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Author Topic: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?  (Read 13358 times)

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2011, 09:18:46 PM »

... But it's simply because they were now masters of their own schedules--not going through Brian anymore--that you could see the individual Beatles start to express themselves more.  No more matching suits, no more Sgt. Pepper outfits...from here on out this was even reflected in their individual fashion sense.

True. Suddenly they became independent and individual. No CEO, so to speak, to listen to, and why should they listen or obey each other?
Besides, certainly they were each very talented, but unfortunately not very tough personalities, willingly submitting to females - not only John with his Yoko, but also Paul with Linda and her father.
We can compare John and Paul with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the second couple being much stronger, very tough guys indeed, that is why they have survived... ))) IMHO )


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2011, 09:37:30 PM »

... this again shows the general animosity the others had towards Paul especially as he tried to foist his father in law Lee Eastman onto the other 3 as the new manager, surely for decisions like that, the majority vote should rule but Paul was having none of that and it ended up in court.

This is one of the main reasons to my mind. Paul shouldn`t have acted like that. However I also believe it is not so much Paul`s fault than Lee Eastman`s, who no doubt seeing that he was failing to get control over the whole Beatles, tried to get Paul under his care. And it, as you say, all ended up in court, which put an end to the band. Yes, it was Paul who went to court, but the person behind it was somebody who knew much more about courts and things like that than Paul. And that was, guess who? Lee Eastman, of course.
There were a lot of reasons for the group to disband, but nobody could actually realize (do) it. And nobody would have actually done it if it hadn`t been for Lee Estman encouraging Paul to go to court.

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2011, 03:47:40 AM »

A lot of the reasons of a Beatle break-up reflect back on Yoko and I'm starting to re-think my opinion on this matter and am beginning to feel that she really was the main reason for the break-up...
Here are some of those reasons....

...Lennon's disinterest in the band brought about by heroin use (Yoko got Lennon on heroin.)
...Lennon's decision to bring in Allen Klein (Yoko highly endorsed Klein --"I like Americans.")
...Dissension in the band (Yoko insisted on being in the recording sessions)
...Moving away from Paul (Yoko pushed Lennon to stray from Paul and to her)
...The band's growing apart (Yoko created a strain by being in the recording studio)


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2011, 05:02:04 AM »

A lot of the reasons of a Beatle break-up reflect back on Yoko and I'm starting to re-think my opinion on this matter and am beginning to feel that she really was the main reason for the break-up...
Here are some of those reasons....

...Lennon's disinterest in the band brought about by heroin use (Yoko got Lennon on heroin.)
...Lennon's decision to bring in Allen Klein (Yoko highly endorsed Klein --"I like Americans.")
...Dissension in the band (Yoko insisted on being in the recording sessions)
...Moving away from Paul (Yoko pushed Lennon to stray from Paul and to her)
...The band's growing apart (Yoko created a strain by being in the recording studio)

I have to disagree as these reasons all imply John didn't make any decision for himself and was 100% under Yoko's spell. I don't dispute he was under Yoko's spell. Hey, women have a certain power over men. But I don't buy this as complete. See my list... Some of my reasons are similar, but as much as it would be convenient to blame Yoko, I don't think it is fair.
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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2011, 09:07:28 AM »

A lot of the reasons of a Beatle break-up reflect back on Yoko and I'm starting to re-think my opinion on this matter and am beginning to feel that she really was the main reason for the break-up...
Here are some of those reasons....

...Lennon's disinterest in the band brought about by heroin use (Yoko got Lennon on heroin.)
...Lennon's decision to bring in Allen Klein (Yoko highly endorsed Klein --"I like Americans.")
...Dissension in the band (Yoko insisted on being in the recording sessions)
...Moving away from Paul (Yoko pushed Lennon to stray from Paul and to her)
...The band's growing apart (Yoko created a strain by being in the recording studio)

