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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2008, 09:33:32 PM »


... Brian Epstein! He took the WATER gun and sprayed Ringo. "I found a way through the fireplace, though it was quite awkward getting in. Well, come along. Mr. Martin can't stall them too long." Everyone wanted to know who Mr. Martin was stalling. They walked through the fireplace door and into a coat rack in a dark closet. They opened the door and they were in the neighbor's hotel room! Everyone snuck out the door while Mr. Martin was screaming to the neighbor, who was turned around, about some scissors. "I'm telling you, those aren't mine! Mine are longer and pointier!" screamed Mr. Martin.
"These are the ones that slid under the door, so if you excuse me, I want to go back to my bath." said the hotel neighbor.
"That's it! I'm coming in! I want my scissors and I want them now!" yelled Mr. Martin as he watched the others leave. As soon as the last one in the line, Santa/ Brian, left, Mr. Martin looked with confusion and he told the angry neighbor, "Nevermind. These are mine. Have a good day!" And walked out. He was heading back to the hotel room but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2008, 01:57:09 AM »

In the room was all the furniture, put back into place perfectly-- right down to the chocolate cake. John made sure of that. He and FNU dived for it.
Everyone wondered how the stuff could get back to quickly. They sat and shouted out ideas one by one for at least an hour's time.
"Maybe it was all in our heads!" George suggested.
"Yeah, like a crazy dream," said John, mouth full of cake.
"And we all had it together?" Pitch raised a brow.
"Maybe it was magic!" exclaimed Paul, sitting up from the arm of a recliner.
"Yeah, and pigs can fly," Bianca said.
"Hey," Ringo began. "We went to Nowhere Land! I think that proves that anything is possible."
"Well, okay, let's say it was magic," said Mr. Martin. "Who would have done it?"
Everyone shifted their eyes to Brian. "Don't look at me!" he shouted, backing away. "Just because I dressed like Santa doesn't mean I have his real magic, okay?"
They all sat and though for a moment later. Then, only then, did they realize that the only person who could have done it WAS...!!!


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2008, 11:56:04 PM »

... JEREMY!!!
"I should have known... better. Really. I even wrote a song about him and what does he do? He takes my chocolate cake! And the furniture, but really, THE CAKE!" John shouted. Angry hotel neighbors pounded on the walls screaming to quiet down.
"HEY! I'M A BEATLE ANDI'LLDOWHATEVERIWANT!!!!!" (Translation: "Hey! I'm a Beatle and I'll do whatever I want!!!!!") John screamed. He immediatly rolled onto the bed, almost rolling over Bianca, who sprung up, and started tearing up. Bianca petted John's hair as FNU grabbed the rest of the cake and a fork.
"Here. Cake'll make you nice and better." FNU said. Ringo and George were in major shock after the mini breakdown John had. Paul had disappeared and when John saw that, he screamed for Paul. "I need to talk to Paulie! He has the stuff!"
Paul was wandering around the hotel room wondering where the producer girl had gone. Everyone left Paul and JOhn to talk over "the stuff". No one knew, but the stuff was really...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #43 on: September 29, 2008, 11:07:02 PM »

((Ahahaha. XD I thought you were talking about getting high with a little help from his friends. ;D))

--mustard!! Oh, yes. John could live off of nothing but mustard for days on end... But he couldn't let his secret out. That would ruin him!
Eventually, John and Paul stumbled across each other.
"Hey, Paulie, you got the stuff?" John asked.
"Oh, yeah, sure. this must be serious since you're resulting to mustard like this. I thought you had given it up once and for all, John," Paul sighed, pulling mustard from a pocket inside of his jacket. John just ignored him, snatching the bottle and squirting some of it into his mouth.
"Do you know where that lovely producer woman went to, John?"
"No, not at all. Now that you mention it... She didn't come back from Nowhere Land with us, did she?" John said between gulps of mustard.
The others walked over the the two Beatles as John secretly slid the mustard back into Paul's jacket.
((This is too weird. o___o))
"So," Bianca started. "Then she could have taken the furniture!"
"And the cake!" cried FNU.
"The fiend!" shouted George. "She could be working with Jeremy on all of this."
"We should find out where they're hiding," Ringo pointed out.

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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2008, 01:38:00 AM »

Everybody sat around thinking. "Maybe she's still in the hotel?" Pitch suggested. Everyone agreed that this was an excellent place to start, and George, Pitch, and Ringo went downstairs to check the lobby. FNU went to ask all the neighbors if they had seen a pretty, yet possibly evil girl running around with a Nowhere Man.

