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Author Topic: Sean and Julian...  (Read 23649 times)

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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #60 on: July 24, 2004, 10:50:58 AM »

I don't think much about John's sons, but I've enjoyed a bit of Julian's music.

As for Sean, I'm sorry to knock the guy, but what's with that huge and bloated face of his? I can't stand looking at it (apologies to the girls). Keep the beard on, Sean....

Wasn't there a time where Sean was actually putting The Beatles (or his dad) down? I seem to recall something....



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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #61 on: July 24, 2004, 07:24:55 PM »

 I would never consider Sean's face "huge and bloated." Please don't aplogize. If anything, I am used to people putting Sean down as much as they can, for no apparant reason other than to make some vague comment disguised as an observation but really a put down- I'm sure Sean's used to it. Most people just don't like him , plain and simple.

 And Sean never put his father's music down. In fact, he thoroughly enjoys and loves his dad's music. Just recently he made a comment about the Beatles given an award for their vast achievements at the Grammys and said their music will live on forever, like Stravinsky or something.

 I really get a kick out of people coming up with these miraculously cruel things against Sean. If I ever run into a person who actually respects

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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #62 on: July 24, 2004, 11:38:21 PM »

I am used to people putting Sean down as much as they can, for no apparant reason other than to make some vague comment disguised as an observation but really a put down- I'm sure Sean's used to it. Most people just don't like him , plain and simple.
I really get a kick out of people coming up with these miraculously cruel things against Sean. If I ever run into a person who actually respects  him in any Beatles forum, it will be something of a miracle.

Well, I say the same thing in Yoko's defense. Happens to her all the time.

Be that as it may, I've never had a problem with Sean. I'm just saying his face is huge, and he's got these unsightly fat cheeks.


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #63 on: July 25, 2004, 01:56:59 AM »

 The pictures I have posted of Sean are recent, and I don't think he has a huge face or fat cheeks in any of them. If anything, however, I do think that Paul's kids have the portliest faces, except for maybe Heather and Mary- the little baby doesn't count. But I would never think it a bad thing. At least they eat, as opposed to many of these people nowadays...(I don't have chubby cheeks myself, but I have nothing but love for those who have them and can wear them with pride...)

 Sean looks nor-mal to me. I find him sexy in a very youngish dark-haired, slightly-Asian-more-John-Lennon way. He's got a very unique voice and seems to be a free-spirited easy-going type of guy with a rich and articulate way of expressing himself. His ex-girlfriend actually referred to him as a genius, so I read. I mean, I've read a lot about Sean and he comes off as very interesting and pretty much his own person. I think the way he speaks of his father is very touching.

 And I like Yoko and have pointed my take on her in another thread. She's a cool lady to me. I don't care for her horrid singing live voice, or her live tracks on some albums, but I do enjoy many of her songs on other records. :)

 Anyway, I'm a Sean fan all the way and I keep this thread going out of love for him, since there's very little of it.

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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #64 on: July 25, 2004, 11:00:54 AM »

seems to be a free-spirited easy-going type of guy with a rich and articulate way of expressing himself.

Well, I imagine it's easy to be laid back and easygoing when you're born "rich'' yourself. :)


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #65 on: July 25, 2004, 01:46:26 PM »

 Oh, I agree with you on that. But let's not use that perspective only on Sean. There are tons of others out there.

 Is that the reason for you apparant disdain for Sean?

 If it is, would you consider it his fault he was born in the circumstances he was born in?

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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #66 on: July 25, 2004, 06:02:29 PM »

Oh, I agree with you on that. But let's not use that perspective only on Sean. There are tons of others out there.

This is a Beatles forum. If it were an Elvis one, I'd comment on Lisa Marie Presley.
If it was a Madonna site, maybe her daughter would be the one we're discussing.

Is that the reason for you apparant disdain for Sean?

I have no genuine disdain for Sean. When I was growing up, he was just this cute little 5-year-old kid who maybe couldn't fully grasp the magnitude of what happened in 1980, to his famous dad. Now that he's grown, I haven't heard much about him except that he's always dating these gorgeous women and I do recall some talk of his slighting the Beatles and/or his father a few years back.

would you consider it his fault he was born in the circumstances he was born in?

No, but this is the case with anyone. A rich kid growing up spoiled isn't his fault; someone groing up to be a murderer due to a troubled childhood isn't his fault either.

Anyway, the basic thing is I just think Sean gets weirder and weirder looking with that swollen face. Nothing more, really ... that's about the size of it. :)


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #67 on: July 25, 2004, 09:44:06 PM »

 Cool. ;)

 I don't agree that he has a swollen face, though, but I hope we can agree to disagree on that point. At least.

 In any cae, for others out there who are interested in Sean, I'll still be posting any new things I hear about his album. I seriously hope its out this year. Its been a little too long.

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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #68 on: July 26, 2004, 10:48:16 AM »

Glad everything's cool :)


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #69 on: August 18, 2004, 07:09:36 PM »

[quote by=Runforyourlife,m=1087057116,s=61 date=1090697095] I really get a kick out of people coming up with these miraculously cruel things against Sean. If I ever run into a person who actually respects


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #70 on: August 18, 2004, 10:46:31 PM »

I respect Sean and I don't have anything against him. As for his "huge and bloated" face (lol!) i don't think it's huge and bloated at all. I think he looks like a Japanese John in fact!
I am posting on an internet forum, therefore my opinion is fact.


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #71 on: August 19, 2004, 03:16:56 AM »

 Oh, ringo dear, I think I went a little overboard with my statement. Bear with me. I tend to do that for effect, though it rarely works to my advantage. ;) I'm sure there are folks out there at Beatles boards that respect Sean, its just that the ratio is sparse in comparison to those who do not. And the reasons to not respect him that I've been given, or have been stated, are simply ridiculous.