I don't think it's fair to put the blame entirely on Yoko.
John was a very strong-willed individual when he wanted to be - if he wanted to do something, he went ahead and did it. When Yoko came on the scene he didn't just suddenly turn into a puppy dog who would do whatever he was told.
If John was allowing Yoko to have a big influence over his life then that is what John wanted. It may have been his way of sticking two fingers up at the other Beatles - showing that he has left the "gang" and now has other things going on in his life outside the band.
There had always been tension between John and Paul but that tension had been controlled while Brian was alive - The Beatles had someone to give them some direction during the time they weren't in the studio.
When Brian died, the tensions were still there and there was no longer a unifying influence. For a while things went OK - Paul controlled the MMT idea and John and the others were happy to go along with it; the Maharishi thing was driven by George and John, with Paul happy to play second fiddle.
But the tensions were growing and they finally surfaced with various spats during the White Album sessions. This was before Apple and The Beatles became bogged down in legal arguments.
Perhaps if, after the White Album, they had taken a year off and did their own thing then they may have been able to return to The Beatles and carried on from there - recorded another album or two then taken another sabbatical. Instead, they ploughed straight on into 1969 with the farce that was the Get Back sessions. By this time George had flourished as a songwriter and brought some beautiful songs to the table, only to see them ignored. So the resentment in the band grows. Ringo has gained some recognition as an actor, and he too is seeing that there is life beyond The Beatles.
Bringing in Billy Preston worked well to stabilise things for a while, and it got them through Get Back and into the recording of Abbey Road. But there were, by now, so many outside influences and distractions - not just wives and girlfriends. The business and legal meetings were taking over from the music.
Their relationship as a band had been through some rocky patches, yet they had fixed things up and struggled on. But now things were getting nasty and too many things were said that couldn't be ignored or forgotten. People got hurt and the rift became too big to heal.
So Yoko was a part of the whole mess, but only a part. There was no one factor that could be blamed.
Indeed, going through the whole Beatlemania thing would have been enough to make anyone crazy - it was actually surprising they stayed together as long as they did!!


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2011, 06:37:35 AM »

I think you said that pretty well Peter.


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2011, 11:29:53 AM »

A lot of the reasons of a Beatle break-up reflect back on Yoko and I'm starting to re-think my opinion on this matter and am beginning to feel that she really was the main reason for the break-up...
Here are some of those reasons....

...Lennon's disinterest in the band brought about by heroin use (Yoko got Lennon on heroin.)
...Lennon's decision to bring in Allen Klein (Yoko highly endorsed Klein --"I like Americans.")
...Dissension in the band (Yoko insisted on being in the recording sessions)
...Moving away from Paul (Yoko pushed Lennon to stray from Paul and to her)
...The band's growing apart (Yoko created a strain by being in the recording studio)

John met Yoko, Paul met Linda, they all didnt get on

John wanted to make music/art & do protests with Yoko, Paul wanted to do gigs (the others didnt) then make music with Linda and get her Dad involved

end of Beatles.


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2011, 02:59:53 PM »

it's always interesting (but not surprising) that the breakup issue tends to focus on the forces outside the beatles themselves- yoko, linda, lawyers, no epstein, etc.  while these were all part of the matrix as people have pointed out here, my feeling has always been that the beatles broke up the beatles.

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2011, 09:28:36 PM »

I have to disagree as these reasons all imply John didn't make any decision for himself and was 100% under Yoko's spell. I don't dispute he was under Yoko's spell. Hey, women have a certain power over men. But I don't buy this as complete. See my list... Some of my reasons are similar, but as much as it would be convenient to blame Yoko, I don't think it is fair.
John needed a second mom...Every one of the reasons I posted could have been John's decisions, but as I stated they all trace back to Yoko...(By the way, are you on Facebook)?


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2012, 05:15:17 AM »

All the reasons mentioned in this post are pieces of the puzzle. The death of Brian Epstein was the catalyst. Had Brian lived longer, many of these other issues would not have occurred. I need to add George Harrison's dissatisfaction to the top of the list. George was one unhappy camper for all the usual reasons; few tracks on albums, his long-held hatred toward being a Beatle, being the "quiet" Beatle (when he really should have been called the "overshadowed" Beatle), the lack of respect from George Martin (which Sir George has admitted in hindsight), and more harmonious experiences working with other musicians. George was merely going through the motions during the "Let It Be" sessions. He and John were resignations just waiting to happen.
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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2012, 12:51:54 AM »

it's always interesting (but not surprising) that the breakup issue tends to focus on the forces outside the beatles themselves- yoko, linda, lawyers, no epstein, etc.  while these were all part of the matrix as people have pointed out here, my feeling has always been that the beatles broke up the beatles.
I totally agree with you about if a band breaks up, even though there may be contributing factors not having to do with the actual members themselves, in the end the band makes the final decision. I absolutely hate when people say "it's Yoko's fault the Beatles broke up" because I think that we all know it wasn't just her, sure I have to admit that she played a part in it, but not as gigantic as being the entire reason! I think that Brian's death is one of the bigger reasons, but honestly there's a bunch of reasons that make the whole as we all know. Going back to how the Beatles broke up the Beatles, I feel as though all of the other parts just made them all see that maybe they should just put an end to being a band and split up and go their seperate ways, bands can't last forever anyways. They all were getting annoyed and problems just kept coming, tensions were high and they didn't want to deal with it anymore. I'm probably totally wrong, I was just guessing on what I know and I'm sorry if this isn't accurate  ha2ha I think it would be "funny" if there was an interview where Paul and Ringo could honestly tell their opinions on why they broke up and not sugar coat it, that probably won't ever happen though but it'd be cool.

