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Author Topic: Paul's public appearances and how to spot him in person (yeah, how??)  (Read 1196 times)

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Hi everyone! Wondering if someone could help me.

Whenever Paul has a scheduled public appearance, a lot of people seem to know where to spot him in person before/after said event takes place.
Paul has an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London starting next week and he's going to be there for an interview livestream and I was wondering if there are groups of fans somewhere online that might have 'intel' about how to spot him around NPG (when he arrives for/leaves after the livestream) or just generally, around any events that he's scheduled to appear at.


1. I am not asking about it to try and interact with him for whatever reason - I honestly wouldn't want to disturb him. I would just love to see him with my own two eyes, even from afar :')

2. I am only asking about his PUBLIC appearances - there are probably some stalkers knowing what they shouldn't about his whereabouts and I wouldn't ever want such information

To try and explain what I mean further: I've been to Liverpool around the time of the secret Egypt Station concert in The Cavern and when MPL announced the whereabouts of the free tickets, they were long gone - yes, it's Liverpool, and the word travels, but nonetheless, there were people who knew not only about that, but also about his appearances at LIPA and arrival at The Cavern (there were people queueing by already set barriers etc.). Same with his gig at Abbey Road Studios (when I've seen instagram stories from the day, there were numerous people waiting there trying to catch a glance). Again, same with his pre-Glasto gig last year. How, how did they all know?? ahahahaha

TL;DR: Are there any fan groups online that share information/details about Paul's PUBLIC appearances so that one can hang around the area and try to catch a glance in person?

Thanks in advance, everyone!



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