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Author Topic: Yoko, what a joko  (Read 15974 times)

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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2007, 06:26:55 PM »

That Cut Piece thing, I can tell you as someone who's lived in Japan, is typically Japanese - both predictable and strange (at least, strange from a non-Japanese cultural perspective). Yoko looks unusually attractive in it.

In the Can You Spot Her clip, if that's Yoko singing at the start, a lot of traditional Japanese singing sounds like that - so that's not exactly Yoko being strange as such.
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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2007, 07:02:03 PM »

These are actually pretty good Yoko/Beatles jams! Except that the sound cuts out after a few mins.
Then comes back.

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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2007, 05:00:46 AM »

 weird,;she was a Very attractive woman in those days.


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2008, 02:13:35 PM »

Everyone always trashes Yoko as an artist before she met John. For a bit of contempory insight, here's a Times review of her work from 18th November 1967. I'm not sure if he likes it or not.

An art gallery exhibition is only one of the ways Japanese artist Yoko Ono works. For the past year she has been in England and made a film, staged events, written and used the post. On the invitation to her recent show...she has written "have you seen an horizon lately?" It is a simpler and more effective "work", on the whole, than any of the objects in the exhibition, which would prick the mind with a paradox (one is a row of three spoons labelled "four spoons") were they not so carefully and tastefully presented that the thought cannot often come alive.
Downstairs is quite a different kind of work. A small paper-lined room has been built with hidden lights which dim gradually and brighten again and a continious vague recorded sound. In the room this private experience of the darkness growing is very beautiful, but by now lights, loudspeakers and screen projections have become the accepted furniture of this kind of room. A less obviously sense-stimilating experience, in fact an experience undirected and open in meaning..could touch each spectator to the core.
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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2008, 08:06:41 PM »



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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2008, 03:13:56 PM »

Never fails to make me smile when people that know very little about the subject decide that yoko is the do-er of all things evil and to blame for everything that they are not happy with.

Makes me laugh even more when they think they are insulting her by calling her Joko and because of their ignorance dont realise that they john and yoko used to refer to themselves as Joko. oh well, lets see if we can educate this unfortunate.

Quote from: Stoneus
While browsing around i found an old clip from a newspaper about a woman complaining about seeing an ad in Rolling Stone of John and Yoko's backsides on a Vodka ad. This is blatant abusive advertising done on Yoko's part to get more money.

Yeah because she's short of a few quid isnt she? She has more money than she could spend in a thousand lifetimes so i doubta few grand from this ad made much impact to her stash. I presume you are referring to the back of the two virgins album cover. Maybe she just thought it was funny. Do you think John would have been against it? Do you think he was humourless? When john died yoko said that she would periodically release things that the fans needed to hear ,see or read and so far she has never let us down. Just remember without Yoko, theres no Beatles Anthology (which btw well done for managing to read, some of the writing was quite big wasnt it), no lennon anthology, no Threetles, no Imagine film etc etc.

Quote from: Stoneus

Everyone can see that once John found Yoko, something inside of him changed.
Yes he fell in love

Quote from: Stoneus

 He unknowingly married a woman who said she "didnt know Beatles" but after he dies, keeps on using his name to reap in the bounty. I cant respect that, and i would think that anyone who really enjoyed and liked John Lennon would feel intense animosity towards Yoko Ono. .

Oh he knew all right. and No anyone that knows anything about or understands john lennon will completely get what he and yoko were about. I seriously dont get what she is supposed to have done wrong.

Quote from: Stoneus

She broke up the Beatles, and they all say that it was going downhill and whatever, but once she got there, that was it. .

hmm havent heard that one before ! Really? Better read that book again. Clues, Klien,Eastmans,money,music, live performances,let it be,mccartney. Put all those into the pot too and you might get somewhere close

Quote from: Stoneus
I respect him, I love his music, but he was brainwashed by this Japanese harlot, who was also older than he was, and women can mess with a man's head like no other thing. .

But you dont respect him enough to believe that he was able to think for himself, knew what he wanted and most arrogantly think you know whats best for him. Ans hse may have got her tits out once or twice but i dont ever remember reading that she was a prostitute.

Quote from: Stoneus
Yoko has no solo career, she was a nobody until she got with John Lennon,  

Wrong she was very well known in her own field.

oh well hope youve learned something, i know i have. ::)


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2008, 05:53:02 PM »

^ I think Yoko did have a lot to do with the breakup of The Beatles, as did the death of Brian Epstein, Klein, Let It Be etc I don't see what harm the Eastman's did unless you don't like McCartney all that much. I don't see how you could say that without Yoko that there wouldn't be a Beatles Anthology or Imagine or Lennon Anthology etc I am sure if Cynthia was still married to John at the time of his passing, we'd still have the Beatles Anthology etc

Yoko does a lot of crap that makes no sense. For example, suing a musician for using the name Lennon when it is in fact the performer's name given to her at birth? What the heck is that about?  :-/ Also she treated both Julian and Cynthia like complete crap. Yoko just doesn't have that much respect from me.

