review.

You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) -  A pretty awful goof off song in my opinion. The production sucks during the opening part. Why were they screaming? Terrible. 0:48 I like the percussion beat here. Is Paul singing this part (don’t say Dennis O’Bell please)? Cant even tell its so bad. 2:18 Seriously? Some people might laugh, but I cringe. Just a waste of time and space. Reminds me of Witchy from HR Puffnstuff singing here. 3:05 nice jazz drumming and piano, but the groaning and grumbling trying to sound like some old heroin shooting jazz player kills anything the nice tempo brings. This song is utter sh*t. Garbage in the highest form.

Wow. I need to apologize to you guys. I said this would have been their best record ever if it was an official release. I was way off. Theres tons of Beatle albums I’d take over this one. I believe I was fooled by the strong beginning before I started listening to it. Theres a good many songs on here that I don’t care for. Oh well, its finally over and I hope everybody enjoyed reading the reviews as much as I enjoyed doing them.



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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 04:42:58 PM »

Oh well, its finally over and I hope everybody enjoyed reading the reviews as much as I enjoyed doing them.
I enjoyed them whether I agreed with your opinions or not, very well done and thanks for the time and effort you put into them.

Day Tripper -  Ringo rocks. Great song.
Couldn't agree more.  Love hearing my son (beginner) begin to learn the intro right now.

We Can Work It Out - I really like this one too.  Good song that I never seem to tire of.
Funny, I haven't heard this in ages, need to listen to it tonight, thanks for the reminder (and I agree with your assessment).

Paperback Writer - I love this song. Could possible be a top 5 Beatle track for me.  All in all, its one of my favorite tracks and to be honest, its not bad lyrically considering its Paul either. Awesome song.
Easily in my top 5 (or 10) also.  I have used this song as a great example of the true 5th beatle to non believers, the 5th beatle is their awesome ability to harmonize and create an "instrument" out of the vocals.  I never tire of this song.

Rain - Rain is a good song. It truly is, but it doesn’t blow me away and I think it’s a tad overrated. Sue me. Definitely sounds like it could have fit perfectly on Revolver.  Good song and I wouldn’t give anybody grief for loving it.
  Agree, especially with the comment about Revolver.  Good, enjoyable, not great for me either.

Lady Madonna - Here’s where it came crashing down for me. I’ve never liked this song. I give it the only alright rating and a song I always turn or skip.
  I slightly disagree with you on this one.  I like it, don't love the ba ba ba's either but overall I can listen to this one and be ok.  I will admit that the visual impact of this song in Vegas at the Love show helps me on liking the song.  Of course everything about the Love show helps :)

The Inner Light - Cripes, I forgot about this garbage.  Thankfully its short. Horrible song.

Hey Jude - This song confuses me. Sometimes I listen to it and thinks its almost a masterpiece while other times I listen to it and think it sucks. You know, forget about what I said earlier, this is a good song. Damn good song. Not a masterpiece, but a good song. My only complaints are that its too long and I hate it in concert now, but that doesn’t take away from how good it is. Am I correct in saying one take? Really. Pretty amazing.
  I really think it borders on masterpiece but unfortunately it is easily the most tedious song to listen to if you aren't ready for it.  Yes, live Paul plays it and has to play to the crowd ,it was written for that after all - how odd considering they were long past touring - interesting thought - did he write it knowing ABSOLUTELY that it was for his post-Beatles live days???

Revolution - Not a huge fan. I like the acoustic version even less on the White Album. I don’t know, its not a bad song. Hate the screeching guitar during the ending. Not a bad song.
  sometimes the state of mind or mood makes this a great song to listen to.  Sometimes I agree with you.  Great songs/masterpieces should transcend the mood of the listener, right?  Same for the acoustic version, sometimes I like it ok.

Don’t Let Me Down - Here’s one that is pretty neutral with me. I can live with or without it. It bores the p*ss out of me now that I think about it. Average at best.
  I like it, like the vocals throughout.  Might be from a point in time hearing it and it struck a cord at that time, don't know.

The Ballad Of John And Yoko - This is an irritating song. I don’t like it. As a matter of fact, I think it downright sucks.  Terrible.
  I can see that point of view.  By comparison, yes, it can be viewed as terrible.  Their terrible still is better than a lot of crap out there so I endure this one if it comes on.

Old Brown Shoe - Finally a good one.  I like this song a lot.
I too like this one, doesn't get much play so does that help the perception of it, will take a listen tonight.

Across The Universe - See my ’Let It Be’ review for this song too. Never one of my favorites regardless of what version it is.
(Damn, was typing while some of this was playing. Boy, this version sucks. Just saying.)
I like the song, not sure of this version vs. other(s).

Let It Be - The single version here with the inferior organ solo. Love the song, but yet again, you can read about it on the ’Let It Be’ review.
  Same thing, like it just not sure on this version.

