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Author Topic: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?  (Read 1787 times)

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Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« on: June 21, 2004, 06:55:19 PM »

Do you think Kerry should give up his Senate seat while he is running for the White House?

From the Daily News:

BOSTON -- A top Massachusetts Republican yesterday called on Democrat John Kerry to resign from the Senate while he seeks the presidency, a vacancy that would allow the GOP to fill the seat.

Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey argued that Kerry, the state's four-term senator, has missed too many roll call votes and has done a poor job of representing his constituents. Of the 112 Senate votes this year, Kerry has voted just 14 times, according to an Associated Press tally.

"It's not fair, it's not right and the public is not being well-served," said Healey, who said she was speaking on behalf of Republican Gov. Mitt Romney. "I'm calling on John Kerry to resign so that we can fill that office with someone who is 100 percent devoted to the job of representing the people of Massachusetts."

Campaign spokesman Michael Meehan said Kerry has no plans to resign his Senate seat.

Asked about the GOP calls, Kerry dismissed the suggestions, telling reporters as his plane landed in Kentucky, "I'm running for president because we have to put this country back into a place of responsible leadership. And I believe that I'm serving the citizens of Massachusetts and the country in the proposals that I've laid out."

State Democratic Chairman Phil Johnston accused Healey and Romney of being "attack dogs for the Bush-Cheney campaign." He noted that President Bush did not give up the Texas governorship while running for president in 2000, although he spent most his time out of state that year.

Under Massachusetts law, if a vacancy occurs Romney would appoint an interim senator, who would serve until statewide elections, which occur this fall. There would then be a special election to fill the remainder of Kerry's term, which ends in 2008. And in 2008 there would be an election for a full six-year term.

In 1996, Republican Bob Dole gave up his seat as Kansas senator in early June before formally receiving the GOP nod to run against President Clinton. When Dole quit the Senate, the state's Republican governor, Bill Graves, appointed Republican Lt. Gov. Sheila Frahm to fill the remainder of the term until a special election, also won by the GOP.

Four years later, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut ran for re-election to his Senate seat while simultaneously running as the Democratic vice presidential candidate. That decision worried some state Democrats because if Lieberman had resigned, a Democrat could have run. But if he stayed and became vice president, Republican Gov. John Rowland would have appointed a GOP replacement.

Lieberman's safety net worked for him. He lost the White House race, but kept his Senate seat.
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Re: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2004, 10:08:24 PM »

It's his choice, but I think he shouldn't resign as that's just what the right wants him to do.

"Only people know just how to talk to people. Only people know just how to change the world."


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Re: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2004, 05:25:30 AM »

When they say "someone who's 100% dedicated to the job" they really mean someone who will further their crooked deeds without question.

Wayne L.

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Re: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2004, 03:38:41 PM »

I think Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry should give up his senate seat just like Robert Dole did back in 96 running against Clinton unless he thinks he won't win against George W. Bush in November which is a possibility despite poll numbers at this moment but I think his ego won't let him resign his senate seat even though it's the right thing to do.


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Re: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2004, 05:35:38 PM »

I see no reason why he should, just in case.  However I'm confident he'll win the election.  Too bad he doesn't have a brother who's the governor of a major state, that way he could cheat his way in like Bush did.  Oh wait, he wouldn't do that because he's a morally responsible person. :)

Go Kerry!


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Re: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2004, 12:19:46 AM »

I dont like kerry, i think bush is doing a great job, He knows what hes doing. Its not him that makes the choices its the senate and the house.  (that has nothing to do with kerry giving up his seat...) But still! I represent bush all the way.


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Re: Should Kerry give up his Senate Seat?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2004, 04:38:09 AM »

Bush is influenced too easily.  He'll let any idio on his staff, or in the house and senate with a bad idea tell him what to do.  He's a crook, and a liar to boot.  When John Kerry was in Vietnam fighting to preserve democracy, George Bush was in a frat house doing lines of coke off of a hookers breast.  I think it's obvious who's the better choice.

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