Meanwhile, Bianca, Paul, and John were still in the room. "Hey, uh, thanks Paul. i dont know what came over me. I sear, i truly will give up, the, uh "stuff"."
"Aw, i know. its all right." Paul and John had stepped aside, so that Bianca couldnt hear them, but suddenly she ran over.
"HEY! what did you mean by that producer girl being lovely?!?!?!"
Paul started stammering, with John laughing quietly in the background at the look on Biancas face. "Well, i just meant, that, she was....."
"Beautiful?" Said a cool voice from behind them. It was Producer Girl!
"It's Producer Girl!" John yelled.
"I have a name, you know!"
"Yes, im sure you do."
But Bianca wanted to get to the point. "Did you steal all our stuff?!?!?! and then returned it?!?!?!"
She opened her mouth to answer...
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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2008, 02:11:33 AM »

...but she had squirted ketchup on her sandwich.
"Get her out." said John quietly to Paul and Bianca. Bianca shooed her off and then turned to Paul.
"What do you mean by 'lovely'?" she asked with fury.
"... John drinks mustard." Paul said.
"WHA-- Okay..." Bianca said. John stood there looking at Paul as he backed away slowly.
"Hey Paulie. Answer the question. I need that answer. THE ANSWER!!!" Bianca said.
"It was the mustard fumes. John has me hold his mustard just in case he needs it. You know, at times like this. Save him, Bianca!" Paul threw out there. John said, "I don't need saving! Look!" and he carried Bianca. Bianca screamed with joy and happiness and Paul said "Unhand her!"

A few minutes later, the rest of the gang came back to see Bianca hiding under a bed and John and Paul squirting mustard and ketchup at each other. All was fun, as well as funny, until...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2008, 11:46:23 PM »

...someone gets hurt.
Someone always gets hurt. A nice squirt of ketchup in the eye will do that to you, don't you know? Be careful with your condiments, children.
Any who, Paul was hit terribly in the face with a harsh shot of ketchup. Bianca rushed over as John held the 'dying' Paul in his arms.
"John, I have to tell Bianca something... How can she ever find out?! I don't even know where she is in this crazy world!" he cried, gasping for air.
"Uhm... I'm right here, Paul," Bianca said.
"Oh, right-o." He seemed rather over his 'death'. "Well, I just thought you should know the truth. I think she is a very lovely lady simply because... She's my sister."

Gasps filled the room as the others rushed in suddenly. "We thought you only had a brother, Paul," said George.
"Yeah, and that step-sister of yours too," Pitch pointed out.
"Ah, that's just what you all think," Paul said, wiping the ketchup from his face. "She doesn't know, so don't fill her in on it! But she's actually my... /twin/!"
Everyone was about to burst into an uproar of questions and comments, but before they could...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2008, 09:28:07 PM »

... There standing in the doorway is the producer girl.
"I heard that, and I'll prove you wrong! Oh, and my name is Paula. Just so you know."
Everyone stared at her in disbelief. George pulled her to the now healed Paul.
"Good God, they look nothing alike!" said George. Everyone gathered around to see, except for Ringo. He kept jumping up and down trying to see, since everyone was in his way.
"Anyways," Paula started, "I can prove we're not twins. First off, I'm American. He's British. Second, I'm adopted, yet born on the same day. And, lastly, I'm blond. You're kind of a brunette. So... hah."
Everyone was confused. Paul stood up, finally, and said, "Mommy lied?"
"Yep. She lied, Paul. But, it was all for me. So... no blaming her."
"Paula, I have a question," Bianca asked, "How did you get your hair so cute like that?" Everyone rolled their eyes and giggled, except for Ringo. He needed more haircut ideas. Paula was about to start, but...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #48 on: October 02, 2008, 03:13:57 AM »

Suddenly Paul couldn't take it anymore!
His own mother had lied... What a terrible thing for him, of course. He ran over, scissors in hand, and chopped off Paula's ponytail.
Everyone stared, jaws open, eyes wide, stunned by such an act.
Paul suddenly stopped breathing so hard and he calmed down after taking deep breaths. "Well," he began. "Sorry about that," he smiled, tossing away the scissors and clapping his hands against one another. "I don't know /what/ came over me." He walked away, shrugging and laughing about the whole ordeal.
Everyone was still in shock.
They were just about to snap into the reality of it all, untiiiiil...~


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2008, 07:41:13 PM »