You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) -  A pretty awful goof off song in my opinion.  This song is utter sh*t. Garbage in the highest form.
filler no doubt, probably done in jest to prove their sh*t don't stink.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 06:48:26 PM »

Great compilation, most songs are essential. And I do prefer the single versions of "Get Back" and "Let It Be" included here over the album versions. However, as much as I like "Across The Universe", I prefer the Let It Be version and I think there was no need for this version to be included here (it belongs to the Anthologies or something like that).
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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 06:53:46 PM »

Let It Be - The single version here with the inferior organ solo. Love the song, but yet again, you can read about it on the ’Let It Be’ review.

Actually the solo in this version is a George's guitar (different from the album version) through a Leslie speaker. I love the solos of both versions, but I prefer the single version because it has harmony vocals and less orchestration.
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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 12:16:45 AM »

Paperback Writer - 1:01 The backgrounds here,,,what are they saying? I had always thought they were singing ‘Paperback Writer’, but it sure as hell doesn’t sound like that when you listen to them closely. 1:48 One of the guys (John I think) starts singing Paperback to early here.

They're singing Frère Jacques...

Paperback Writer (Vocals Only)

The Beatles - Paperback Writer (Vocals Only)


This is my favorite song on Pastmasters 2

The Beatles Paperback Writer (2009 Stereo Remaster)
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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2011, 12:28:18 AM »

And I do prefer the single versions of "Get Back" and "Let It Be" included here over the album versions.

I was going to question you about this until you stated why. I'm not a fan of either version of 'Get Back' so thats a moot point, but your one of the first people i've met that prefers the single version of 'Let It Be' to the albums version with George's superior guitar solo. Oh well.

Thanks also for the information about the solo on the singles version being George and not an organ.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2011, 12:29:31 AM »

They're singing Frère Jacques...

Ahh yes. I knew that and somehow forgot. Thanks for the reminder and the videos Barry.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2011, 12:40:37 AM »

Hey Jude - This song confuses me. Sometimes I listen to it and think its almost a masterpiece while other times I listen to it and think it sucks.

its a masterpiece more confusion  ;D


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2011, 12:44:03 AM »

Let It Be - The single version here with the inferior organ solo. Love the song, but yet again, you can read about it on the ’Let It Be’ review.

Ive always been really grateful to Spector for putting the fantastic version of the guitar solo on the album, I agree the single version is way inferior, always thought that......and I even love the added orchestration (sorry to my friend hombre)

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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2011, 02:20:20 AM »

Thanks for the reminder and the videos Barry.

You're welcome, Todd.  My first post on this board, five years ago, mentioned that Frère Jacques was my favorite background vocal. 

Tempus fugit

I always get a kick out of this video and the trouble Paul had with his wandering microphone...

The Beatles - Paperback Writer (Live In Japan)

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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2011, 03:00:48 AM »

I was going to question you about this until you stated why. I'm not a fan of either version of 'Get Back' so thats a moot point, but your one of the first people i've met that prefers the single version of 'Let It Be' to the albums version with George's superior guitar solo. Oh well.

Thanks also for the information about the solo on the singles version being George and not an organ.

You're welcome, and yeah, I know it's a rare case that I prefer the single version of "Let It Be". I admit that the solo is more exciting in the album version, but I do pay attention a lot to harmony vocals, and they're only present in the single version, where the Beatles sound like angels.
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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2011, 03:03:02 AM »

Ive always been really grateful to Spector for putting the fantastic version of the guitar solo on the album, I agree the single version is way inferior, always thought that......and I even love the added orchestration (sorry to my friend hombre)

I have no problem with orchestration, I even enjoy albums like The Soft Parade, but I think that the slight orchestration of the single version was what the song needed.
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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2011, 03:56:04 AM »

I even enjoy albums like The Soft Parade,

I love 'The Soft Parade'. I think it get unfairly beaten up.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2011, 04:59:39 AM »

maybe Im imaging it Todd but your reviews are getting better, you cant stop now  ha2ha


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2011, 06:15:44 AM »

maybe Im imaging it Todd but your reviews are getting better, you cant stop now  ha2ha

Thanks Kev, but i'm done for now. I'm just looking forward to your song reviews along with Cor's album reviews now. I think it makes for good conversation. I like the participation that goes along with it.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2011, 08:22:01 AM »

Thanks Kev, but i'm done for now. I'm just looking forward to your song reviews along with Cor's album reviews now. I think it makes for good conversation. I like the participation that goes along with it.

I will take a while tho before I will have another review. Off to the sun in a week from now.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2011, 08:24:08 AM »

Oh well, its finally over and I hope everybody enjoyed reading the reviews as much as I enjoyed doing them.


Great job done there Todd. Thanks on behalf and all that. ;D


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2011, 08:40:21 AM »

I will take a while tho before I will have another review. Off to the sun in a week from now.

Enjoy yourself. We're not going anywhere.


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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2011, 03:17:21 PM »

I love 'The Soft Parade'. I think it get unfairly beaten up.

I agree. It's said to be over-orchestrated, but those songs ("Tell All The People", "Touch Me", "Runnin' Blue", etc.) are the most enjoyable for me.
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Re: Beatles under a microscope - Pastmasters 2
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2011, 03:51:27 PM »

I love the guitar solo in the middle of 'Old Brown Shoe' - one of their best - please don't tell me it's Clapton.


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