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2012, 01:40:07 AM »

I totally agree with you about if a band breaks up, even though there may be contributing factors not having to do with the actual members themselves, in the end the band makes the final decision. I absolutely hate when people say "it's Yoko's fault the Beatles broke up" because I think that we all know it wasn't just her, sure I have to admit that she played a part in it, but not as gigantic as being the entire reason! I think that Brian's death is one of the bigger reasons, but honestly there's a bunch of reasons that make the whole as we all know. Going back to how the Beatles broke up the Beatles, I feel as though all of the other parts just made them all see that maybe they should just put an end to being a band and split up and go their seperate ways, bands can't last forever anyways. They all were getting annoyed and problems just kept coming, tensions were high and they didn't want to deal with it anymore. I'm probably totally wrong, I was just guessing on what I know and I'm sorry if this isn't accurate  ha2ha I think it would be "funny" if there was an interview where Paul and Ringo could honestly tell their opinions on why they broke up and not sugar coat it, that probably won't ever happen though but it'd be cool.

Well put, Jema. 

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2012, 12:09:07 AM »

Too much heavy drug use by John caused him to get too far out there, made him too dependant on Yoko & created more distance from the others.  Then when he tried to reassert control by ramming Allen Klein down Pauls throat, well................. Paul finally said that's it.  I quit.

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2012, 11:57:36 PM »

John needed a second mom...Every one of the reasons I posted could have been John's decisions, but as I stated they all trace back to Yoko...(By the way, are you on Facebook)?

no, but yoko is


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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2012, 02:57:25 PM »

no, but yoko is

And so is May Pang, who John should have dumped Yoko for while he had the chance. (Another Yoko slam from me that will probably keep me out of Rock 'n' Roll Heaven someday - I hear John hired Mal as the doorman/bouncer there.)
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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2012, 11:59:38 PM »

And so is May Pang, who John should have dumped Yoko for while he had the chance. (Another Yoko slam from me that will probably keep me out of Rock 'n' Roll Heaven someday - I hear John hired Mal as the doorman/bouncer there.)

I dont understand the hate for Yoko

as soon as he hooked up with Yoko he lost interest in being a beatle, thats not Yoko's fault, its just John changed direction, but Yoko got the blame.

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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2012, 01:49:34 AM »

I agree with the posts I've read about buisness, domestic and leadership problems but... one issue we don't talk about much is the effect the Manson murders must have had on them when that psycopath used some of their best work to commit such a horrible crime. I think if they were on the brink then this may have pushed them over. Aug.8th, 1969 was the day the murders took place and thats basically the end of them as a group.
They didn't talk about it much (nor would I) but it must have been devastating to them.
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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2012, 02:09:25 AM »

I agree with the posts I've read about buisness, domestic and leadership problems but... one issue we don't talk about much is the effect the Manson murders must have had on them when that psycopath used some of their best work to commit such a horrible crime. I think if they were on the brink then this may have pushed them over. Aug.8th, 1969 was the day the murders took place and thats basically the end of them as a group.
They didn't talk about it much (nor would I) but it must have been devastating to them.

The story about Helter Skelter didn't really come out until their trial almost a year later.  I don't feel this was a factor in The Beatles breaking up.  They were on this path in 1968.

I'm not sure The Beatles felt devastated by the Helter Skelter connection either.  I think they were mature enough to recognize that there were crazy people out there who could take a song and twist its meaning around to suit their own mental illness and that sort of behaviour was beyond their control.  I have similar feelings about J.D. Salinger and The Catcher In The Rye.
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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2012, 04:49:47 AM »

I dont understand the hate for Yoko

My feelings about Yoko have nothing to do with all the crap about her being the cause of the Fabs' breakup. George supposedly told her to her face that she "gave off bad vibes", and unfairly or not, I feel those vibes. Not that she is evil or Satan's playmate, just that - to paraphrase Ahme - "She is not what she seems." Personal opinion, nothing more. If she made John happy, more power to her.
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Re: Opinion on why the Beatles broke up?
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2012, 11:57:17 PM »

Does anyone think the early part of 1966 had anything to do with it? They just released Rubber Soul, took a break which was something they never did before and all of a sudden they were different people.

It's like they finally had time to think, "Hey who am I, how did I get here and now that I'm here, what am I doing? I've got all this money now, but..."

And then we all know what kind of year 66 was for them. I think that early break planted the seeds.

"Someone told me a few minutes ago they saw John walking on the street once wearing a button saying "I Love Paul." And this girl said she asked him, "Why are you wearing a button that says ' I Love Paul'? He said "Because I love Paul."
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