Also, John and Yoko referred to themselves as JohnandYoko...not Joko.


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2008, 07:45:32 PM »

No not a McCartney hater in the slightest, I love the man. The reference to the eastmans was purely implying that mccartneys preference for the eastmans to manage as appose to Lennon favouring Klien was instrumental to the breakup. Far more so than the fact that John was pre-occupied with yoko. Thats what i meant by including them in that list. I wasnt blaming anyone, i just assumed by listing the factors people on a forum such as this would know the facts behind each.

What i meant by without yoko.... was that without her willingness to share the material those projects wouldnt have happened. She didnt have to do that, the tapes belonged to her. Please dont follow this up with, "she only did it to make cash" because that excuse doesnt wash. As i said above she has more money than she knows what to do with, so that cant be her motivation.

Your point about cynthia still being married to him is irrelevant because that isnt the case.

Do you seriously believe that she would sue someone for having the name lennon. I can see that getting a long way through the courts. Come on, shes not stupid, far from it,shes highly intelligent.  theres either more to it than simply a name or the story is completely made up (as is half the stories surrounding yoko.

She has no obligation to cynthia whatsoever and if you think not giving julian a heap of cash to stick up his nose,treating him badly then fair do's, i'd call it responsible parenting.

you never heard of Joko films then?

It doesnt really matter what i say, if you hate yoko then no amount of reasoning or common sense is going to change your mind. You'll believe what you want to believe. But as far as Im concerned she deserves our support, she is doing her utmost to keep johns name alive with good product and good projects that he would be proud of. I really dont get what she is supposed to have done wrong. Shes a good decent person

I take it your quite happy with Cynthia though. A woman that calls herself lennon yet again despite being married 4 times. but of course those guys surnames dont sell books or get her after dinner speaking engagements. He and May Pang alike are clinging onto johns shirt tails for dear life and making as much as they can out of his name. Look at cynthias book John, she was quite happy to blacken his name and freely contradicts stories that she told in her first book for the sake of good story and a newspaper serialisation but i dont see much disapproval of her actions. Like I say, people believe what they want to believe, without applying the facts. to my mind cynthia lennon is far more of a villian that yoko will ever be.


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2008, 09:22:16 PM »

It's not much use to react on a post that's over three years old, Tony. I see your point tho and everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Maybe Yoko was not the reason, but I do think of her as a katalysator (sp?).


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2008, 02:23:21 AM »

I never liked yoko and I do believe its her fault and I will always respect john but not yoko


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2008, 02:25:16 AM »

I always blamed yoko I respect john but  I do blame yoko for the break up for the beatles and Ive seen news footage about the beatles where yoko said john wanted her there witch I dont believe and the others hated her.


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2008, 02:28:11 AM »

nice post well thought out ::)


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2008, 02:47:34 PM »

Quote from: 625
What i meant by without yoko.... was that without her willingness to share the material those projects wouldnt have happened.
Yes, she was so willing she made a deal. "You hold off on this project you've been planning for years, so I can release my movie first. After I have my money and exposure, then you can release your Beatles film." The Anthology, when finally released, was wildly successful and brought in a whole new wave of Beatles fans, such as me. Yoko could reap the benefit of that as well as anyone.

Quote from: 625
Please dont follow this up with, "she only did it to make cash" because that excuse doesnt wash. As i said above she has more money than she knows what to do with, so that cant be her motivation.
I'm just going to speculate that you don't know many millionaires. (And before you argue, yes, I do.) With many people who have money, the game is to make more money. But we don't need the cash reason. Yoko loves attention; that's why John couldn't do any truly solo project while he was with her-- not sing at a concert, not make an album-- Yoko always had to be in there front and center. There's a name for this: narcissism. Yoko has it in spades.

Quote from: 625
She has no obligation to cynthia whatsoever and if you think not giving julian a heap of cash to stick up his nose,treating him badly then fair do's, i'd call it responsible parenting.
And I would call it theft. John had intended (at least verbally) to provide for his first son. He was irresponsible in not leaving a will that would allow him to follow through on that intention (if that was indeed his intention and not just words he thought would sound good). He left the estate in control of Yoko, and it took years for Julian to get a tiny shred of John's vast estate. This is simply appalling behavior. It was appalling when John cut Cynthia loose with a chintzy 70,000 pounds for life. (And he wouldn't have even given her that if Yoko had not become pregnant, blowing  up John's case that Cynthia was the one committing adultery.) It was appalling that Julian's trust fund (only 100K to begin with, I believe) was set up so his portion was halved with every subsequent child born. This is petty sh*t. As a parent, John really failed his obligations.