 I genuinely enjoy this guy's music. I think its creative, melodic, and I LOVE his voice. I wish his damn album would come out already, because its difficult ranting on and on about just one album and an EP, though they are both lovely. Anyway, I know he has a ton of new songs and his album has been completed. I'm just not sure when it will be released. He is on Capitol Records now, because his old record label Grand Royal- which was hosted by the Beastie Boys- shut down or something. So now he's on a big record label and I guess he has to sort of "work out" how he is going to present his new material, obviously trying to avoid the "son of" stuff as best as he can.

 I think Sean has done a great job of that, though. No one can say he has been riding his father's coattails. :)


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #72 on: August 19, 2004, 05:46:08 AM »

[quote by=Joe_Karlosi,m=1087057116,s=64 date=1090753254]

Well, I imagine it's easy to be laid back and easygoing when you're born "rich'' yourself. :)[/quote]

You seem to have something against anyone having a substantial amount of money. You mention it quite often.


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #73 on: August 19, 2004, 06:26:44 PM »

I don't kow why, but I sympathise more with Julian than with Sean. Julian also lost his fatjer, and in a worse way than Sean, becasue he lost him to another woman and to another country. It must be really bad to know that your dad is 1,000km away and you can't see him everytime you fancy.

I also think Julian is cuter than Sean and doesn't get as much publicity as Sean. Julian has also dated gorgeous women, among them, Kylie Minogue, if my mind serves me right, but doesn't make a fuss about it just like Seans seems to do.

And as for his round and blatant face, you said? I absolutely agree, but it's not his fault, anyway. We are not models, either...
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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #74 on: August 23, 2004, 06:35:47 AM »

[quote by=Runforyourlife,m=1087057116,s=49 date=1088634499] Ok, altough I admit this is a little crazy and "obsesssive-like"...I was curious, so I looked at a few sites to see if I could find pics of Sean and all the "notable" women he has been with. From what I read, he was with Yuka Honda, prime member of band Cibo Matto, for about 2 years, but they broke up and he started dating Bijou Phillips-daughter of the Mamas and Papas frontman- for about 4 or more years. Apparantly, that was his one very serious relationship because a few sites I checked said they were engaged, though I would doubt that.

 There's a really "soap opera" like tale of how Sean and Bijou broke up, and its a little twisted, so I won't even go into it. But after Bijou, he started dating Leelee Sobieski, but that was very short. And right at some event he was at with Leelee he met Liz Jagger, and that's who he's (apparantly) still with.

 Now I can claim to know more about his dating life than I do about any tidbits regarding his new album. Here's some pics I found:

 Sean and Yuka- Notable girlfriend (and artistic collaborator) #1


 Sean and Bijou- Notable (longtime) girlfriend & actress/"wild child" #2


 Sean and Leelee- Notable (fling-type) girlfriend/actress #3


 Sean and Lizzie- Notable (current) girlfriend/rock progeny/model#4


 And then some other chicks...

 Naomi Campbell (supermodel):

 Leona Naess (some up-and-coming songwriter):

 Heather Graham (actress/Austin Powers' chick):

 Kimberly Stewart (Rod's daughter)


 Claire Danes (actress)





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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #75 on: August 23, 2004, 06:36:33 AM »



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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #76 on: August 28, 2004, 11:35:08 PM »

[quote by=Sadie4,m=1087057116,s=73 date=1092940004] I don't kow why, but I sympathise more with Julian than with Sean. Julian also lost his fatjer, and in a worse way than Sean, becasue he lost him to another woman and to another country. It must be really bad to know that your dad is 1,000km away and you can't see him everytime you fancy.

I also think Julian is cuter than Sean and doesn't get as much publicity as Sean. Julian has also dated gorgeous women, among them, Kylie Minogue, if my mind serves me right, but doesn't make a fuss about it just like Seans seems to do.

And as for his round and blatant face, you said? I absolutely agree, but it's not his fault, anyway. We are not models, either...

 I sympathize with both boys. They both lost their father, and I am sure they were both traumatized in different ways by that horrible loss. Julian, it seems, undoubtedly gets the lion's share of sympathy- which I can't disgaree with. But still, Sean had a tremendously close and wonderful relationship with his father. He did practically everything with him. And John was very much both a mother and father figure to Sean since, by her and Sean's own admission, Yoko was not around much to be much of a mother to Sean. So losing his father was dreadful for him, and even Yoko says these days its difficult for Sean to even talk about his dad without getting very angry over what happened.

 To me, Sean is gorgeous and Julian is pretty handsome. I have different tastes I suppose. If the popular opinion here is that Sean has a bloated face (which I don't believe so) than I must be attracted to guys with bloated faces, so what...

 And I don't think Sean has ever made a big deal about the women he has dated. Ever. He is an extremely private person. You'll get more yapping from the actual chicks than from Sean. He and Julian both seem like very grounded and modest guys, and that makes me very happy, for John's sake, that his sons both turned out to be nice young men with talent. Just wish they would be quicker releasing their albums.



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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #77 on: August 30, 2004, 02:33:39 PM »

 As I promised, here are some pics I found (actually stole from other sites, my apologies) of Julian.

 Actually, the next few pics of Julian and Lucy I got from this site:


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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #78 on: August 30, 2004, 07:49:26 PM »

Thanks for the pictures, i haedb't seen Lucy before and I was curious to see what she looked like. She's pretty, she has good taste. I hope they are very happy, although  I can't help feeling jealous myself. I wanted Julian for myself... :(
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Re: Sean and Julian...
« Reply #79 on: August 30, 2004, 10:42:06 PM »

 I really like this picture...

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