(No! Not the hair!!!)
...Paula got out the ketchup and squirted Paul in the face, hitting him in the eye once again. Bianca came by his side , ONCE AGAIN, and said, "Is there anything else you'd like to tell me? Missing toes, fake hair, anything?"
Paul turned to her and said, "One strand of your hair is standing up." Paul fixed Bianca's hair and stood up. "Who said I was dead? That person is some loony." said Paul. All laughed, except for the ponytail-less Paula. Paula stormed out and Paul quickly shut and locked the door. "No more of her. So... what do we do now?"
"Yeah. What DO we do now?" asked an already bored George. Everyone shouted out answers. Then, one caught Pitch's attention. "I say, Ringo, you're idea is fab! We should all go..."


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2008, 10:21:36 PM »

" the water park in the next city over!"
Eveyrone cheered and rushed to grab swimsuits. The boys hurried to put on their swim-shorts.
The girls looked at each other. "We don't have suits," FNU said, looking up at the boys. The other girls nodded.
"Well, then," smiled Ringo. "We'll just have to fix that!"
He flipped a light-switch next to himself. The couch suddenly flipped into the wall!! And out flipped several clothing racks and tables with swimsuits of all sorts and a lot of groovy 60's attire.
"Take your pick," said George.
The girls smiled widely and ran over toward the clothing racks and tables, throwing clothes everywhere as they scrambled through the choices.
After the girls searched for their suits and the boys dodges the flying clothing, the perfect swim-suits were found!
Everyone threw on some clothes and ran downstairs to the car, totally forgetting all about how the furniture had gone missing. Who cares?! They were going to the water park!
Before anyone could jump into the car, however, there was suddenly...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #51 on: October 04, 2008, 12:53:28 AM »

...rain. Not fun, huh? Either way, it was still warm out, so they still went to the water park. FNU was scared that her hair would puff out. Pitch lent her a bandana, and Bianca lent her a headband for extra support.

They all got to the water park, but it was closed! Everyone was all sad. Then, Pitch, FNU, and Bianca thought of a great idea.
"Hey everyone! Let's all go the the REAL park and play there!" exclaimed Bianca. Everyone agreed, and they all piled into the car and went to the state park.
Once they got there, Bianca immediatly dived into a mud puddle. George joined her in the mud. FNU and John jumped around in some water and Pitch and Ringo just danced around in the rain. Paul, however, didn't want to get dirty. Everyone looked at each other and pulled him into the mud. he had a great time! Actually, EVERYONE had a greata time, until...


Too cool, yah?

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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2008, 11:47:26 PM »

the thunder and lightning started! "Aw, what a way to end the fun!" Said a disappointed, and mud splattered, Ringo. Everyone agreed that it was TOTALLY unfair, but as they couldnt stand around in the thunder, they headed for the car.
"Hey, since we are all out on the town, and the day is still young, we should just have some fun inside somewhere!" Bianca said, "I mean, are we just gonna go, and run and hide our heads? We might as well be dead!"
John and Paul looked at each other, and started writing something down on a piece of paper, talking in whispers and ignoring everybody.
"Hey, John, what are you?....oh, never mind."FNU said."Biancas right, LETS DO SOMETHING!"
"Lets all go and mess about in that factory over there!" Ringo cried.
"What sort of factory is it?" Pitch asked.
"Who knows, but i hope its food!" So, everybody ran out of the car, FNU dragging John along, Bianca Paul, and headed to the factory....
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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2008, 11:56:31 PM »

Everyone was welcomed.
"Hello!" said a very happy man, "I'm Wilson! Welcome to the cheese factory!"
Everyone ran around in the factory wearing their swim suits and a hair net. Everyone looked really funny.
"WHEE! This conveyor belt is fun!" said Ringo. Bianca ran towards the conveyor belt and jumped on. "You're right, Ringo! This IS fun!!!"
Everyone ran towards the converyor belt and jumped on. Wilson pulled a lever and the conveyor belt went faster! Everyone sat down in a line and threw their hands up when they turned corners.
"Hey, what's at the end of the belt, Wilson?" shouted John.
"A slide into a cheese pool!!!"
Eveyone waited for the cheese pool...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2008, 09:21:06 PM »

...but the conveyor sudden broke! Wilson sighed and let out a "Not again."
The others groaned and complained. John hopped off and gave one of the legs of the conveyor belt a nice, hard kick. It suddenly went faster than ever! FNU, who was at the back of the line, pulled John onto the belt as she passed him. They all slid into the cheese pool eventually, laughing, and having a nice melted-cheese fight! All was going wonderfully well until...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #55 on: October 11, 2008, 12:08:19 AM »