I personally believe that, with his rotten terms, John was punishing Cynthia for getting pregnant and making him the "married Beatle" when all his buddies were having all that fun. But if John was irresponsible, Yoko was malicious. There is no good reason with all her millions to withhold what was a fair portion of John's estate from his first son who, hello, should have been eligible for half. But she wanted everything for herself and Sean. The "up his nose" argument doesn't hold any water. It's not a legal argument-- anyone can spend their money however they want to. And if you think our dear Yoko never put anything up her nose, I wonder what world you're living in.
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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2008, 11:29:02 PM »

well lets not let facts get in the way of a good bias opinion eh harihead? As a new fan, i completely understand your need to run with the pack on here to gain some kind of kudos,but you'll do that much better armed with some good solid facts rather than a load of hot air.

So what movie would that be that she was asking to be held off. This is obviously her actual words because youve put it in quotation marks ::). Ok the facts. The Long and Winding road (anthology) had been lying dormant for over 20 years. It was yokos agreement to allow johns tapes to be used for the project that kick started it again.THAT IS FACT. And yes of course she benefitted financially from it but that wasnt my point was it? You personally benefitted from it and so did every other fan.

For the record Johns output without yoko POB/Imagine/Mind Games/Walls & bridges/Rock n Roll. Ok? So yet again you bend the truth to make a point. Do you think linda was Narcissistic too? She played and sang on most of Pauls albums. You dont see that though do you because you have tunnel vision and no amount of reasonable argument can stir you from your closed mindedness. Yoko was on Johns albums and by his side at concerts because HE wanted her there just as Paul wanted linda there.

The settlement that cynthia got and johns failings as a parent are not relevant to this discussion so i will ignore it.

The reason some of Julians money was withheld, like i said was for his own good.Im perfectly aware of yokos drug taking habits in the past but the period of time to which you refer Julian had already p*ssed away all the money he had earnt as a musician, he was not responsible or in a good place and yoko was looking after his best interests. even he sees that now, why cant you? He got what he needed and hello back, no he is not entitled to half at all . As there was no up to date being that johns death was not expected the whole estate goes to yoko. Not yoko and sean just yoko. He has since received a huge pay out from yoko and will cop for a whole lot more when she dies.

You see its a much stronger argument when you post facts rather than try and build a case on hear say and bloat it out with irrelevant nonsense.


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2008, 03:46:16 AM »

Quote from: 625
You dont see that though do you because you have tunnel vision and no amount of reasonable argument can stir you from your closed mindedness.

Wow, you know me so well. It's like you can read my mind.

You want to back off on the hostility and personal insults, Maccalennon. I enjoy discussion, but this is more of a rant. That will get you a big yawn from most of the people on this board.

Linda was not narcissistic. That is a personality disorder that in my opinion Yoko has. John had it too, in a degree. Unfortunately I have to work with this in my daily life, so the hallmarks are clear to me. You're of course entitled to disagree with me. This is my own observation, and as far as I know, no one else on the forum has made this suggestion.

The movie is John Lennon: Imagine (1988 ). You can find it here:
If you haven't seen it yet, you might get a copy. I'm sure you'd enjoy it.
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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2008, 08:05:14 AM »

Yes i have Imagine and its fab but work on that took place during the mid 80's. the anths were mid 90's so i doubt one held up the other.

And i dont need to read your mind, youve laid it down for all to see


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2008, 10:24:12 AM »

Tony (maccalennon), we like to encourage discussion here. And sometimes that discussion can get heated if two people dissagree, but personal insults are out. So please check it. I'm sure that you and Harihead could have a perfectly interesting (though heated) discussion without resorting to that.



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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2008, 11:06:40 AM »

where are the personal insults?


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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2008, 11:26:32 AM »

I think Yoko gets a lot of undue stick over the beakup but I don't like or respect her. Then again, I don't respect or like John either. And if Paul wasn't an ex-Beatle I wouldn't want him around my gaffe. George and Ringo don't seem the sort of people I would want to hang around with either. (except Ringo would be fun if you wanted to get trashed, but those kind of relationships are never rewarding.)
If Yoko was dominant and manipulative, then John was weak and submissive. I find none of these glaringly attractive personality traits.
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Re: Yoko, what a joko
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2008, 11:33:05 AM »

Quote from: 625
where are the personal insults?

As a new fan, i completely understand your need to run with the pack on here to gain some kind of kudos.

You dont see that though do you because you have tunnel vision and no amount of reasonable argument can stir you from your closed mindedness.

bloat it out with irrelevant nonsense.

Not exactly diplomatic, is it?
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