... Ringo got cheese up his nose. No one was really surprised, but everyone got out of the cheese vat and helped Ringo and dried off.
"Well, the fun's all over because of you and your honkin' neb!" said Paul.
"There's a cracker part of the factory!" Wilson said gleefully. Everyone followed Wilson, got on another conveyor belt and slid into a bin of cracker crumbs.
"Aww. This isn't fun... no offense, Wilson." said Pitch.
Wilson understood. He pulled a lever and WHOOSH! The bin was tilted over and they slide down another slide onto another conveyor belt and towards the packaging area. They had skipped bag packaging and went straight for those big boxes. Bianca was first in line and she slid into a box with cushiony protective bubble-wrap inside. The bubbles popped as she plopped in.
"Yay! This is fun!" she screamed. Everyone had their turn to find out...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #56 on: October 11, 2008, 03:13:55 PM »

...inside the boxes and bubble wrap, there was a huge selection of instruments! There were all sorts, of course: percussion, string, wind, anything you could think of-- even things you couldn't! Pitch grabbed hold of a lovely green tambourine. Everyone hopped in right away. The box seemed much bigger inside-- like a whole new musical world!
"Oi," Paul began after playing with a beautiful bass guitar. "What are these doing in a cheese factory?"
Wilson explained that the box was labeled "Good music in here!" and was mistaken for a box filled with items for a new showcase of cheese-made instruments labeled "Gouda music in here!"
Everyone laughed wildly for a split second, just before realizing how terribly.. *Ehem.* /cheesy/ the joke was.

...((Gouda's a type of cheese for those who didn't know. X3))


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2008, 10:24:17 PM »

Everyone climbed out of the boxes. Wilson had one last thinig to show everyone: the pudding part of the factory.
"PUDDING!" screamed Bianca as she looked for a straw. She LOVED to drink pudding. George pulled her back and handed her a straw. She hugged him and dove right into a pudding vat. She swam right up and said, "The pudding is great!" Everyone laughed and went in the pudding vat. Wilson and a few factory workers dumped marshmallows and cannoli shells into the pudding. FNU and John grabbed marshmallows and made a little snowman. Then, Pitch ate the head of the snowman and swam away.
"GIVE ME THE HEAD YOU EVIL DEMON!" screamed FNU. Her voice echoed. She finally caught up to Pitch and she dunked Pitch's head into the pudding. Then, she swam away. When Pitch resurfaced, she couldn't find FNU. She couldn't find anyone!
Everyone was under the pudding near Pitch's feet. She started swimming around, and then BAM! Everyone pulled her under. She resurfaced and she could not stop laughing until...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2008, 02:25:26 AM »

...Wilson told them they would have to get out. The factory would be closing soon. )=
"Sorry, kiddos, it's getting dark out."

Everyone cleaned up and headed home, sure to gratefully thank Wilson for showing them around. They all headed back to the hotel. They sat around and played some cards. Later, the girls laid out sleeping bags on the floor. The boys were about to jump in bed and the girls were ready to dive into their sleeping bags until out of nowhere...


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Re: Our Never Ending Beatles Story
« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2008, 01:01:09 AM »

... In comes Brian Epstien in his pajamas.
"Ohh... hello all. I think I'll just go now. Good night!" said Brian as he walked towards the door. As he walked out, he shut off the lights.
Everyone was pretty tired, except for Bianca. Everyone fell asleep, or so Bianca thought, but she didn't. She wasn't so tired. She lied there staring at the celing and when anyone would move, she would pretend to be asleep. Out of nowhere, she heard someone say, "You're not asleep either?" It sounded like John.
"No." she said quietly.
"Neither am I. I have to get out of here."
"Well, let's go to the lobby. I hear there have free cookies."
John and Bianca changed out of their pajamas into some dressy gear, snuck out of the room and down to the lobby. The entire hotel seemed pretty quiet until they got to the lobby. The lobby was bustling with people dancing around.
"What do ya know, no cookies!" said Bianca. After she said that sentence, a nice tray of fresh cookies whiked past her and onto a table. John and Bianca leaped for them. Those cookies were delicious. Then, music came on and they started dancing. Out of nowhere, John felt a tap on his shoulder. It was George! "I heard cookies and I woke up." he said. Everyone was have a great time, and then...


Too cool, yah?
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